Do you venture into TTC and the pregnancy section?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I've just upset myself looking at the Tri3 bumpy pics :(

I like looking at them normally but since the failed cycle they seem to make me sad.

It wasn't so much the bumps, but the people who had them... you know, familar names and things. In the time i've got nowhere, maybe even taken some steps backwards, they have these beautiful (well most of them) growing bumps.

I haven't been able to go into ttc really either. I don't recognise anyone anymore and feel a bit redundant posting - like i can't relate. I can just about manage the Am I Pregnant? section.

I know this is a bit of a whinge, but i don't normally have any issues with other people being pregnant and having babies but tonight it felt like i was looking in from the cold outside.

It's just been seeming so hard recently.

Do you ladies still get involved in the other sections or are you more of a recluse?
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:hugs: I'm a total recluse, hardly post anywhere anymore and in complete denial that I was ever in ttc.
Like you, I'm sad inside knowing I was ttc with the lovely ladies in tri 2 and 3. There's always the 'could have been me' feelings, I find it hard sometimes.
I don't really look in ttc anymore, mainly because I don't know anyone anymore. Sometimes I'm absolutely fine with my decision to give up ttc, other times I start to wonder.
:hugs: xx
I know I haven't been here as long as you two but I already feel like this too. People who I came on here with when I was pregnant are now in Tri 3 andit is really upsetting. I also feel ive gone backwards. I don't go into the pregnancy sections at all and the ttc and am I pregnant Im guilty of going in and out very quickly as I have a bit of OCD that doesn't allow me to have unread posts in all these sections. Hope your both ok. Good to see familiar names!
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Hey ladies :wave:

Its your fellow loiterer here :lol:

I go through stages tbh & found that I've been posting more in the GR but tend's to be about myself, selfish I know or it's in the diet thread, my situation at the moment is totally not TTC & won't be for many years

I've also found that with anyone who has got pregnant that we know & are over in Tri 2 & 3, they forget about the girls that are in WTT/TTC/LTTTC don't check in on how we all are but we still check in on them, I know that sounds a bit petty but it's something that annoys me a bit

Hi ladies,

Thought I'd give you all a virtual hug :hug:

I do try to pop in when I'm online but like cosmic , I'm a total recluse on here nowadays.

I havnt forgotten about you ladies though :) xxxx

:hugs: :hugs:

Hope you don't mind me popping in ladies! I never used to go to pregnancy sections, just bob about from ttc to tri1 as that's as far as I normally get. I hope your ok lou! X x x
I look because i'm nosey and have a cry at birth stories or announcements , i occasionally post in TTC and i'm always looking in Am i pregnant, counting how many are etc and weighing out the averages of wether or not it could be me , i get really jealous of other peoples BFP test pics but at the same time i'm happy for them x
I don't mind you girls popping by either, when you feel like it of course. I never found the forum until I was pregnant but wish I'd known about it when i was TTC. I think a lot of girls don't venture back to TTC for fear of upsetting anyone, ESP when we've been there waiting ourselves and know how it feels seeing lots of big bumps everywhere. I do often read posts though and think about you guys and check up to see how your all getting on.
Hey ladies, i do have a nosey every now and again in the pregnancy section but it is hard cause lots of ladies that were TTC when i joined are now in tri 3 or have had their babies. It is sometimes nice to look at bumpy pics but it just upsets me so i dont know why i bother!

Take care

Im so sorry lou, i really feel for u :hugs:
I got my bfp after 2 days on this site so didn't really get to know the ttc ladies, but all my tri 1 friends are now all in tri 2 and I feel left behind. I think it is worse when I think I'm not ttc yet or pregnant yet because I am still bleeding 7 weeks after my mc. I still check in on them in tri 2 but don't post really as I feel so though I shouldn't as I'm not really allowed there! So I don't know where I really belong in the forum but the little addict in me keeps me checking up on everyone.

I'm also like laurat, I hate seeing bold unread posts within the sections I go into so have to check them all! Xx
I'm going into the ttc forums less and less. It's the same questions all the time which is understandable as there's new people all the time, but the excitement has well and truly passed for me.

