Unreliable babysitting - how to talk to mum?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I work 4 days a week. My mum takes him for two days and the nursery two.

Problem is my mum's health has been patchy of late and she's not always able to have him. My dad's just rang to say she's sick again. This means me or OH will have to stay home again tomorrow. Neither of us works at big companies; our absence is felt and begrudged and I hate letting them down.

I know it's not my mum's fault. She loves having Stanley and they have a whale of a time together. I could stretch to 3 nursery days, although I don't think that's great for Stanley or my purse, but how do I tell her?
I think you are just going to have to be frank and honest with her. Set days at nursery probably isnt going to do stanley any harm and it keeps him in a set routine. He can see your mum at other times.

Its not like you are stopping her seing him but you have to be practical about your job.

I hope it goes well. :D
It's a shame that your nursery won't take Stanley at short notice if your Mum is poorly, that would really help matters and you would only use it if you needed it. Although I'm guessing that they have other children booked in on the days that he isn't there.

I think a short and tactful chat with your Mum can't be avoided, would it be worth suggesting that maybe your Dad could help out with the babysitting if your Mum was feeling well, if he doesn't work.

Is there any opportunity to make up your hours at different times if you have to take time off? Or maybe put in place a work from home setup for you or your OH in case needed?

Hope you get it sorted :hug:
Sorry I can't help, I do hope you find something that works so everyone's happy, and like others have said, I'm sure your Mum will understand if you explain things to her. Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am afraid that I have no advice, but understand how difficult it can be to juggle work and family...just wanted to give some hugs. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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