Don't know what to do...


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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...I apologise in advance if this turns into a rant!

Me and the OH were rowing a LOT yesterday and I was getting really worked up and emotional as you do when pregnant! We went to bed last night and were talking for a bit, but not long and then he rolls over and announces he's going to sleep. We're still kinda talking though and then I realise he's pretending to be asleep to cut our chat short..! Thi must have been just after 11pm so I rolled over and did my best to get off to sleep. This morning he wakes up and says he's only had 2 hours sleep and it's all MY fault for wanting to talk to him last night even though he was snoring his head off most of the night!

So there's me lying in bed crying (again!) 'cause he's being really off with me and my stomach must have been shaking a bit 'cause little one started kicking me.

I'm now questioning if I even wanna be with my OH at all and what makes life even harder is the fact we live in such a tiny place! I think there may just about be enough room at the end of our bed for a moses basket when little one arrives, but at the moment it looks as though her cot will have to go in the living room between the tv and the sofa! There's no storage space for all the things she's gonna have either! Apparently it's all my fault that the flat is how it is because I have too much stuff! What does he want me to do, throw it in the bin?! I have moved everything I can into storage containers under the bed and in the bottom of my side of the wardrobe, but still a lot of my things sit in boxes in a storage cupboard. He was the one who accepted the flat for both of us (I was at work) and I used to live in a place twice the size of his on my own so it's hard having to live in such a rabbit hutch now and throw so much stuff out.

We did speak on the phone this morning just after he went to work and he apologised for taking it out on me and says he'll call me later, but I've switched my phone off now 'cause I can't stand to speak to him or be around him at the moment. Everything's always my fault. He says the flat is dirty all the time when it isn't. I have to explain every little thing to him all the time and be the one who knows everything and sorts stuff out and it does my head in!

I just wish I had somewhere else to stay at the moment 'cause if I did I'd be there now. Instead I'm sat at home with no money and nowhere to go :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry i can't offer you any advise but i just wanted to send you loads of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun Im terrible with advise but just wanted to give you a massive :hug:
Aww hun, I know it's awful but remember a lot of what you're feeling is down to your hormones :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It sounds like things are getting a bit stressful at home for you and when you're living in a small space it can make it hard to have any time apart when things get tense. Would it be possible to go and stay with a friend or relative for a couple of days. Maybe a couple of days apart would relax the atmosphere a bit?
I hope you get it sorted out with your OH :hug:
Aw hun, its most likely your hormones that are making you feel so down. I hope you get it all sorted :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all the :hug: ! :)

Spoke to OH a little while ago and he said he was sorry for taking things out on me and he knows there's stuff that needs sorting in the flat. He's gonna get back into the decorating and get the place ready for little one. We're also gonna sort our council application as a couple so we can hopefully get moved or exchange with someone ASAP 'cause we can't stay here for long with a baby!

And he's cooking tonight woohoo! :wink:


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