Does anyone suffer with bad kidneys?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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I just wondered because I started getting pains in my left kidney about 5 weeks ago, sometimes my kidney suddenly feels really cold and then the pain goes from the left to the right kidney!
I wee normally so no probs there.
Went to the doctors last week and he said he thought it might be an infection, I did a urine sample and he gave me antibiotics. I rang up for my urine results and they said I don't have an infection!
I haven't had any pain since the antibiotics but if it isn't an infection what could it be and why did the antibiotics get rid of it?
I do have a weak liver and both my kidneys are weak but they have never caused me problems before now.
If I was you I would go back to your doctor. At the beginning of december I was admitted to hospital with severe kidney pain and to cut a long story short I had a severe kidney infection wkich I didn't know about and a kidney stone.The result was that I developed septiceamia and was in hospital for 3 weeks partly on intensive care because things were so bad. I am going back into hospital next week for another operation. I don't think you can be too careful about these things, I ignored the symptoms I had and as my doctor told me I am very lucky to be here.
Take Care
It was the same for me, i went to the docs, i was aching all over my body he fobbed me off with it being flu, how bloody wrong could he have been!!! Got rushed to hospital that night by ambulance as i was passing in and out of consousnes sp coz of the pain, they thought it was meningitis but turned out i had an infection in both my kidneys, go back to the docs hun, best to be safe :hug:
I had a urine sample to test for an infection but it was all clear plus the doctor gave me antibiotics when he thought it was an infection.
I have badly scarred kidneys and a reflux and I get kidney pain even when I don't have infections.

It's worse if I come in from the cold or out of a hot shower to the loo. The change in temperatures gives me awful pain.

If you have a weakness there it could just be a grumble if your tests are clear.
I was hospitalised with pylonephritus (sp)? a few years ago and for months and months after I had pain even though they said I was all clear. They found I have 2 uretas (sp)? coming from one of my kidneys though but it doesn't cause me any probs. They just said I need to drink more water, which I don't because I hate it :oops:

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