I can't face the am I pregnant forum except when I'm in my 2ww and I rarely make it into bfp announcements. I'm so excited when people are going through the last few days and I'm thrilled when they get their bfps, but I feel so left behind...

I've never ventured into the pregnancy forums. It feels like peeking ahead in the book of life!
I am feeling the same way Lou :hugs:

I think apart from Chaz, Babylover and Bead I am one of the oldest members still stuck in TTC!!!

People who were around with me are now moving on to their number two's ..... and I still havent even got my number one!! :cry:

I havent been around much as I have found myself becoming quite bitter like when someone who has been in TTC for a minute announces their BFP, or I see another "First time lucky Post" :wall2:

I know its just the bitterness of being LTTTC and not me being a bad person ... I used to be a really happy positive person before TTC .... its insane what it can do to you.

I do occasionally look in the Tri sections but its mainly to check up on some of the ladies who I have become friends with and to see how they are doing.

These days I usually avoid the TTC section as I see all the posts about being positive and this is our month and it reminds me of when I first joined and how excited and happy I was ... if only I knew then!!

So LTTTC is where I have resided which often feels like the section that PF forgot!!!

God I am sooooo depressing ... sorry girls!!!
Hi Lou,

Big :hugs: for you!

I don't go in TTC as there's not much point as it's mainly new faces getting to know the ropes and post subjects I've been over loads of times.

I do go in pregnancy to check up on friends from TTC and they sometimes pop in here too which is nice.

I love the excitement of - Am I Pregnant, so go in there quite a bit, so I'm usually either here or there.

I have to say for me if anyone ever want's to come and chat in LTTTC as they are finding things tough and don't feel they belong in TTC but feel they shouldn't because they've only been trying for X amount of time then you're more than welcome to join us here. :friends:

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i know how you feel lou i normally stick to the girlies room Im in a kind of 2ww at the mo due to stupid tablets but i cant even relate to it to be honest. I have peeked into other sections but i do find myself a little sad after x
I totally agree with everything that's been said. I never usually go in TTC anymore because as everyone's said, there's a huge wave of new faces that I don't know and like someone else said, the novelty of TTC has worn off and now I'm starting the process with the doctors, I feel a million miles from TTC.

I do sometimes go in the Tri sections but find it extremely hard and I get very jealous - most of the ladies I met when I joined have flown through the Tri's and had their babies or are in one of the Tri sections so like others on here, I feel left behind too. It's like being in a ridiculously long queue and always being the last one there and everyone else going through the express lane. :rolleyes:

It's hard, cos I don't enjoy feeling jealous and I so badly wish I was there too.

Vicky - I totally and completely relate with your feelings of bitterness about the "first time lucky" and one minute ttc the next bfp etc... It's really bloody hard to see even though I'm happy for them because I know how painful it is to be TTC for so long with no success that I wouldn't want anyone to go through that... I'd just rather we all went to Tri 1 together! :love:

I'm still friends with the ladies I met when I joined, and wish them nothing but the best but my heart aches when I see their tickers and I know that by the time they've got their beautiful babies, I'll still be lurking in LTTTC and that makes me feel pretty sad. :cry:

x x
Yep ^^wss
I know exactly how you feel! I used to go into the tri's and the ttc and bfp sections. Now I only have a look in the bfp or am I pregnant sections to see if anyone I know has had any good news - other than that Im just not bothered. Like you say - theres loads of new faces asking all the same old questions, and you just know that most of them will get pg really quickly.

It does make me feel sad, and a bit jealous.

I also think that theres a really lovely group of girls here at the moment, with Nurse and Maybe and you Lou, and loads of others that really makes the LTTTC the best place! All we need now is a mass exodus when we all move to tri1 together ;)
Totally agree Naomi! It'd be amazing if we all graduated together! :yay: x
I've got everything crossed for you girls, you deserve it soooooooo much & it would be absolutely amazing if you did all go through together

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