DIY Sweep?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2012
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I know the NHS video says it isn't recommended as a DIY procedure, and I'm sure it's something you shouldn't really mess about with if you don't know what you're doing. However, it's made me curious is anyone has attempted to do a sweep on themselves or get a partner to do it?
Not done it and have no idea what would be involved? I a ftm so not much help sorry x
I know of someone who did it - She apparently went into labour afterwards.

I also know of someone who broke their own waters (NOT RECOMMENDED!), their baby ended up in SCBU for a few days following an emergency section.

I would just leave well alone. LO's will arrive when they are ready. I know its hard for us as we have been waiting for so long already but the risk really isn't worth it in my eyes.

Depends if you're comfortable sticking your finger through your cervix and peeling membranes, I guess, but I certainly wouldn't try it. Midwives will book you for a sweep if/when they feel it may be advantageous, but I wouldn't try any sort if invasive/chemical method of "forcing" baby out. They'll come when they're ready. Xx
I think it's best left to a professional, if something went wrong and baby was harmed id never forgive myself!
The closest thing to that is having sex as it obviously penitrates the cervix and the seaman has a reaction to cause prostaglandin to create. Or something like that. I mean I personally wouldn't mess around with mother nature unless a professional knew what they were doing and also knew that the baby was in no risk and neither your body. I can understand the curisoity and want to do it though x
I often check my cervix in the shower. I can only just reach it, it feels very soft and open a tiny bit which is probably because I've had one baby already. I think the danger is that you might break your waters before the head has descended which can mean the cord tries to come out first and can be come compressed.

39 weeks
Thanks all. Not saying I want to or anything, was just curious, I figured someone must have tried it!
I would be too scared to try it.. Just the thought of trying to reach my cervix makes me feel a bit nervous. Would be terrified of something going wrong and hurting bubba. I would understand people who are curious to try though.
I have! :shock: lmao!
And my partner has hahahaha.. I used to make him sit here with a rubber glove on.. Got me nowhere other than loads of BHs..
I had 3 sweeps from the MW in total but my little boy was still 10days overdue.
There are days like today where my hips are so painful that I could really do with some intervention. I'm so sore! She's so active and it's lovely as I know she's having a good rummage. I'm hoping downwards rather than upwards though! Xx

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