First Scan - turned out i was 5.1wks not 6 - advice?


Apr 17, 2007
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Hi ladies,
I thought i was 6 weeks pregnant but it turns out im approx 5.1 weeks pregnant.
I had the scan today (internal scan) and all i saw was a small black dot with a halo around it (obviously not heart beat yet)
He asked if i had any bleeding because he saw a small amount of fluid in there (external to the sac) and said he couldnt see my ovaries on the scan.
Im going back in 10 days.
Any thoughts?? Im a bit worried because he didnt exactly say its all fine and dandy.... ive had no bleeding though.
Glad your scan went well, and you got a good date too....
at 5 weeks 1 day you will not be able to see very much at all...and as you know NO heart beat for a few days yet.
I know many woman who have had blood residue and their babies have been perfectly healthy. I am sure you will be the same.
Please remember most ladies DON'T get scans until much further on 12weeks so there is not going to be many people who can equate to your results today...but please rest assured, if you DO get a little bleeding don't freak out or stress, it will only be this excess and your next scan in ten days will show a more developed little bean with a little white flashing heart beat......this is so reassuring and thats why they want you back.
I hope this helps you relax a little and enjoy the pregnancy...after all you may start the bad morning sickness stages soon..i know i did at 6 weeks :puke:
Good luck doll, Lv Yvonne xx
p.s. I have an old post from a few weeks back of a 5 week 4 day scan..internal again and it did show heart beat...only slight but there...just shows the difference a few days make in this pregnancy rollercoaster :roll: :lol: :hug: xx
All i can say is THANK YOU so much for your response, Im going a little crazy with worry that everything is ok (how do you calm your nerves for a WEEK while you wait for the next SCAN???? its so hard!!)
Im sure all will be ok, i have had no bleeding and DID feel nauseus this morning (mind you this could have been nerves)
Its a catch 22 isnt it - its like you arent supposed to stress but you cant help it!
I cant imagine going through IVF!!! x
hi, i think the 5 days out is because of ovulation date etc and many women find when they go for a scan they put them bk a few days or forward. my sister had a small sac of blood next to her baby which was detected at 12 weeks and everything was fine during her pregnancy! (he is 3months old now) they are having you bk just to check because there would have been alot of difference in ten days including a heartbeat. if they didnt say that they think the pregnancy is not developing then i think everything will be ok, i hope it is hun. thinking of you, i know the wait is awful but do try and relax. hth xxxxxxx
try not to worry or stress neither that dont help your lo.

u wait and see u will go back to that other scan and u will see a lil baby in there might look like a peanut to u tho ot smaller than a peanut, if u do get bleeding tho and its alot tehn contact mw or hosp asap.

goodluck and i hope everythings fine for you :) glad they calling u back also :)

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