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Mar 1, 2010
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So yeah today my midwife said she thinks I'm either depressed or developing depression so I should watch out for post-natal depression. I said I'd mentioned how I'm feeling to my doctor, but she'd said that it was just pregnancy hormones. But my midwife disagreed and told me I shouldn't be as bad as I am. I guess my main problem is obsessing over things. Every little thing gets me down and it'll play on my mind for weeks on end until I just end up breaking down from thinking about it too much lol. But yes she's said I am at risk of post-natal depression... which is something else for me to worry about. -_- Ugh I need to chill.
She's talked to my mum, to make sure she's aware and to look out for anything. Though tbh I am the kind of person that makes it known how I'm feeling so it wouldn't really be too hard to miss lol.

Oh and to top it all off she's testing my blood for something to do with the liver and kidneys? Because my skin has been quite itchy lately. Bleh... more worries. =/
I bean tested in all my pregnancies for the itchy liver thing just turns out I'm allergic to being pregnant (puppp) it's not very common but doesn't harm the baby - or it might just be hormones try not to worry hunni :hug: I thought in my second pregnancy I was getting depressed or may have pnd afterwards but as soon as little man was placed in my arms I was so happy and was ok after that my husband actually developed post partum depression after I had him tho so that was a shame he seems to be ok this time tho (touch wood) so even tho I didn't experience it myself my DH did if you ever want to chat I'm here drop me a pm any time :hug: xxxxxx

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Oh dear that dosent not sound good try and rest hun and stay postive xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks, I'm trying to. It just seems every day I find something new to worry about. :(
i thought i was getting like this, getting closer to due date and nothing happening im obsessing over little one coming.. but thats it.. im snapping at the people around me but im sure its just hormones with me. I hope everything is ok for you and you feel better soon. I think once LO is here you'll be fine x
oh hun, try n relax about things, this is a very stressful time in our lifes :hugs: And when your boy is here, remember we cant know everything from the beginning, it will be really hard, but you know we will make it, you will make it and it will be fine. dont have to high expectations on yourself :hugs: and if you feel you cant cope, ask for help x x
i have moments of compltete panick n stress i think it hormones some people are more affected by threre hormones than others i think just see how u go
Antinatal depression is really more common than you think. Here is an article.


Since 27 weeks pregnant I developed OCD and have been obsessed with checking that things are off in the house whether I am in or out. So much so that I just got exhausted. I had a tendency before to have a quick look to see things were off but at 27 weeks something must have sparked me off and I got totally obsessed with checking appliances. I found an article yesterday which said that this is all connected to antinatal depression and comes out in different ways with different people.

Perhaps when baby is born you should talk to your doctor about methods to help. I tried a series of anti depressants and CBT sessions really worked for me pre pregnancy. The NHS CBT was rubbish though so I recommend paying money for a good CBT therapist. You may find that things change when baby is out, just keep an eye on your mood. Will be hard to tell as I know most moms gets low afterwards. Anyway, keep in touch with your doc see how you go. There are tablets that they say are ok to take when breast feeding if that is what you are planning on doing. Or perhaps bottle feeding would be better if you do want to take tablets and are worried as a happy mom would be of more benifit then a breast feeding mom.

Anyway, I hope all goes ok. Take care. xxx
Hey hun hope things better for u soon at least u dont keep it bottled up it is a stresful time and everyone here is always wiling to listen x
ahh Hun, Think Evelina summed it up really well!

I got postnatel depresion with my first. I got past it with these simple rules of mine -

1) Take a day at a time ,no more, no planning or worrying.
2) Don't worry it nothing goes to plan, thats normal when your baby arrives, Super women does not exist!
3) Just try and do one thing each day - that you set out too when you got up in the morning, (make it small and acchievable
4) Make sure you take some daily you time without baby , exersize, see freinds , or just to soak, pamper and treat yourself, it will make a big difference!
Thanks everyone. I think my main problem is with my body. I'll find something as small as a shaving bump or a spot, and blow it up into something huge, that'll play on my mind for ages and that'll eventually make me depressed. I blow everything out of proportion. This started when I was 27 weeks pregnant and I had a boil on my spine. In my mind it was something much worse and was crying because I was scared. When I went to the doctor she gave me antibiotics and it went away. But then that gave me thrush, which made me think I had an STI or some other infection. And since then, it just seems when one thing goes away another pops up. It makes me paranoid cause I worry if there's something wrong with me that'll affect the baby even though I've talked to 3 GPs, 2 STI specialists and god knows how many nurses lol and none of them think there's anything wrong with me.

I had a good heart to heart with my cousin today. Had a proper cry lol and she put me at ease a bit. I told her about everything I'd had and she said she's had the same things. She thinks I'm just being very over protective of the baby. I really just don't want any harm coming to him. Anyway after she left I went for a nap, and I've woken up feeling a bit better now. I just really want little man to arrive so I've sent my mum down to Tesco to get me a curry lol!
Thanks everyone. I think my main problem is with my body. I'll find something as small as a shaving bump or a spot, and blow it up into something huge, that'll play on my mind for ages and that'll eventually make me depressed. I blow everything out of proportion. This started when I was 27 weeks pregnant and I had a boil on my spine. In my mind it was something much worse and was crying because I was scared. When I went to the doctor she gave me antibiotics and it went away. But then that gave me thrush, which made me think I had an STI or some other infection. And since then, it just seems when one thing goes away another pops up. It makes me paranoid cause I worry if there's something wrong with me that'll affect the baby even though I've talked to 3 GPs, 2 STI specialists and god knows how many nurses lol and none of them think there's anything wrong with me.

I had a good heart to heart with my cousin today. Had a proper cry lol and she put me at ease a bit. I told her about everything I'd had and she said she's had the same things. She thinks I'm just being very over protective of the baby. I really just don't want any harm coming to him. Anyway after she left I went for a nap, and I've woken up feeling a bit better now. I just really want little man to arrive so I've sent my mum down to Tesco to get me a curry lol!

ahh curry yum - Nom Nom, and roll on kick starting labour too !

glad you had the chance for a heart to heart and a well deserved nap
Just wait till these nasty hormones are out of your system, baby is here and you will be in a much better place with your body back Hun X
Lol I don't usually eat spicy curries, and no doubt I will get heartburn haha. I usually stick to my Korma but I've told my mum to just get me any spicy one hahah. Then I'm gonna bounce on my ball for a while.

That nap did me a world of good, the lack of sleep has been making me over emotional aswell I think.
Lol yeah I just wanna get him out now so that I can go back to not fussing over my self. I'll just fuss over him instead. XD It's strange to think that pre-pregnancy I was probably one of the most laid back people in the world hahahah.

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