Are you TTC? - Do you lie?

Only my close family know, so my sisters and my mum plus a couple of others. They don't ask about it very often due to my cycles but this particular cycle has them all buzzing - everyone seems to think I'm pregnant! :rolleyes:

If this is our BFP, we're not going to tell anyone til the 12 week mark and we've had the scan etc. :)

x x
We haven't told anybody and gonna keep it that way until 13 weeks.
Ive told 2 friends and that it cos I know from experience that as soon as you say your trying you will be constantly asked when you see them (ive done it in the past!) My mother will be sooooo excited as shes been nagging for ages normally tell her most stuff but not on this occasion. Dont want the pressure!!
Definately not telling anyone. I get asked all the time if/ when I'll have kids even by clients at work who I don't know on a personal level at all. I don't know how people feel they have the right to ask. I'd keep the entire pregnancy secret if I had the option!!
I have told my best friend and regret it! She got pregnant in her first month of ttc, and I we always planned to be pregnant together. Now, it's almost as she is afraid to talk about babies with me cause she's afraid of ofending me.

I wish nobody knew! And when other people ask, I lie. "its not the right time yet" etc..
I told 90% of people I know we were TTC & everyone knows it's on hold for now & I'll tell the same people when we start again

We're not planning on telling anyone but I have a feeling that I may have to tell my boss even though I REALLY REALLY don't want to. We've got an overseas event at the end of this year and she's planning on me going but hopefully I'll be pregnant by then. Bit of a dilemma because she's got a massive gob and will tell everyone but just tell them to keep it a secret.
I've only talked about it with a couple of close friends whoi are in the same boat as us (i.e. old and TTC for the first time). Luckily all other family and friends gave up on us having kids years ago. Not really their fault they think that because neither of us are kid centric. But the thought of having our own is kinda special. There's a fair few who will be very surprised by a PG announcment from me. I wouldn't tell anyone until I hit the 2nd trimester anyway including my Mum. She really is very nosey, gossipy and wouldn't be able to keep it to herself. Also I don't see it as a lie just nobody elses business.
I tell everyone and anyone if they ask.

I don't want it to turn into this elephant in the room because that would be more stressful to me than people asking.

If you are married and don't have any children, it is always going to be the first thing people ask you about anyway.

The answer isn't as important to them, so just tell them whatever you feel like - it doesn't matter.

Now that it's going to take a while i kind of tell them that we are just seeing how it goes, no rush, and then i give them a look of surprise of them seeming so urgent :)

It makes me feel good, other people wanting me to have children.

I do, however, lie about IVF but that is because most people don't know what they are talking about anyway - my grandma made a comment about it being ok for rich people because they can choose when they have kids and i could do with less of those comments.
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