defo team blue


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2010
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yay, went for a gender scan today because bumpalumpa wouldnt stay still at our 20 wk scan on tuesday and its definately a boy we got a cracking shot at his bits! so to celebrate we took my dad with us to look at boys stuff cause he was feeling so down about his op (he's well chuffed, after having 3 girls he cant wait for a boy to do boythings with and he cried lol). and ended up getting our pushchair (not at all what we were looking at but we fell in love with it).

mega smiles today:)
hes gonna be so mad at you showing the world his bits lol no doubt there hun defo a boy x
he he i know were keeping it for when he brings his first girlfriend home and 18th birthday and stuff lol
awww congrats huni
i just found out iam team pink :D i have just noticed my little princess was exacly the same she would not sit still through the scan so there was no mistaking she is a girl :D xxx
Congratulations, I've had my 20 week scan today and found out I'm having a little boy, I'm dead chuffed... I'll copy and paste what I've just wrote on Septemeber mommies post, so If it don't make sense a little that's why haha....

Hi everyone, had my 20 week scan today and found I'm having a boy :) Little John James should be joining us on 2nd of september. We have gotta go back in 3 weeks to have a head measurement done as the little monkey didn't want to keep still and have it done, when we went in I said to the lady 'We would like to find out the sex if that's possible' and she said she would try... well 2 seconds into the scan he opened his legs that wide and showed his little tinky off to us, she said 'his a little show off, im 70% sure it's a boy' and then it grew how many centremetres, as if he was saying 'No your 100% sure, I've been blessed' It looked huge for his age honestly!! Thought he would show off :L:L bless him. He didn't keep still through out it all, but good to know kidneys, heart and spine are spot on and growth is average rate so I was pleased about that, so now I'm ready to join Team blue...xxxx
awwwh congrats , no denying your on team blue from that picture xxxx
Congratulations, I've had my 20 week scan today and found out I'm having a little boy, I'm dead chuffed... I'll copy and paste what I've just wrote on Septemeber mommies post, so If it don't make sense a little that's why haha....

Hi everyone, had my 20 week scan today and found I'm having a boy :) Little John James should be joining us on 2nd of september. We have gotta go back in 3 weeks to have a head measurement done as the little monkey didn't want to keep still and have it done, when we went in I said to the lady 'We would like to find out the sex if that's possible' and she said she would try... well 2 seconds into the scan he opened his legs that wide and showed his little tinky off to us, she said 'his a little show off, im 70% sure it's a boy' and then it grew how many centremetres, as if he was saying 'No your 100% sure, I've been blessed' It looked huge for his age honestly!! Thought he would show off :L:L bless him. He didn't keep still through out it all, but good to know kidneys, heart and spine are spot on and growth is average rate so I was pleased about that, so now I'm ready to join Team blue...xxxx

I know i didnt realise little boys bits were so big in scans i couldnt stop laughing at the scan, my oh keeps telling me off because i keep giggling at the pic (i'm so childish lol)
[/QUOTE] I know i didnt realise little boys bits were so big in scans i couldnt stop laughing at the scan, my oh keeps telling me off because i keep giggling at the pic (i'm so childish lol)[/QUOTE]

Lol! Well my other half wasn't first in the Que for his private parts lol! So he said 'Are you sure that's my baby!?' lmao then my mom started telling me the baby's grandad had a big one, so must take after him (meaning my dad) was not a nice conversation! Everybody must of been giving us some right looks lol!!!!!!!! I kept laughing too :) xx In fact I cried aswel. :) x

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