does this mean its over?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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i had a bfp 3 days ago, bit faint but there. today woke up n i was bleeding, not loads but a bit. when i wiped there waas pinky redish blood. does this mean iits definatly over?
not at all hun its very common to have spotting in tri1. if it wasnt heavy and you have no pain just try and relax i know its very hard but im sure all is fine xxxx
thanks hun, i k new it was commen, just not this early, but no tumy ache atm. so fingers crossed x
just been n checked its quite a bit noq, the size of 2-3 50p coin, in 1 big patch =/
just try and relax it could just be implantation bleed xxxx
bleeding is very common in early pregnancy i had it for a week

only time to worry is if heavy bleeding - changing a pad every 20 mins, cramping, passing clots.

at so early on hospitals wont do anything as you cant prevent it if its going to happen, they will just book you in for around 7 wks for a scan - even then not all do it xx
Yeah hun you should ring to get checked out, can never be too careful, good luck x
i agree with the girls hun....have it checked out to be on the safe side.

i'm sure all will be fine tho!

good luck sweetie :hugs:
like the others said, put your mind at rest and give them a call, however early bleeding is common. I had some around 5 weeks and 8 weeks that lasted about 4 days.

FX for you hun :hugs:
its turned into a proper heavy period, blod clots tummy ache the lot :( did a preg test and was negative :(
yeah it must of been. or maybe i cud of piucked it up before it proper attached? i dunoo. i just think of it as natures way, if it wasnt meant to be at this time then so bit it. thanks guys though x

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