Do I need to worry about this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Ok....just checking....
Over the past few weeks I have felt LO moving quite a lot and the movements have been pretty strong. Over the past few days however, they seem to be less frequent and definately less strong. The movements seem to be more like rolls than kicks and punches. I am still feeling her move so I am not panicking too much. Do I need to call the MW and ask or is it normal?

BTW am 25w + 4d - keep meaning to get a ticker sorted! :oops:
Hi there,

this is my first so I dont know much about your stage yet! But I would have thought as long as you can feel movement everything is ok?
I'm sure someone will come along and have better advice than me, but I think if you are worried just give your midwife a call to put your mind at rest.. :hug: :hug:
Yeh hun try not to worry! If your still feeling her then she will be fine!! :D
She had probably turned around! In a few days I bet shes back to booting you!! :lol:
i would say that she has just changed position, as lea said you will be feeling her strong again soon enough its when you dont feel her at all you need to call your midwife asap.
Exact same thing has happened to me!!! I still get big thumps but not very often - i can still feel little things so I am assuming it's all ok. But I have had a couple of days at a time where i felt very little.
The first time I went to the MW in a panic and she checked heartbeat for me. She said not to worry - it's only further on you would expect to be feeling things a lot of the time.
HTH!! :hug: :hug:
Funny ive had the same thing over this weekend
Bubba had been kicking the crap outta me and i spent hours watching my belly move :oops: , but now i'm sure he's kicking my bowels and insides, i can feel it but very differently

I'm not worrying though, think he's just turned over
Ah...thanks girls. Me being usual worrier. LO has been moving more today, although the movements are still faint. I only just realised I have a MW appointment tomorrow (damn that pregnancy brain!) so I'm going to check it out with her as well.

Thanks for the replies everyone

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