Disappointed :(

My daughters hb was fast and I was predicted girl which was right and the babies hb this time is the same but I'm having a boy so I say wait until your scan as only that will tell you for sure :)
Thank u everyone for setting me straight! I am just going to ignore what the midwife said and see what happens on scan day :)

I know I will still be happy with a girl and the more I have been thinking about it the last few days the more relaxed I am feeling about it all. Just want to know either way now xxx
I am team yellow but at 25 weeks heartbeat was 148bpm but last week at 28 weeks it was 128bpm so shows how much it can go up and down!! And my midwife said the heartbeat thing was a pile of poo and she has never met anyone who can accurately predict baby's sex by the heartrate yet, so I think you would be better waiting for the scan and hoping you don't have a shy leg crosser!!
Both my filt and DH's family have along history of girls being first born (7 generations in mine and 6 in his). Thisbis our first and Pip is definatley a boy! We have defied tradition and become the "odd ones out" but we both wanted a boy and that's what we got.

No idea about hb mind u but it doesn't matter about family history, it's the spermie that won the race that makes the difference :D
Kanga to give you some hope on my side I am the only girl with three brothers and three boy cousins! I thought I would always be out numbered by boys but I just found today I am having my second daughter :-) so it doesn't always follow the family line!
Thank u everyone :hugs: I know I will still be happy with a girl and it does seem more likely I will have a girl as my family is all girls. My grandma has 2 sisters, between them there is 5 girls and 1 boy, then my mum and her sisters have 6 girls and 1 boy, and out of us cousins there is already 3 girls and 1 boy.

My oh is an only child, but all his cousins are boys and there are 6 of them, so I'm hoping this sways it even.

My scan is 3rd Feb, so 2 weeks today, seems ages away still :) xxx

Haven't read the whole thread yet so sorry if I'm repeating someone but it's only the man's family that has any effect on the sex - women have two X chromosomes so can only pass on an X, while men have an X and a Y so the sex of your baby totally depends on which your partner passes on - and in some families that's more likely to be one or the other. So lots of girls in your family means nothing :)

And with both my boys their hbs have been around that at this stage - same this time too! x
If it's all down to the bloke then mine is heavily stacked in favour of a boy - my husband is one of 6 boys!! lol
My husband kept saying when I was pregnant with Sam that he'd definitely be a boy because boys 'run in the family'...this is based on his huge family of him and his brother, and his dad and his brother :lol: Maybe he was right though!
Thank u everyone :hugs: I know I will still be happy with a girl and it does seem more likely I will have a girl as my family is all girls. My grandma has 2 sisters, between them there is 5 girls and 1 boy, then my mum and her sisters have 6 girls and 1 boy, and out of us cousins there is already 3 girls and 1 boy.

My oh is an only child, but all his cousins are boys and there are 6 of them, so I'm hoping this sways it even.

My scan is 3rd Feb, so 2 weeks today, seems ages away still :) xxx

Haven't read the whole thread yet so sorry if I'm repeating someone but it's only the man's family that has any effect on the sex - women have two X chromosomes so can only pass on an X, while men have an X and a Y so the sex of your baby totally depends on which your partner passes on - and in some families that's more likely to be one or the other. So lots of girls in your family means nothing :)

And with both my boys their hbs have been around that at this stage - same this time too! x

i said the same about it being the man who decides the sex as on my side their loads of girls and all boys on partners side and im expecting my 3rd boy!!

one day someone might brake the cycle of boys and have a girl but dont look like its gonna be me lol x
Thank u for ur comments it really has helped me. In fact I'm feeling a lot happier about the idea of having a girl and trying so hard not to set my heart on havin a boy. Either way I will be over the moon that baby is happy and healthy.

Just need to stop listening to all the wife's tales and getting myself confused over something I have no control over :) xx

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