~*~*~* December Testing Thread *~*~*~

Very faint but what do we think???? EDIT - now thT I’ve uploaded it I can’t seee anything, I can in my pics and real life!! It’s a faint line, came up after about a min!

:dust: CONGRATS!!!! I hope this is a sticky little bean!!!

Added you for the 14th :hugs:
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Can you change my test date to the 25th? I think due to my IUD removal I may have only just O'd!

Fingers X'd for an xmas BFP!!

Ooooohhhh it would be incredible!!! FX hun, I moved you! :dust:
Could I be moved to the 24th please? It will only make me 10dpo I think but I don't want to test Xmas day and spend even a minute of it sad because of my other babies. 1dpo today x
Could I be moved to the 24th please? It will only make me 10dpo I think but I don't want to test Xmas day and spend even a minute of it sad because of my other babies. 1dpo today x

Good luck honey!
Moved you Linx...I really hope you have an extra special xmas this year!
Very faint but what do we think???? EDIT - now thT I’ve uploaded it I can’t seee anything, I can in my pics and real life!! It’s a faint line, came up after about a min!

Ooh looks like the start of a BFP!!
Keep us updated, totally promising that line xxx
Alexis I would try after hsg and see how it feels, you never know it might be a good time to BD xxx
Omg can’t believe it!thanks so much everyone! I will keep testing and hopefully get some darker lines
Seems to be a lot of bfp coming this month so congrats to those who have them and baby dust to those who still have to test. I am 10 dpo and have tingly boobs and gagged at my tea this morning but scared I am setting myself up for a fall x
ooooooooh Wintergirl looks like your early testing has paid off!! Eeeek I def see two lines :D very exciting xx
Seems to be a lot of bfp coming this month so congrats to those who have them and baby dust to those who still have to test. I am 10 dpo and have tingly boobs and gagged at my tea this morning but scared I am setting myself up for a fall x

Youve got this rach hun. Keep positive! If ot is a bfn.....we are here for you x
Very faint but what do we think???? EDIT - now thT I’ve uploaded it I can’t seee anything, I can in my pics and real life!! It’s a faint line, came up after about a min!

Definately lines there so congratulations x
Hi everyone, I'm new to this too like Wintergirl :-) Been reading this thread and congrats to those who got BFPs this month! Good luck everyone else too- would be amazing to have a BFP for Christmas.
I have tested a few times this month as period was due on 3rd but all negative :( I'm on day 46 now. My normal cycle is 37-38 days...should I wait a few more days and test again and go to docs if no AF? Anyone else had this before? Had some symptoms a week or so ago but nothing now other than being hungry but that might be me just being greedy!

LuckyLaura had the same thing, her cycle was just getting longer and longer and she was so frustrated! She decided to test one last time and BAM :bfp: - she was 7wks along when she found out!

FX it's the same for you!
Its true hehe and now I'm 8 weeks and sick as a dog :P fx for you xx

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I don't know whether to laugh cry or jump up and down. I thought it was a little odd that af hadn't showed on Monday or last night so thought I would just on the off chance and this happened. We really didn't try this month and only dtd twice on CD 11 and 12.

I am unsure how I feel about it at the minute as we have been going through a rocky patch between me and the husband lately with him being an irresponsible idiot. I had told my mum that we weren't trying until things were better in the new year as she was worried about me having 2 children on my own. I am going there for Christmas and now have to tell her as I wont be having a drink so will be very obvious anyway.

Congrats! Wooooo I'm so pleased for you! I hope your hubby gets is act together now for your little one xx

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Hope to hear good news from Pidge today :dust:

Unfortunately theres no good news from me today Kat :( AF arrived bang on time! I have my first appointment at the fertility clinic tomorrow though so hopefully it means a BFP is just around the corner for me! :) I haven't been on as much recently, trying to put TTC to the back of my mind it's not good to obsess so much! Big congrats to all our Christmas BFPs so far! Can't wait to see some more lovely lines! :)

Missed you being about. Good luck for tmrw... I have my hsg test 5th then bck for 2nd appt 30th jan. We will be going through this together !

I'm so glad to have someone going through this at the same time Alexis! Although I have everything crossed for your BFP before you have to go through the hsg! My appointment went great today so I'm feeling positive! They done more today than I thought they would! I got an internal scan done (totally mortified as I was not expecting this today and I have definitely not shaved my legs in about a week lol) the doctor said everything looks normal down there so I guess that's good news! They also took a couple of blood samples from me and I had to do a chlamydia test! OH has his SA on the 10th Jan and the doctor said our follow up appointment should be sometime in February then :)
Hope to hear good news from Pidge today :dust:

Unfortunately theres no good news from me today Kat :( AF arrived bang on time! I have my first appointment at the fertility clinic tomorrow though so hopefully it means a BFP is just around the corner for me! :) I haven't been on as much recently, trying to put TTC to the back of my mind it's not good to obsess so much! Big congrats to all our Christmas BFPs so far! Can't wait to see some more lovely lines! :)

Missed you being about. Good luck for tmrw... I have my hsg test 5th then bck for 2nd appt 30th jan. We will be going through this together !

I'm so glad to have someone going through this at the same time Alexis! Although I have everything crossed for your BFP before you have to go through the hsg! My appointment went great today so I'm feeling positive! They done more today than I thought they would! I got an internal scan done (totally mortified as I was not expecting this today and I have definitely not shaved my legs in about a week lol) the doctor said everything looks normal down there so I guess that's good news! They also took a couple of blood samples from me and I had to do a chlamydia test! OH has his SA on the 10th Jan and the doctor said our follow up appointment should be sometime in February then :)
Haha must say I had a chuckle about the legs comment. Really glad to hear your appointment went well xx

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Hope to hear good news from Pidge today :dust:

Unfortunately theres no good news from me today Kat :( AF arrived bang on time! I have my first appointment at the fertility clinic tomorrow though so hopefully it means a BFP is just around the corner for me! :) I haven't been on as much recently, trying to put TTC to the back of my mind it's not good to obsess so much! Big congrats to all our Christmas BFPs so far! Can't wait to see some more lovely lines! :)

Missed you being about. Good luck for tmrw... I have my hsg test 5th then bck for 2nd appt 30th jan. We will be going through this together !

I'm so glad to have someone going through this at the same time Alexis! Although I have everything crossed for your BFP before you have to go through the hsg! My appointment went great today so I'm feeling positive! They done more today than I thought they would! I got an internal scan done (totally mortified as I was not expecting this today and I have definitely not shaved my legs in about a week lol) the doctor said everything looks normal down there so I guess that's good news! They also took a couple of blood samples from me and I had to do a chlamydia test! OH has his SA on the 10th Jan and the doctor said our follow up appointment should be sometime in February then :)

Wow it's amazing how different places are. My 1st appt was a 5 min questionnaire then they booked me in for hsg test and gave me appt for end of jan to discuss results and next steps. Looks like you got loads done! I would have bee mortified about the unshaved legs too haha but health professionals see stuff like that ALL the time.

I am glad we have each other on this windy road! I won't jabe a bfp tgis nonth as only dtd twice and once was only in fertile period..
Migjt not be able to try in Jan due to hsg test being on cd#14...so may end up being February till we can try again. I guess I am hoping slow and steady wins the race in my case.

Keep us updated! ( am dreading hsg test)

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