Do you have a Christmas Eve ritual???


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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At home we were always allowed to open up one present from under the tree before bed.

We'd leave a carrot for the raindeer, mince pie and milk for Santa ( oh how magical it was as a kid when you believed).

Then on Christmas day we wake to find big stockings at the end of our beds which wed open and eat chocolate at 5 in the mornings :lol:

We'd then go down to find a big pile of presents each which we would open and then we would open the rest of the presents from under the tree.

It was so magical that this is exactly how im going to do it myself.

What about you ladies???
We always go and visit my granny who lives about 30 miles away, then in the evening we go to the cinema and have fish & chips on the way home. Then leave some food out for Santa :) This year we may go to Sundown Adventure land to meet santa and visit granny on xmas day
HappyAlice said:
We always go and visit my granny who lives about 30 miles away, then in the evening we go to the cinema and have fish & chips on the way home. Then leave some food out for Santa :) This year we may go to Sundown Adventure land to meet santa and visit granny on xmas day[/quote

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: How exciting, have fun :cheer:
I like to go shopping on xmas eve and people watch :lol: I've already finished my shopping but like to pick up little things and laugh at everyone panick buying :lol: I'm evil ;) Probably won't do it this year unless I leave Finlay with someone.

Don't really have a ritual. Normally go to my parents for a bit then go home and do last minute wrapping and watch a xmas film

Will probably all change as Finlay grows up
Christmas mass at church!!! Not christmas til you go and sing lots of fab chrimbo songs! :)

When I was little our tradition was to go to my Gran's and put up the xmas tree :) All the family and grandkids went, we had a big meal then all put it up and then we would sing chrimbo songs round the piano... I used to love it!! I always got to but the star on top of the tree as I was the youngest grandchild!
we were allowed one pressie which was always new pj's.

Then we were allowed ONE choc off the tree and we settled with toast and milk to watch a movie.

we put out the carrot and stuff for santa too!
For me it's still a weird one - in Germany Christmas is all about Christmas Eve. That's the day the tree goes up (at least in my family), and when you get the presents. My parents always go to church after putting up the tree (I don't go to church, being atheist), then there was some carol singing, my dad reads out the christmas story out of the family bible (my granddad used to do it when I was little), and then there'll be the presents, then dinner.

Over here, when spending Christmas with the bloke's family, we all (i.e. his sister, her husband and little son, and the bloke and me) will have a meal together on Christmas Eve, and the bloke introduced the ritual of the silly present (a small, not expensive silly present) at the dinner table. There's no mince pie or carrot ritual at the moment, but no doubt that'll be introduced when the kids are old enough to grasp it.

We're alternating between Germany and the UK at Christmas, so our kid has to get used to two different styles Christmas. Personally, I prefer the UK way, it's much more relaxed and less stern then how my parents do it. It might be down to the individual families, though, I guess.
We have carols in round our village square each Christmas Eve at 6.30pm. The local pub brings out mulled wine and mince pies and its just so Christmassy. We went last year with DD in the sling and had a lovely time. Unfortunately we won't be at home for Christmas this year, and I'll really miss taking part in this tradition, I think this may be the last year we go away from home.

We then leave out a mince pie, some whisky and a carrot for Santa and Rudolf and head to bed.

From this forum, I've learnt about a lovely idea of giving your child new pjs on Christmas Eve all wrapped up as a gift. I've bought lovely warm flannel pjs for DD this year and will be opening them with DD on Christmas Eve and every Christmas Eve to follow.

Valentine Xxx
We always go shopping in the morning then get home put a film on and have a huge dinner and open a tin of chocolates.

Then we all get in out new PJ's and chill out till bed time, put carrots and mince pie's out get the kids in bed and have a few drinks before bed. Putting 1 presant on the kids beds before we go to bed so they have something to open 1st thing.
this yr i will be working in the morning
then go get Bray from nursery at 4 wen it closes then we will make cheese straws :D
and prepare the veg etc for xmas day
then we will have a BBQ :D watch a film and then leave the stuff for santa out :D

and dad will get is with the whole -OMG santa's flying past look girls. and we will run to look and guess wot there will be nooo santa :wall: :wall: every year he gets us
HappyAlice said:
We always go and visit my granny who lives about 30 miles away, then in the evening we go to the cinema and have fish & chips on the way home. Then leave some food out for Santa :) This year we may go to Sundown Adventure land to meet santa and visit granny on xmas day

Oooh I love Sundown but haven't been at Christmas yet!

