Ante-natal depression...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2008
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hi ladies i havent posted for a while,

hope everyone is good, congrats to all new mums out there, enjoy your LO :D
i had my 34 week checkup yesterday baby lucy is still breech, she has 2 wks to turn then they will refer me to hosp to help her turn, :pray: :pray: , how many of you ladies had to fill out a questionaire for ante-natal depression ? i done it yesterday and scored 14 out of 20 :( the midwife was nice and said its quite common during the last few wks, i'd never heard of it ..i reflected on the last cpl of wks of my pregnancy and admitted i had been low but not because im pregnant just everything else, moving house next sat, money, work etc i thought i was coping fine , i have a fantastic fiance who has been so understanding with the tears and tantrums (yes i know we all have them!!) i declined anti depressants just now i said i would see how i felt once the move was over and my maternity pay was sorted. sorry for going on just wanted to see if anyone else knew any info on this ante-natal depression , thanks for listening :D :hug:
I've never done a form for antenatal depression - only postnatal, after my other babies were born.

At least you were honest with your midwife - sometimes it just helps to get things off your chest. It's true that everything just comes at once, hopeful you'll have things sorted soon then you'll start to feel better.

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: . Good luck trying to get baby turned round!
hope baby lucy turns for you hun :hug:

no i never filled one out b4 always after, I got quite low in my last few week while pregnant with Alastair, I too didnt have meds, the doc put me on the sick and i felt much better after just chilling and relaxing at home.

Hope ur feeling better darl :hug: :hug:

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