
lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I just had the HV round to discuss weaning!
I asked her about the 6 month thing obviously my others weaned at 4 months! She told me yes that's the new guidelines etc but its mainly to do with child obesity so the government put the weaning age to 6 months as research shown that babies who began feeding later were less likely to be obese! She told me to get some baby rice in and introduce it anytime from 4 months as before!
Is this something you all got told too or is is because I already have children and she knew they would have been weaned at 4 month ish!?

It is unfair though to tell parents that it is because the child cannot digest food properly if its just to tackle obesity!?
Why not just say that?
Also, i know some people who think " oh she is 3 months shes not much different than 4 months.." etc so do you think it is also to discourage that?!

Im just wondering what you views are on it all really!
I know I will be weaning Lola-Mae when I know she is ready whether it be 4 or 6 months!
we had to start weaning early, and now at just under 6 months he is up to 3 meals a day of a fruit and veg each meal, i could not have survived waiting til 6mths as even with that amount of food he still doesnt sleep through the night. i really wished he could have held out as i wanted to try BLW but now we've started, i'm happy to continue with the puree route. he was showing all the signs of needed food early and wasn't putting on weight so we were advised to start early
That was always the sugns they told you to look for and when they are ready then give them food! Now its changed?! Now they say up the milk? I tried that with my others to begin with and they just puked! Bellies full to the brim of milk and still crying for more!
I think your HV should find out the reason it is 6 months ;)
beanie said:
I think your HV should find out the reason it is 6 months ;)
Yeah but that's kinda my point too! If she is right and all the rest is just propaganda put there by the government, that's unfair isn't it!? :think:

Not saying it is, just wondering aloud I guess?!
My understanding is that it has benefits in reducing obesity, allergies, eczema and asthma. I think it's based on research from the world health organisation. I would have a look at the information provided by them and then decide what you want to do. I suppose there will always be differing opinions but if you have a look at the research you can decide what what you think is best. I weaned my first child at 4 months and didn't have any problems but I think I'll wait til 6 months this time. If waiting can reduce the risks of some illnesses then personally I think it's worth it. I think it's one of those topics where you will never get everyone to agree so you just have to do what you're comfortable with! Good luck x
lea m said:
beanie said:
I think your HV should find out the reason it is 6 months ;)
Yeah but that's kinda my point too! If she is right and all the rest is just propaganda put there by the government, that's unfair isn't it!? :think:

Not saying it is, just wondering aloud I guess?!

The current guidelines are out in place by the World Health Organisation and our governement has no influence over them - so I think its highly unlikely that the WHO are sending out propaganda to prevent all the children in the world being overweight. It frightens me that some HV's have so little knowledge about the guidelines and why they are in place, I have heard some say its because of the 3rd world countries and their lack of access to nutricious foods, or that it is because when it was 4 months most mums weaned at 3, so they have put it up to 6 to stop this. Historically babies were weaned at a much later age then they are now, then partly as a result of imposed feeding scedules etc this age has come down. now research is discovering that weaning early can be harmful and increase the risks of allergies, digestive problems and obesity - some people will use weaning as a way of filling up their baby not as a way of introducing them to tastes and textures. hv'S SHOULD GIVE OUT THE CORRECT INFO SO MUMS CAN MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION. oops scuse caps, cally pressed the caps lock
I agree! HV should know all the facts and present them so!
I wonder if she is different with new mums though? KWIM ? Do you think they tell new mums different than mums who have already weaned their previous children at 4 months?!
lea m said:
I agree! HV should know all the facts and present them so!
I wonder if she is different with new mums though? KWIM ? Do you think they tell new mums different than mums who have already weaned their previous children at 4 months?!
When Seren was 14 weeks I was encouraged by my HV to wean her so she would sleep through the night - :roll: . Weaning classes I went to all put 17 weeks as the minimum age. I have no experience of having a weaning talk the second time round because I hardly see my HV and the only HV I spoke to about weaning is one at our breastfeeding cafe who is very much up in favour of exclusive breastfeeding etc. Perhaps they are saying different things as perhaps some mums think "well my eldest was weaned at 4 months and has been fine" and they might not be aware of why the research has changed (saying that it isn't a recent thing as it has been around for the last few years)
They must know - it's about 5 years since the guidance changed in this country. When my daughter was a baby the guidance was just starting to come out and a lot of people seemed to think it only applied to 3rd world countries (and only to breastfed babies) but that definately seems to have changed now. Our HVs in my area are very much in favour of waiting til 6 months - or at least encouraging you to make an informed decision if you decide to wean early. I suppose it's a fair point that if a mother (not you personally) weaned previous children at 4 months they may be more likely to do it again. However, in my opinion, everyone should be given the same up to date info and then be allowed to make up their own mind x
Ive never been encouraged to wean to make them sleep! But thats because I have such lazy little babies heehee
Its weird I was never told anything about the new guidelines with my daughter (Lucy) yet when I have been researching it, apparently the "new" guidelines came in around 2001! She was born begining of 2002! :think:

EDIT : I wrote that at 11am this morning and didnt post?!

ITA mumtotwo!
i was never encouraged to wean early to get him to sleep either, i would have loved to have held out for the 6 months and tried upping his milk but was ending up practically constantly feeding him during the day and through the night. i started with one new food every week, hopefully i haven't done any damage to his digestive system
Your HV's sound better then mine, her answer to everyhting was either weaning or letting her cry :roll: Thankfully I didn't listen to her
Just to add our peadatrican said that the who advice states that babies are ready between 3-6 months physically to accept food. Normally when the digestive system is ready, babies show outward signs that they are ready. Problems can occur when babies are weaned before they are ready.

The advice naturally has to cover every baby, so basically every baby is ready to wean at 6 months.

Obviously babies are not ready at 3-4 months for BLW and its best to wait to nearer 6 months, and obviously air on the side of caution and speak to a professional etc.

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