Do u like your oh/dh's mum?


she is a total cow she has never liked me i have never been good enough for garry even tho wen she chucked him out me and my family was the only 1's who looked after him and god wen i fell pregnant with braydon i was every name under the sun and i was ruining her sons life etc and with the twins it was a living nitemare and wen i miscarried all she had to say on the matter was GOOD :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: COW :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
my MIL has mental health issues so she doesn't really know who me or the kids are. She lives just around the corner from us but we only see her a couple of times a year. I guess i don't like or dislike her, but I HATE her for what she put Stuart through as a kid, even though I know it wasn't really her fault.

Daniel has told me he's not getting married cos I'll be the MIL from hell :twisted: :shock:

tracy xx
tracyM said:
Daniel has told me he's not getting married cos I'll be the MIL from hell :twisted: :shock:

Blimey, that's something to think about. One day we'll all be someones MIL!!!!! :shock: :lol:
I guess mines is ok in some ways but she is so 2 faced its unreal. When me and my oh first met 5 yrs ago i fell pregnant first time so as u can guess it didnt go down to well with his parents so his mum took the huff and never spoke to me untill adele was born prematurley. Afeter all the arguments while i was pregnant her saying she didnt want anything to do with the baby bla bla bla she bought her everything when she was born i couldnt believe how 2 faced she was being after stamping her feet saying she wanted nothing to do with her.
Anyway this time round im pregnant and due in 2 weeks time ok we didnt tell them i was pregnant till new years day as so much was going on with his dad having to go for heart surgery and stuff but finally told them and then she started again saying all the stuff she said when i was pregnant with adele just wish i could slap hera nd tell her to shut up but im sure once i have the baby she will soon change her
My MIL is fantastic! She often cooks for us when she is cooking something nice and she cooks us sunday lunch every sunday she is great lol

My MIL is ok we dont see her a lot! Due to certain circumstances (i.e his mum bootin him out for not likin her b/f which dint bother him incase she ever reads this lol!)
oh classes his nan more as his mum and she is great!!!


Ya i like her she lives 7 hours away so we only see her about once or twice a year.
well mine is lovely, which is great as my mum is over 300 miles away and she annoys the hell out of me :lol:

She cooks sunday lunch every sunday, she has offered to have Jack if I go back to work (even if I go full time) and I can even talk to her about her son as she knows what a pain he can be!!! :shock:
My mother-in-law is like my second mum, I get on really well with her and she doesnt get involved in our relationship well at least not for the last seven years.

she likes a good coffee and gossip and can chat me under the table at any time :lol:

Shes great and I couldnt have wished for a better MIL

My MIL and FIL came round last night to give us the cheque for the pushchair. :lol: About 10 mins after they left, SIL and her OH came round to lend me a hard drive with the first series of Battlestar Galactica on (only watched one episode of the 2nd series, thought it was great, but didn't understand anything!!!).

Anyway, I said to SIL, you've just missed your mum. To which she replied "Thank God we didn't come 10 minutes ago then, she's doing my nut in at the minute. Always sticking her nose in where it's not wanted!"

So it's not just me. Even her own daughter thinks she is too opinionated!!!! :lol: :lol:
tankett said:
My MIL and FIL came round last night to give us the cheque for the pushchair. :lol: About 10 mins after they left, SIL and her OH came round to lend me a hard drive with the first series of Battlestar Galactica on (only watched one episode of the 2nd series, thought it was great, but didn't understand anything!!!).

Anyway, I said to SIL, you've just missed your mum. To which she replied "Thank God we didn't come 10 minutes ago then, she's doing my nut in at the minute. Always sticking her nose in where it's not wanted!"

So it's not just me. Even her own daughter thinks she is too opinionated!!!! :lol: :lol:

lol i bet you feel better now
When we announced we were getting married, SIL offered to pay us to have a baby to get her mum off her back about having grandchildren!!!!

I know this is her first and she is sooo excited, but there are limits. She even had the nerve last night to tell me off for buying a steriliser! I told her about the nightmare I had with my daughter, but she wouldn't listen. She was adamant I should try to BF and then buy the steriliser after if it didn't work. She went as far as offering to take it back to Mothercare for me!! :shock:
tankett said:
I know this is her first and she is sooo excited, but there are limits. She even had the nerve last night to tell me off for buying a steriliser! I told her about the nightmare I had with my daughter, but she wouldn't listen. She was adamant I should try to BF and then buy the steriliser after if it didn't work. She went as far as offering to take it back to Mothercare for me!! :shock:

Eeeek that's a bit much. I got on OK last time I breastfed, but still bought a steriliser and a few cartons of milk/bottles etc this time around because you just don't know how it's going to go. Imagine even if you wanted to breastfeed and couldn't and you get home from hospital with not bottles or steriliser or anything! Nightmare!
tankett said:
I know this is her first and she is sooo excited, but there are limits. She even had the nerve last night to tell me off for buying a steriliser! I told her about the nightmare I had with my daughter, but she wouldn't listen. She was adamant I should try to BF and then buy the steriliser after if it didn't work. She went as far as offering to take it back to Mothercare for me!! :shock:

HAHA thats well funny I bet you wanted to rip her head off!! And I cant believe she is telling you all this like you are a first time mum! xxx
i like mine she lives in belfast and were in liverpool. She has only been to our house once in the past two years, so i can cope with her.
And when we go there she always has chocolate in the house
were getting married in june next year so my oppinion might change nearer the time :lol:
i totaly cant stand mine... she is a fruit cake..... freaks me out!!!!!!!! :shock:

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