~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

Congrats cherrygirl on your BFP xx
On a diff note, how do you get the flashy two lines BFP which cherrygirl and few others have , im hopeless at this sort of thing?
Massive congratulations to all the ladies for their :bfp: this month. It looks like there are a lot more than the last two months :dust: I'm so happy for you all. But also sorry about he ladies who the witch got, I hope January will bring you all your BFP's.

I had refrained from testing too early this month as I started to feel maybe it wouldn't happen for a while, but seeing so many ladies with BFP's in December made me think maybe I would be lucky this month too and I am. I am so shocked I got a :bfp: this morning :shock:
Congratulations, hope you have a healthy and happy nine months! :)
Ahhh I was just nearly sick when I got out of the bath! Pregnancy symptom or norovirus? Xxx
Baby cakes, make sure you click go advanced and in a box on the right are Emojis and things xxx
Congrats cherry! Fab news

Ahhh I was just nearly sick when I got out of the bath! Pregnancy symptom or norovirus? Xxx

This made me lol literally!
I'm 3dpo ( I think 4dpo but I'm going with the opks lol) and have had serious fanny daggers so bad today it's took my breath.... I do not know any other way of describing them Lmao!
Congrats cherry girl!!! Looks like December is going to be a lucky month. Maybe it's thanks to letting loose in time for Xmas 😂
Massive congratulations to all the ladies for their :bfp: this month. It looks like there are a lot more than the last two months :dust: I'm so happy for you all. But also sorry about he ladies who the witch got, I hope January will bring you all your BFP's.

I had refrained from testing too early this month as I started to feel maybe it wouldn't happen for a while, but seeing so many ladies with BFP's in December made me think maybe I would be lucky this month too and I am. I am so shocked I got a :bfp: this morning :shock:

Anyone testing soon?
Think im 2dpo!! A good few days to go yet xxx

2dpo for me too. Im not planning on testing until Xmas eve.... I don't have a single test in the house either..
Hah who am I kidding I'll be out buying them next week and stashing them up my top to walk to the car so I don't bump into anyone I know lmfao

Haha linx, so there's 4 of us ready to test literally at Christmas!!
One of us must get a bfp!! Or all of us.....xxx
I know melly I have tested with a pound land 2 days ago I just didn't share my stupidity on here
There's a probability that I will buy tests today...in view of testing on a later date HAHAHA
I think i have started the progesterone increase for sure as getting bad wind again.

I knew you'd cave haha! X
Massive congratulations to all the ladies for their :bfp: this month. It looks like there are a lot more than the last two months :dust: I'm so happy for you all. But also sorry about he ladies who the witch got, I hope January will bring you all your BFP's.

I had refrained from testing too early this month as I started to feel maybe it wouldn't happen for a while, but seeing so many ladies with BFP's in December made me think maybe I would be lucky this month too and I am. I am so shocked I got a :bfp: this morning :shock:


Congratulations. This has been a great month x
I keep getting lots of pains and niggles ledt and rigjt side of ovaries from ovulation till af...been a few cycles ive noticed this...could this be cycts? It can feel like a small tiny person is digging but never been pregnant when had these pains before so not related to pregnancy?

Anyone else have constant pain/niggles from ovulation till af?

I sometimes get those alexis. I often thought it could have been implantation teying to happen but failing as keep getting bfn's! Could be just ovulation and hormones though x
Congrats to all those with BFPs!!

AF due on Tuesday for me. Feel totally normal. Not feeling hopeful. We'll see.
Congrats to all those with BFPs!!

AF due on Tuesday for me. Feel totally normal. Not feeling hopeful. We'll see.

Exactly how I felt in October but I'm 11 weeks today. I honestly think symptom spotting is pointless...it's just impossible to avoid.

Good luck Look in and congrats to everyone getting their Christmas BFP's
Congrats Cherry girl... December is a very generous month for bfps!!
Congrats cherrygirl on your BFP xx
On a diff note, how do you get the flashy two lines BFP which cherrygirl and few others have , im hopeless at this sort of thing?

Thanks very much Baby Cakes and all the other ladies. To get a flashing BFP you type : b f p : without any spaces.

I don't have hardly any pregnancy symptoms at the moment at all, but reading all your comments made me cry, so I guess feeing extra emotional is one of my first symptoms. I really hope the rest of you get your BFP's soon. Sending lots of dust and luck to all of you xx
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Congrats to all those with BFPs!!

AF due on Tuesday for me. Feel totally normal. Not feeling hopeful. We'll see.

Exactly how I felt in October but I'm 11 weeks today. I honestly think symptom spotting is pointless...it's just impossible to avoid.

Good luck Look in and congrats to everyone getting their Christmas BFP's

I don't symptom spot as a rule as it's always ended in tears. I just can't avoid the 'what if this means something?' during the 2ww. I try to convince myself that I've always felt this way and just haven't noticed haha!! I'm hoping to stop tracking my cycles in a few months time so hopefully it will be easier.

Hope your pregnancy is going well :)
Meh.. It just took me 4 weeks to get over my last viral thing. Got back from a hack out on the horse to upset stomach and a fever. Temp 37.7 on paracetamol. I had this exactly same time in my cycle 1 monyh ago. Unbelievable...been wrapped up in 5 layers with a hot water bottle. Going to my bed as up at 6am for work .
Alexis you should call in sick hun. You sound horrendous. Rest up x

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