Finger foods.... HELP!

Full of hope!

Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2007
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Hi all :wave:

I wonder if anyone can help :think: Jacob is doing really well with lumpy foods but gags on every finger food I give him! I've tried him with toast, cheese, rusks, fruit such as banana and everytime he gags on a big lump and throws it back up! Where am I going wrong? Can anyone give me some finger food ideas please? Should I cut the pieces really small to start with? I tend to give him a larger piece of toast say, so he can hold it easily.

I don't like giving him finger foods at the moment as i'm scared stiff he'll choke but I know it's vital for his development! :? Please can someone help me?!
we give charlie things like breadsticks, cheese, baby rice cakes, cooked carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, toast etc.

We've had a few hairy moments but nothing too serious.

Personally I wuldn't cut things too small as they're more likely to get swallowed whole which wouldn't be great ! I dont think your doing anything wrong I think he's prob just taking his time gtting used to new textures and experiences. :)
Luke's just been eating little fishies and chips - whole pieces so he can suck on them then chew. We give him soldiers of toast in the morning too so he can do the same. I say offer bigger pieces so he can suck on things and get them soggy, then begin to chew on them :)
Thanks ladies :D I'm going to try him on some cooked carrot sticks tomorrow, he likes carrot and they should be nice and soft for him to bite.

nazmomi... does Charlie manage ok with breadsticks? I think Jacob would stick it right down his throat and make himself gag :roll: He does this with his spoon!

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