~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

Could be early wolf mama, im testing again tomorrow too Becky boo let's hope there's a sale on frers! Xxx
Thanks ladies. It's easy to get down about it all......

Just hope the next few days go fast. Some symptoms would be nice too!


Just seen on Facebook that my best friend from school is expecting baby number 4.... *sigh* :(
Last edited:
Dec 21st, 2017, 13:27 PM Report Post #535

Hello everyone.

IThe cycle lasts from 23 to 27 days and 90% of the case is straight for 25 days. My ovulation was on 11-12. day cycle. then I had egg white cervical fluid ... which repeated again the 14th day of the cycle more than few days before. Now I'm interested what you think about my chart?? The only symptom that I have are cramps lasting 5 seconds a day a few times just in my womb not in the ovaries. I'm bloated and have cramps.

4.12.2017 til today

ovulation 11th day of cicle. Had intercourse on 9th (PM) day and 12th(PM) and 13th(AM). Temperatures from 11th day of the chart in celsius. 36.4, 12th 36.8, 13th 36.3, 14th 36.65, 15th 36.3, 16th 36.5, 17th 36.4, 18th 36.8, 19th 36.3, 20th 36.8, 21th 36.9, 22th 36.8,
(they don't let mi post links so.. on fertility friend I have 11 temperatures above the line. cervical fluid is creamyr dry
Thank you ladies , sending hubby out in the morning !
Will keep you updated
Merry Christmas to everyone hope you’ve all had a smashing day !
Baby dust x
It was a Superdrug own brand not sure how reliable they are anyone know ?
I used a 99p for 2 test from home bargains - still gave me the right answer haha congrats! Xx

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Sorry moomin girl, hopefully you might catch for a January BFPxxx
Any BFPs now are September babies, but soon be October Babies too.
Autumn is my favorite time of year xxx

Yay I'd love a n October baby! I would think If I was pregnant now I would be due 1st sept?...so need to get pregnant in Jan for a due date in Oct...

Did my only test at 11dpo and its100% bfn ...I can dream!
I had stark single lines at 13dpo! Don't give up just yet hehe xx

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I am out... af arrived last night with awful cramp.
I'm so sorry alexis. Big hugs! Hope you've managed to distract yourself with Xmas and had a lovely time xxxx

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Congratulations covey clover what a fab Xmas present! Hope u have a happy and healthy 9 months x
I took a co op own brand this morning & got the same result , so the line hasn’t got any darker should I be worrie?
Congrats clover
I took a co op own brand this morning & got the same result , so the line hasn’t got any darker should I be worrie?
Congrats clover

Hcg doubles every couple of days or so.....so if ou only tested yesterday then it mighr kot be stronger today.....esp if youve used anything other than fmu? Try tomorrow or thurs with fmu x
I got a bfp in july....found out once got home from my hols. Been drinking wine and espressos and not taken folic acid as wasnt ttc....gp said it was absolutely fine so i wouldnt worry....it prob happens to loads of women. Hope its a sticky bean x
No positives or symptoms for me yet. AF due on Saturday let’s see won’t test until then!
I'm hanging in with you Tara. Driving home from the parents today and trying to hold out testing until the weekend. Doubt my resolve will last that long but I've got some cheapies so if do anything will stick with those until AF due on sat. Had a bit of variety in length of cycle so sat is earliest it's due but could be anything up to middle of next week realistically.

So happy to logon today and see some Xmas BFP. I had a good drink yesterday....decided to stop worrying and relax and hopefully that will help a BFP more than a few drinks will harm x
I'm in with you girls too....

Let's hope for some last minute BFPs in December!
I took a co op own brand this morning & got the same result , so the line hasn’t got any darker should I be worrie?
Congrats clover

Hcg doubles every couple of days or so.....so if ou only tested yesterday then it mighr kot be stronger today.....esp if youve used anything other than fmu? Try tomorrow or thurs with fmu x

Thank you I couldn’t get a an frer today as the only shop open near me is he co op ! But I have a few left will try wait a few more days, it must be something if it’s showing faint on two different brands .. x

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