Do i look too BIG??

I'm not sure anyone can look too big only too small, but you look fine to me - I think people just say things to annoy us or scare us for no good reason!
The woman in my local shop after finding out I'm pregnant went on to tell me how she was surprised her husband didn't leave her cos of the size she was, how she had to be cut front and back and other not so nice images! I came out thinking wtf? :shakehead:
Your perfect! so stop worrying! :wink:

I think your bump is quite a round shape though so that's maybe what people are seeing and mistaking it for being huge iykwim. Its a lovely bump!
Honey you look lovely pregnant, I just think some women don't think before they speak and actually forget how big they were when they were pregnant!

You are stunning in your wedding pic my love and yes the boobies are fab

I think you look gorgeous Sara, dont pay any attention to those silly heads!!!!

And as for the boobs..... im jealous!!!! :rotfl:
Hi Sara

What a perfect bump you have. Take no notice of what anyone else says. You look fantastic!!

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