How did you know you were pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Sorry if this has been done before!! :wall:

But how did you know when you were pregnant? Apart from the obvious POAS :lol:
I felt queasy, tired, cramps - the usual suspects!

See you are from Walsall - I live pretty near there!

Yay west midlands mums to be!
The obvious sign for me in both pregnancies was constipation!
I just knew!! I had cramps, headaches, flu like symptoms, heightened sense of smell, you name it!! :hug:
i had 21 day bloods done for veryyyy irreg periods , got a call sayin they were abnormal and to bring a wee sample in. doc then called me in and showed me a BFP...i still did 12 more tho :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I was constantly eating scrambled eggs and sleeping loads and my mum jokingly asked if I was pregnant :lol:

Realised I hadnt had my period and tested...
I had no symptoms what so ever.
Only missed period and the feeling that i was
i knew a week before my period i was preggy ...i dont no y i jst knew ....i also had cramps but not as bad as period pains and really tired and constipation which iv never had before !!.
before i took a pg test i missed a period and my breast started to get tender around the nipple and my jeans started to get a little tight...

Dunno if that will help....
My boobs - they sometimes get tender before AF, but this time they were swollen and I could hardly bear touching them. I also started getting AF like pains about a week before I was due on, and I only ever get AF pains while I'm on, never before.

And I went from drinking about two pints of coffee a day to being unable to even smell it without feeling nauseous. It wasn't much of a surprise when I got my BFP!
i also found that i have been drinking more and going to the loo more too
When my parnet missed a period... then realised she missed the one before that too!
Got a clear blue test and then came to my work and told me....
puddytat said she had a period on 26th September so has missed one period not two :wink:
babyblonde said:
Yay west midlands mums to be!

Whoop whoop!! :cheer: :cheer:

No symptoms here, apart from feeling slightly queasy when cooking a lamb stew and adding the red wine. It was red wine in cooking last time that started me :puke: so I dashed out for a Clearblue (my cheapie tests had been unreliable)
i felt pretty mch the same pre AF as i did every month.

but i was more tired been going bed earlier and struggling on my night shifts more.

had headaches which i don't suffer with ever and my boobs are more tender, i notice that when i am carrying LO they are quite tender.
My boobs were the first thing I noticed before I tested.

Also feeling sick
I knew because I felt really different, we have been trying for so long and I kept talking myself into having symtoms.

I was due on the Tuesday, didn't come on so did a test on the Thursday and was negative, so went to my sister in laws wedding on the Saturday and had a few drinks. Then the Sunday, Monday and the Tuesday I felt rough and thought to myself there is no way I'm having a three day hang over. Had sore boobs, felt nautious, told my friend (who is a nurse) she told me to do another test, so I did and BAM before I could even pull up my trousers it was positive.

I was due on the day before I travelled back from Honeymoon. My boobs hurt more than normal AF ache but I didn't think we'd be so lucky to fall on first attempt so I just waited for AF to arrive - she never did - three days later when we had arrived back and settled back to work I bought a test but I knew what the answer was before I even got the test home - still didn't stop me being in shock for about a week - we just didn't expect it to happen so quickly! :lol:

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