Dinner Ideas Please....


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Could I have some nice, quick, simple meal ideas for babies please?.. The food must only consist of small, soft pieces that are large enough to pick up but small enough that lil miss doesn't choke on them... This also includes breakfasts...

Oh yes... the time has come when lil miss no longer requires mummy's help to feed her... infact its an insult to her babyhood that I should even contemplate feeding her slop on a spoon. Sooooooooooooooooo... I need some help, I can make fab meals that I blitz into moosh but not much in the way of finger foods. If the foods too big she chokes on it.. At the moment, small chunks of cheese, baby rice cakes, finger rusks, spiral pasta are the only things she "can" eat without choking too much on...

So what else can I give her :think: We have some frozen veg that has peas (thats going to be fun :roll: ) small chunks of carrot, cauliflower and potato... I can steam that up and give it to her.

She doesn't eat meat yet...and besides she'd choke on that :roll:

So any help would be greatly appreciated... :)
hhmm... ok, how about:

connor likes eggy bread cut into soldiers? he also likes bitesize oatibix with a little milk so that they're hard enough to pick up but soft enough to swallow

staple lunch here is salad - cherry tomatoes (i bite them first so that he doesn't have to do the initial bursting thing), cucumber, avocado, babybel cheese, and strips of warm wholemeal pitta bread

our fave is probably casserole - whatever veg i've got in the house cooked for an hour, usually with chicken or sausages. i cut all the veg into chip size pieces, and its all nice and soft after its blitz in the oven. he quite enjoys sucking on the chicken strips but doesn't really eat them.
fishcakes also went down well - tuna & potato ones - i made them into chipsize pieces rather than patties.
and sweet potato with anything is a definite hit, i think he could probably eat it all day.
have you tried broccoli? that's quite a good one... :think:

pudding is always yoghurt or fruit, and best fruit so far is plums - i give him a piece with skin on so that he can hold it more easily, then he strips the flesh off and spits the skin back out, LOL.
Cally's current fave is anyhting in cheese sauce - how about small pasta shapes, brocolli and cauli in a cheese sauce (messy though). Sweet potato wedges are always a hit. I am going to try the fishcakes tonight so will let you know how they go.
I'm looking for more ideas too but these are what we have at mo:

Toast, cheese or cheese spread on toast.
Pitta bread
Veg & fruit chunks
Potato & sweet potato fritters (scolloped & done in oven)
Cheese chunks
Oatabix bitesize
Homemade mini burgers

Will add more as I think of them :)
Hmm thats some fab ideas to get on with...

Need to go shopping I feel.. :think: Although I'll have to pass on the oatabix, we can only get them from UK shops and they will be over priced :(

A few questions, how do babybels go :think: .. I have a funny feeling lil miss will try and shove the whole thing in her mouth. :rotfl: Tried soft cheese triangles well... I have a definite girl on my hands :roll: Its too icky for her to touch, she even wipes her fingers on herself and makes a funny face :rotfl: .... I like the eggy bread idea, never even occurred to me. Do we just give pitta bread on its own?

I also forgot to mention no bananas... lil miss gets all constipated :roll:
Ive done pitta breads with cheese and tomato (finely chopped), put in the oven to melt the cheese then cut into pieces... also done it with cheese spread warmed in oven slightly... cheese with a little tuna mixed with it and warmed.... I tend to do things with cheese or something so that it doesnt just all fall out when she waves it around and hits herself on the head with it :lol:

Ive not tried babybels but chunks of cheese are ok, ellie does put the whole thing in her mouth but it soon comes back out when she realises she cant do much with it in there lol she tends to bite chunks off then suck them to death :lol:

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