Did you have baby blues and for how long?

Thanks for that Lucy...when are you planning to take her, then? How old should babies be to go in a swimming-pool, I mean, water is not that hot, and how about their nappies?

I'm not going to take Olivia to the swimming pool for another couple of months to be honest, she loves her bath time and that's her pool for the time being - I want to wait until she has better head control (she can hold her head up etc and turn to see things but it's still unsteady!) it's purely from my point of view of how I will cope taking her to the pool and with the changing arrangements etc, I know we'll both enjoy it more if I wait until the nicer weather comes as well.

I think there are special waterproof pants that you put over the nappy? A lady at my post natal group was telling me about them and said they are widely available so I was going to look next time I'm in the supermarket.

When are you taking Maheen?

Lucy x
Hi, Lucy,

Yep, I agree with you! Maheen loves her bath time, she loves splashing with her feet, but just like you, i don't think she is ready (nor am I) for a bigger environment!
i looked at my town's swimming pool's website, and they have "lessons" for 6 months old babies onward, so I guess that's when i might start taking Maheen.
In the summer, we are planning to go to my parents' in France, and they live near a big nice lake; Maheen will be 5 months old, so I might try and take her there, for her to discover bigger water. It will be safer as she can sit just on the edge and we can play with the water together.

Thanks for your answer, and I will look at these waterproof nappies. I will buy some to take to France!
mel xx
Hi Lisa31

I was actually dreading motherhood when I was pregnant. You may not remember this but I think I was the most daunted mother to be on here and I was petrified of the first six weeks.

I was sick of being pregnant but at the same time, really sh**ting myself about becoming a mum. I had heard so many horror stories that I just wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I will admit. My first four weeks were even harder than I had imagined, and I didn't enjoy it at all. Breastfeeding was very hard and when it did start to work I had very painful thrush in my milk ducts. I also had to give up a job I loved and found the whole thing such a big shock! but once I started getting out every day things got so much better.

btw, my dh and i had never argued once in nine years, but in the first four weeks of sams life we fought like cat and dog! The language was appauling! :roll:

I realised very quickly that spending a whole five days at home with Samuel wasn't going to happen. he is very demanding during the day and hardly ever sleeps so I get out on as many coffee mornings, shopping trips, cinema sessions as I possible can, and I am a new woman now. I have made loads of new friends and no longer feel isolated.

The biggest bonus? Samuel has slept right through five nights out of the last nine! And even when he did wake up it was for a short feed.

The spring is finally here and we are really really starting to enjoy our baby at last and I am starting to get to the point where we can't imagine life without him and I never thought I would reach that point! :dance:

Keep talking and keep getting out, its the only way.

Samuel has decided to go for an unscheduled long sleep!

I am now waiting for him to wake up! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Wierd! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Sarah W Baby Belly said:
I had heard so many horror stories that I just wasn't looking forward to it at all.

I think thats where I went wrong - I never heard any horror stories - so I had this lovely vision in my head and of course it wasnt like that.

Things are getting better though - noticed we have good days and bad days - which usually depends on how much sleep we get :roll: :roll:

I am starting to enjoying her much more now and that is great :D

How was Samuels unscheduled sleep!!?!?!! :?

L x
Yes, I had horror stories galore.

Most people that I know have babies that don't sleep at night at all!

The thing that put me off motherhood the most was my best friend who had a baby years ago and I went round to her house and the baby was literally crying and crying and crying. To the point where my friend had started harming herself!

It put me right off! Then, nine years later, we decided to take the plunge and just go for it. Samuel can be very demanding during the day but we are lucky in that he loves sleeping at night.

I am now really enjoying motherhood and even managed to get out for a girls night out last night! Luxury!

So it does get a lot better and you get used to being a mum remarkably quickly.

We are off to the cinema in a minute to watch failure to launch. Looking forward to it. :D

How do you manage to go to the cinema??? :shock:
tell me your secret, quick! :wink:

mel xx
Sarah W Baby Belly said:
To the point where my friend had started harming herself!

Your poor friend. Hope she is ok now.

I was going to ask about the cinema! - is it childrens films you watch? Does Samual watch them with you? - you said he didnt sleep in the day!!??

L x
At our local cinema we have a mummy and baby session every thursday morning for mums with a baby under 12 months.

Its great.!

We see grown up films and nobody minds the babies crying and everyone just sits there feeding their babies and eating popcorn!

Sam loves the cinema. After his feed yesterday he just sat on my lap gawping at the screen and then fell asleep for the rest of it. :dance:

Really good fun!. Perhaps you should find out if your local cinema do anything similar?
wow, Sarah, you are so lucky!!! :lol:

That is such a great idea, I wish there was such a thing here, but...no! :(

Mel xx
Sarah that sounds brilliant - nothing like that here though :(

L x

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