This year we are going up to my mums on Christams Eve for a little buffet for Brody and his cousins. :D Brody will be getting his Christmas PJ's on Christmas Eve too :D
valentine said:
We have carols in round our village square each Christmas Eve at 6.30pm. The local pub brings out mulled wine and mince pies and its just so Christmassy. We went last year with DD in the sling and had a lovely time. Unfortunately we won't be at home for Christmas this year, and I'll really miss taking part in this tradition, I think this may be the last year we go away from home.

We then leave out a mince pie, some whisky and a carrot for Santa and Rudolf and head to bed.

From this forum, I've learnt about a lovely idea of giving your child new pjs on Christmas Eve all wrapped up as a gift. I've bought lovely warm flannel pjs for DD this year and will be opening them with DD on Christmas Eve and every Christmas Eve to follow.

Valentine Xxx

This sounds so lovely! I want to live where you live :D
Normally it is get as drunk as possible. :oops: :shakehead:

This year it will be watching Christmas films with a cuppa :angel:
Cos DH is Finnish... we have always celebrated xmas eve with them, as its when Finnish people celebrate xmas... Xmas day is more like our boxing day.

We have a huge traditionally Finnish meal where they drink a lot of alcohol, sing drinking songs and open presents. (apparently Santa Claus being Finnish favours the Finns and delivers their presents first :rotfl: )

This year I don't know. DH wants to celebrate it at our house the same way with all the family... but his family will probably want to do it at their place for various reasons and I can see things getting a little heated as it will be lil miss' first xmas :?
SarahH said:
Christmas mass at church!!! Not christmas til you go and sing lots of fab chrimbo songs! :)

That's what we do! I go to the 6pm mass with all my family and we bring Amber, as it's the children's mass. They can go up and see the Manger & the adults light the candles, and everyone sings christmas songs!

Everyone will be coming back to ours for a while after the mass & I'll get out some goodies, likes peanuts and nibbles, and everyone will probably have a baileys (apart from the person that has to drive home!) When they're gone and it's just the 3 of us, we'll watch a christmas film & open up one present each, then we will leave out a mince pie & glass of whiskey for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph! :D
I used to go shopping in the morning with my mum and then in the evening walk the dog and look at everyone's decs before having a long shower and watching xmas tv before bed. Then I met dh and we used to go out every xmas eve and get drunk :lol: but now we've got our own place and Aaron is really excited about xmas so we'll have to set up a new ritual for xmas eve. It'll probably involve baking cookies for santa and watching an xmas film before a nice bath and bed. Also a trip over the park as long as it isn't raining!
I have a few friends over for nibbles and drinks, before the boys go to bed they put out a drink for Father Christmas and mince pie and a carrot. Then when they're asleep I fill the lounge up with the presents. The final part of our ritual is OH having a fit when he sees how much I've bought. :shhh:
Urchin said:
I have a few friends over for nibbles and drinks, before the boys go to bed they put out a drink for Father Christmas and mince pie and a carrot. Then when they're asleep I fill the lounge up with the presents. The final part of our ritual is OH having a fit when he sees how much I've bought. :shhh:
sounds like me, once i start buying i can't stop! Today I've put in a second big order at that hawkins website you recommended ages ago on another thread - i love it! :D
Our xmas eve is kids bath, then they open one prezzie (always PJ's) they put on their new jammies then get in bed with new sheets etc on the bed, Oh and we hang the "santa" key on the front door for him lol
In the day Im usually shopping lol! Last minute dash! Then last minute wrapping when the kids are asleep! :lol:
something we'll have to stop once the baby is here is we open our pressies 1 second after midnight cos we can't wait!
We put them out in our piles around 7pm and then sit there having a feel of them.

For us it's all about the presents!!!

Then around 12.15 my mum will ring to tell us wjhat they got as she is just as bad as us!

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