Do i start weaning her?


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Well faith is 4 months now and i think she is showing signs of being ready to be weaned!

She has started waking at night for the last week for feeds she is waking every 3 hours and has 5 ozs!
She has taken a huge intrest in me and partner when we eat!!
During the day she is on the bottle all the time every hour taking about 3-4 ozs!!

Im so nervous about weaning her because of the choking spells she has had and the hospital trips ive been on!!

Does she sound ready???? :?
Sounds like it to me, I started my daughter at 16 weeks as she was having about 42 oz a day of hungry baby milk! Try her with a little (about teaspoon) of plain baby rice mixed with her formula at teatime and see how you go from there.
Jen79 said:
Sounds like it to me, I started my daughter at 16 weeks as she was having about 42 oz a day of hungry baby milk! Try her with a little (about teaspoon) of plain baby rice mixed with her formula at teatime and see how you go from there.

yes i second that, good luck. :hug:
I thought Jake was ready to be weaned around this age but I put it off and I think it must have been a growth spurt or something as he stopped waking after a while. I then started weaning Jake at 5 1/2 months. It is up to you but maybe wait for a week and see if she is still waking or not.
I agree with Gemma, this age is a big developmental stage and her feeding pattern could well change after a few days! I say this because Fin has been the same on and off for a few weeks. He has settled down now and feeding is back to as it was before (apart from the all new teething situation lol!) :D
Finley has been having 6x 6oz feeds a day and now started waking through the night and having 6oz too and still being hungry, ive put it off for as long as i can but now hes getting more and more hungry ive decided to bite the bullet

if shes only taking 4-5oz try giving her 6 and see if it helps a bit more, 4-5oz aint that much really is it?

or maybe my son is just a hungry horace :lol:

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