Big baby bump


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Just wondered if anyone else has had this happen? I hid my bump until 12 weeks and then at 16 it was obvious. I am 21 weeks and everyone is saying I already look huge. This happenned with Abigail and its starting all over again. This time I am eating well and exercising more so trying not to gain loads of extra weight.

Then yesterday I told one of my friends I am having a boy and she said 'ah I wondered why you were so big!' I honestly think its because I am only 5ft 2 and unsually a size 10 and I like to where fitted clothes that show of my baby bump (or I would look like a sack of potatoes!). I have another friend who is also pregnant at 15 weeks and doesn't have much of a bump, but she is about 5ft 6. Has anyone else experienced this?? Is it because I am small?
everyone is diffrerent hun.

they say you get bigger with your second child as the muscles have already been stretched.

its just the luck of the draw. i know someone who is a week ahead of me in dates, and she is HUGE. she looks ready to drop any day now.
Don't worry about it. Everywhere I go people comment on my size. When I was only 18 weeks I was told I looked like the picture of the woman at 32 weeks in my pregnancy book and I've had the take away curry man ask me if I'm overdue and trying to bring on the birth :lol: I think it depends on your body shape. I was also only a size 10 to start and I haven't put on lots of weight - it is apparently because I have a small pelvis that it's all going out the front. Maybe you've got the same.
Hi abbiesmummy

Don't worry about it, it's probably because you are so small. I gained loads of weight with Molly, but I gained all over. With Aimee I gained very little weight and carried it all at the front. Everybody kept saying I was having a boy because I just looked like I had a huge bump, yet I was actually smaller than I had been with Molly!

With Sam the weight was spread again so there's just no telling!
im 5'3" and just over 11stone im a small person in height and weight and im only showing when i wear a tight top. they say to wear baggy stuff tho if i did that i wouldnt be showing :)

I don't think it's cause you were small. I was a size 8 pre-pregnancy, I'm now nearly 22 weeks and people keep telling me I don't look very pregnant. It's getting really annoying!

I just think everyone is different and the size of your bump doesn't necessarily reflect how much weight you've put on during pregnancy.
thanks everyone! Like you say everyone is different, I am sure I would also be complaining if I wasn't showing. I was painting yesterday and put my OH clothes on and because they were baggy I just looked tubby so I suppose it depends on what you wear too.
Everyone comments on how big I am too, but I like it. I'm about the same height as you and was a size 6 before so it's a total difference having this big bump. I'm getting warned that my baby is going to be big (not by medical staff tho!) and people are still asking if I'm sure it's still one. I don't wear baggy clothes because I like people to see I'm pregnant & not tubby xx
Don't worry about it, everyone is different & every pregnancy is different! I'm 5ft 2in also and a size 12, but I hardly have a bump at all, I just look fat :(

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