does anyone know what this means?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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on my green notes the MW has put in the box were it says ENG that it is fixed??? and were it says LIE it says rol, any ideas wat they mean???
I have no idea either, but me being me I would call her and ask her lol
i might do, im not concerned at all just interested!!!!!!! :D
ENG means 'engaged'. Fixed means that the baby's head has engaged and cannot be moved by your MW.

LIE is probably the position the baby is lying in.

ROL means Right occipito lateral. Which means the baby is lying on their mother's right side, head down, with their back facing mother's side.
MattM said:
ENG means 'engaged'. Fixed means that the baby's head has engaged and cannot be moved by your MW.

LIE is probably the position the baby is lying in.

ROL means Right occipito lateral. Which means the baby is lying on their mother's right side, head down, with their back facing mother's side.

:shock: how do you know so much!! my OH keeps talking about the baby being dilated and i keep having to explain its not the baby!!
Fixed probably means that head is engaged so that its not likely to come out of the pelvis now... ROL means Right Occiput Lateral which I think means baby is lay facing ur side towards the right but not certain on that :)

Hope that helps a little!
annem said:
:shock: how do you know so much!! my OH keeps talking about the baby being dilated and i keep having to explain its not the baby!!

haha.. I had a hunch about ENG and LIE and googled them for an accurate answer. :D
thanks guys!!!!!! so if his head is fixed he hopefully cant end up breech or trans!!!! :dance:
MattM said:
ENG means 'engaged'. Fixed means that the baby's head has engaged and cannot be moved by your MW.

LIE is probably the position the baby is lying in.

ROL means Right occipito lateral. Which means the baby is lying on their mother's right side, head down, with their back facing mother's side.

:shock: er..... well im impressed. My OH knows nothing :shakehead:
I'm a nerd. I like to read up about subjects that interest me.

I've tried to learn as much about pregnancy as I can. I'll never be able to experience it first hand so I want to try and understand how it all works.
Why cant my hubby be that interested, he doesnt even ask how the midwife went..... :wall:
MattM said:
I'm a nerd. I like to read up about subjects that interest me.

I've tried to learn as much about pregnancy as I can. I'll never be able to experience it first hand so I want to try and understand how it all works.

:shock: You are a 'one off', your OH is so lucky! My hubby doesn't seem to give a s***!
MattM said:
I'm a nerd. I like to read up about subjects that interest me.

I've tried to learn as much about pregnancy as I can. I'll never be able to experience it first hand so I want to try and understand how it all works.

Good for you! Mhairi's daddy was a bit like that although one day he did try to explain the playdental to me....... :think: :think:

Oh, and when I asked him to get Aptamil at the supermarket the first time I gave Mhairi formula he appeared with a tub of Aptamil and a litre of semi-skimmed "to mix it with". :rotfl: :rotfl:

God love him!
DebbieM you are such a lucky OH hasnt a clue and I dont think it would occur to him to google my maternity notes let alone anyone elses to help them out!
He is worried that I might go into labour before we get our classes as we are having to start them late, and keeps saying 'but how will we know what to do?' :shock:
I am sure we will work it out if it comes to of us has been reading books and this :lol:

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