Do waters break as a trickle or a gush?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I am not sure what's happening but think either I have really thin DC or poss the start of my waters breaking? I had been to the toilet and then was up walking around and there was quite a lot of watery leakage on my pad. it's not constantly flowing but just wondering if this could be the start or just lots of thin DC? Can't be pee as deffo emptied my bladder on loo. What do u think? Xx
Mine trickled out over a few hours so it could well be. Have you actually felt it coming out? Might be worth giving hospital a call and asking them. Eek hope it is xx
It's very annoying isnt it! I keep being paranoid that mine are 'trickling' I have the sensation of it, but then nothing on the pad. I keep assuming I will lose plug first?

I wish it was more like on tv where its like a balloon bursting over your feet, embarrasing but at least you would know!
I have felt fluids coming out but as star fish says no plug before or with it and it's clear so it must be DC....oh well we'll see. Not holding out my hope really but we'll see. Xxx
I know as of yesterday it can be a trickle or a gush, and it doesn't always need blood or plug :S I assumed it would! xx
Mine trickled hun!! :D
I was expecting a huge gush but nope. Up until about an hour before Grace was born I was still trickling waters.
I went for a wee when I first noticed my waters leaking. There was water coming out after I urinated :)
Good luck!! xxx
Oh thanks for letting me know Tiff.....hope u r well and enjoying grace xxxx
Off to hospital to get checked over as I am GBS +ve so they need to know if it's my waters breaking or not. Have been told to bring overnight bag just in case...will keep u updated if I can xxxx
Good luck Hun! Mine were broken for me and it was literally like a tidal wave :shock: x
Good Luck they will know best at hospital - im fine i couldn't feel mine at all like you can when you wee, I actually walked and felt the couch to see if it was something i had sat in lol x
Not my waters :-( just a lot of watery discharge! Oh dear me! The midwife did have a wiggle around up there so hopefully might start things off there. Also there's a chance induction can be booked for Thursday and not Xmas eve (even though I don't want to be induced) which is better than being in over Xmas and having an Xmas day baby.
I hope you get the earlier date if things dont kick off but hopefully it will xx
Knowing my luck I will be the numpty who's waters explodes in the middle of Asda or something! x

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