******December Mummies 2018******

How exciting Hmmm! Pleased to hear all was well at your scan.
Hmmm I just wanted to check in and see how it went! I'm so glad for you congrats xx
Congratulations Rach & Hmmm on your scans! Fab news!

We had our dating scan today, been brought forward again and now at 18th December :good: All seemed well with the baby.

For the first half of the scan the baby was upside down standing on its head!! I totally got the giggles, it looked so awkward for the little thing! The sonographer was trying to get the baby to move for ages :lol: cheeky monkey

Will add a pic as soon as I work out how

Wolfmamma sorry you've not been feeling well again, hope you feel better soon.
I would love to join the group but will be later on in June once work know (my bosses are in my friends) and my family still don't know at the moment it is still top secret! I know its private but the risk freaks me out! xx


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I’ve loved seeing everyone’s scan pictures and hearing everything is okay with your babies. I still have a week to wait until mine.. is anyone else due to have theirs still or will I be the last?!

Also was after some advice. We plan on telling the rest of my family this weekend (nan’s/aunts/uncles etc because I have some crazy big close family). Problem is, my scan isn’t until next Tuesday I am worrying about telling everyone. We go on holiday next week so this weekend is the only chance to tell them all before we go away. I did have a private scan at 9 weeks and everything was fine then with a heartbeat. I’m now considering paying for another private scan this weekend before we tell everyone. Does that seem a bit silly when I’ve got my dating scan on Tuesday?? I don’t know what to do!
Lovely too see all the scans going well. I won't be having mine for another 3 weeks probably. I'm 11 weeks Thursday but still too sick to get out of bed so have to be patient. Last time I improved from 13 weeks and the first thing I did was get a scan so hoping for the same again.
Stephx my scan is next Tuesday too.

Lovely scan pic Firecracker, glad it went well.

That's a while to wait foe your scan Bunny. Is that due to you being so unwell and unable to go out to get scanned or just that they are super busy in your area?
Sorry its late but here is the pic you can slightly see the hand and fingers


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Stephx my scan is next Tuesday too.

Lovely scan pic Firecracker, glad it went well.

That's a while to wait foe your scan Bunny. Is that due to you being so unwell and unable to go out to get scanned or just that they are super busy in your area?

We are going to do the scan privately so can book 2 or 3 days before but I wouldn't be able to make it there at the moment. Getting to the bathroom is hard enough, lol.
Stephx my scan is next Tuesday too.

Lovely scan pic Firecracker, glad it went well.

That's a while to wait foe your scan Bunny. Is that due to you being so unwell and unable to go out to get scanned or just that they are super busy in your area?

We are going to do the scan privately so can book 2 or 3 days before but I wouldn't be able to make it there at the moment. Getting to the bathroom is hard enough, lol.

Ah, well that makes sense. Oh man, I remember it well, I really feel for you, it's so hard just to get through each day :(
Dear ladies, I am sorry i have been completely off the radar, i just couldn't bring myself to write here and also i didn't want to upset anybody before your scans and make anyone panic. It is still hard, so I am going to write this quickly and hopefully won't get too emotional and start going on too much. Please forgive me if I don't respond after this, we are really struggling at the moment and i might not come back to the forum for a while. At 10 weeks, we had a harmony test. it was mainly because we were just impatient to know that everything was ok and to be completely honest the main reason was that we were curious about the gender. We have 2 gorgeous healthy girls and we have never thought that there was even a glitch of possibility something could be terribly wrong with our baby.I am always worried about miscarriage as I had one in the past, but since this baby was looking and measuring beautifully on already 2 scans, I stopped being worried. By the time we had the Harmony test, like I ve just said,we had already had 2 scans and our baby was measuring lovely and a whole week ahead, waving arms and legs and looking all perfect to our doctor. and us. The test however came back with a 99.9 percent probability that our baby had Down syndrome. The shock and disbelief are still with us and it all seems like a bad dream and that we will wake up any time. We had a CVS procedure which confirmed it hundred percent, our baby indeed had down syndrome. We were still in shock and had another appointment with the consultant. They did another ultrasound and found also a major heart defect which was already visible. I can not talk about it girls, honestly.The pain and the shock are indescribable in this situation. Last saturday, following the doctors' advice,we had to say good bye to our baby boy ( yes it was a boy ), and I had a TFMR ( Termination For Medical Reasons ) in my hospital, same hospital where last time I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Whilst it was the right decision for this baby and our family, the pain of this loss is undescribable and both my husband and I are in pieces at the moment. Trying very hard ( hopefully successfully ) to put a brave face on for our girls and giving them nice and fulfilling days that they are used to, but at night we are both a mess. I am upset, frustrated and in complete shock. I feel so ignorant that I never thought this could happen to me and was so unprepared.I am really hurting right now and not even sure I will ever want to have another baby, as I am now terrified of the possibility of it happening again. I have loved being part of this group and was so looking forward to sticking around with you girls until December, but it ill not happen now. I am so happy to see all your lovely scan photos girls and I am wishing your little ones health. I will be thinking of all of you girls, and who knows might even pop in in december to see all your lovely babies, even though i am sure it will be vey very hard month for me.xxxx
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Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry for your news. I have no idea what to say at all and I just want to wish you all the best. You gave all our love xxx
Hopeful1976 I'm so sorry to read this. Thinking of you. xx
Anyone else ready to come to the facebook group yet? :)

what is the group called, I would like to join. Had a lovely scan and moved my date to 1st December....pretty sure that can't be right but my husband is really tall so guess baby is taking after him!
Anyone else ready to come to the facebook group yet? :)

what is the group called, I would like to join. Had a lovely scan and moved my date to 1st December....pretty sure that can't be right but my husband is really tall so guess baby is taking after him!

Hi Heather. FB group is secret so isn't searchable, just to keep peoples privacy. Drop me a PM with you email addy and i'll send an invite x
So sorry to hear that hopeful it must have been a horrific decision to make. Sending love and best wishes to you and your family. Xxx
I am so so sorry hopeful there are no words of comfort at this time. I hope u have plenty of support around u and take some time out for yourself. Sending love your way xx

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