~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

So sorry to everyone who is out, hopefully next month will be the lucky one! xx
I couldn't help but test a day early. Not quite sure about the results though, thoughts please?


Elven I can see a line!!!! Congratulations! I can never see them on here when it's a squinter. Sending baby dust your way to make it stronger x
Elven it looks like a Christmas bfp!! Grab a frer for confirmation! Congratulations xxx
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Thank you, I'm glad it's not just me! :) Although I need to test lots more to believe it.
Elven I see that line clear as day! CONGRATS GIRL! :D

I’m out, AF came early. Got a bit of pink cm yesterday evening and was hoping it was IB since I wasn’t due on til the weekend. But she’s definitely here now :witch:

I’ve been really miserable this month, going to try and make an effort to be more positive for the new year.

Good luck to anyone who’s still in!

Ugh!!! I'm sorry hun!!
Hello everyone.

I am 29 years old. Regular cycles from the first day I got IT .. The cycle lasts from 23 to 27 days and 90% of the case is straight for 25 days .. We started working on a baby. . My ovulation was on 11-12. day cycle. then I had egg white cervical fluid ... which repeated again the 14th day of the cycle more than few days before. Now I'm interested what you think about my chart :) It's a bit early but I'm impatient .. BBT I do in the morning only when I open my eyes and on weekends after 6 hours of sleep.. I'm not experienced in reading the chart so please help ... The only symptom that I have cramps lasting 5 seconds a day a few times just in my womb not in the ovaries.

4.12.2017 til today

ovulation 11th day of cicle. Had intercourse on 9th (PM) day and 12th(PM) and 13th(AM). Temperatures from 11th day of the chart in celsius. 36.4, 12th 36.8, 13th 36.3, 14th 36.65, 15th 36.3, 16th 36.5, 17th 36.4, 18th 36.8 (they don't let mi post links so.. on fertility friend I have 7 temperatures above the line. cervical fluid is creamy
Thank you everyone. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for more positives this month!
Congrats!!! Lots of BFP this month, maybe a few more to come? So exciting!
Can you move me to 25th please! Thanks x

Congrats Elven! Another bfp for December! I have really acbey boobs, weird ewcm stuff, temp still up. 4 days to hold on in there. It be pretty funny if we managed to do it this time with only trying once ...out of 12 months the only time we didn't really try!
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Moved you hun xxx hope you get a bfp for xmas!!!

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