******December Mummies 2018******

Has everyone announced now? I haven't yet, bit nervous about it to be honest!

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I've told family and selected friends. Going to continue to tell friends as and when I see them. I've told a few work friends but they're sworn to secrecy. I'm going to tell other colleagues after the anomaly scan - not sure how obvious it will be up until then but I reckon I can style it out if I dress carefully and if people guess they wouldn't be so tactless as to directly ask me!

Does anyone have a bump? I look a little bigger but don't have an actual bump right now.

When does everyone have their anomaly scans? Mine is July 16th.
My anomaly scan isn't until the 16th of August. I'll be 21+ weeks by then, it's the only appointment they had.

I'm definitely noticing my jeans are tight now and going to have to switch to maternity ones soon. I guess it won't matter too much that my youngests told her teacher. The news will spread so quick.

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Yeah mine is 3rd August, seems so far away! I am starting to get a bit of a bump I think but to be honest it could just be fat/gas! Looking forward to actually looking pregnant!

My friend suggested the belly band thing that you can use over your jeans, around your waist and it allows you to have your fave jeans unbuttoned, but still holds them up and keeps your modesty! I bought one at the weekend, going to try it out this week because no jeans fit now!x
Ladies, the December 2018 mummies group has been opened in the second trimester page, feel free to head over there so we can keep everything going in one conversation/thread rather than two!

We need to update the dates on that group too i think as some aren't on there and some have changed recently xx

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