Did anyones labour go alot better then expected?

I was willing to take every pain relief going to get me through and get LO out safety. However when it came to the bit it went so much better than expected. I never thought about labour much. Was of the opinion baby was there so had to come out one way or the other. The one thing I didn't want was a c-section but if it had come to it of course would have gone along with it.

Friday I was home alone all day and I was on the toilet every half hour and I am not exaggerating. Just didn't feel right in my self but had no idea what was wrong. Went to bed and was same thing, every time I turned in the bed I had to get up to go toilet. DH alarm went off at 6am to go to work and he noticed me going to the toilet literally every 10 mins. At this stage I had what I THOUGHT was bloody show but as I was 8 days early I thought I was imagining it. Hence tripping to the toilet to check. DH offered to stay off work but as this was my first baby I told him to go on ahead as I would have hours to go. He left the house at 7.10am, leaving me with hot water bottle to ease the AF like cramping I had. The cramps then changed and were coming and going so I sat on sofa to time them. Every 3 mins and lasting about 40 seconds. I struggled to the kitchen to get my hospital notes and phoned labour ward. They advised me to make my way to the hospital (40 mins away). Phoned DH at 7.40am and told him to come home. OK looking now like he shouldn't have gone to work lol. I struggled to get dressed and gather my bags. DH came into kitchen to find me bent over table breathing through the pain. We got to the hospital in record time and I can say I never saw much of the road there. Parked at the door cause I couldn't walk from the car park. Into the assessment room and on examination I was 8cm (shocked :-) ) This 2 1/2 hours after I had wakened. Up to the MLU and had no time for anything contractions were coming fast so was put straight on to gas and air. By 11.15am I was told to push. 12noon LO heart rate was dipping so I was sent to labour ward for intervention. Dr examined me and said she'd leave me 1/2 hour. She came back at 12.30pm and still no baby so got to work. Froze me down below, out with the ventuose (SP) and after some pulling LO was born at 12.46pm. All in all labour definitely wasn't as bad as I expected. The only thing that is putting me off going again is fear that the pregnancy and labour won't be as straight forward as this one was.
My labour with ds wasn't anywhere near as bad as I was expecting, having watched OBEM and the like I was fully expecting it to be horrific. I mean it did hurt but not like I thought it would, I honestly find leg cramps worse! Heres what happened. Some water trickled out after I'd had a wee at 34.2 weeks at 6:30, followed by quite a lot of bright red blood! I was so scared, rung my hospital to be told "sorry were closed were full, where's your next nearest hospital" and when I told them the next hospital, "sorry they are closed too" and the next nearest, "also closed" We ended up driving an hour to the next nearest hospital that wasn't closed, all the while loosing loads of water and more blood. But didnt have any pains whatsoever. We eventually got to St James' in Leeds (amazing hospital) where further water continued to pour out all over a&e floor, was in my shoes and everything lol. I was taken straight to delivery to trace babies heartbeat and monitor my contractions as they were reluctant to check how far along I was due to premature membrane rupture and chance of infection. I was having tightenings by this point but didn't hurt really. Eventually at midnight they decided to check me as I was getting a little antsy by this point, but not what i'd call 'in pain' and I was 5cms! Decided to have a puff on g & a then (lovely stuff) but at about 1:45 g & a had stopped helping and was moaning through the end of each contraction, so midwife ( who was amazing, I owe her so much) checked me again, and I had a contraction mid check, nothing more painful than having an almighty contraction with someones hand right up your foof! She then said I was 9cms and about ready to push, no sooner had she said that then my body was pushing! Such a weird feeling, five pushes and he was out, at 2:04am. I would say I had half an hour of bad pain, just before u get to ten cms where the contractions are one after the other and you don't get a break, and then the ring of fire was painful but only lasts about 5 seconds, other that that, it was absolutely fine and more than manageable! My whole labour from start to finish was 7 1/2 hours. And I can't wait to do it again! Hoping if I go to term it's not worse if baby's bigger etc, but they say bigger babies are easier to push out?!? So we'll see! But if u expect the worse, then it can only seem better. Go for it girls, an try to enjoy it!
Butterfly kisses, you have just described my labour :) from husband going to work, waters going, getting husband back, labour with ventouse and the feeling that it was too good and how bad will the next one be...
What an awesome thread, so thoughtful and I wish I had read something like this before my birth.

I too had a similar experience to yourself. I was chatting, laughing, joking and smiling, my midwives were brilliant and helped me through my contractions after being 7 cm dilated for 14 hours and no pain relief and contractions not getting closer but certainly more painful I had the epi...that was the only horrible experience of child birth and ONLY because it took four painful back numbing attempts to put it in, god it hurt, and gas and air didn't work for me, afterwards though the rest of birth and being on the drip was a dream, and I mean dream. I slept for 20mins (24 hour labour tires you out :good:) even the contractions were no way near as bad as I thought they were going to. E, have no illusions mind you, they do hurt and like you had them all in my back, only before pushing did I start having stomach pains, I had to change position in bed to encourage baby to move...they didnt expect it to work, but it did. My husband is also in the forces, baby born on Friday morning, couldn't get in touch with him mail Saturday lunch time...best phone call in my life. :) I even had a 3rd degree tear and had to go into theatre, which shook my senses silly but it was fine at the end of the day. And when you get home.....you forget all about it. I would do it again...I think that says something, (but by no means did I thoroughly enjoy it, it just was no where near as bad as I thought it would be!.
I was totally opposite! But I'd fi it again tomorrow! Cxx
I've decided to keep an open mind about labour as everyone's is totally different - I am anxious but this is mostly fear of the unknown ie when, how long etc ...

But this will help rest my mind a bit :lol:

My labour was long, tedious, tiring and a lot worse than I ever imagined BUT the actual birth went well.

Baby was delivered naturally, without any tears or stitches etc... I struggled to get his head out initially but the MW's let me carry on without intervention and I am thankful for that.

My pregnancy was amazing, the birth was fine but labour for me was horrible!

I was absolutely terrified of labour & birth, so much so that for years I'd always said I didn't want kids because I was so scared. I have SUCH a low pain threshhold, but I got through it....and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be!
My labour was so long, 2 and a half days!! But it was bearable, and to be honest...it went in so fast that it was all a blur! I was pushing for about an hour to get him out, and yeah it was agony but it really is true that it's a completely forgettable pain once you have your baby in your arms.
The best advice I can give is just to stay as relaxed as possible and just go with what your body wants. Don't beat yourself up if you don't follow your birth plan exactly as you wanted, just go with the flow and do what needs to be done :) xxx

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