december due mamas

Gosh you had an awful time Bunny! Fingers seriously crossed for you!

Sounds like you're having a tough time at the moment. I hope the full blown morning sickness stays away for you.

This is our first, and I know our parents will be soooo excited but I think we're going to wait a bit. I'm thinking if something was to go wrong it would just be more heart broken people, and that doesn't feel right. My Mam lost her Mam last month, and I'd hate to add to her heartache (although I know it would cheer her up so much if she knew...). Aggghh it's difficult! Xxx
Thanks BabyFrog. We had two successful pregnancies before the last one so most likely it was just one of those things. I feel like I should be freaking out about things going wrong again and how I'm going to cope with everything but at the moment I'm just super happy to being pregnant and I'm enjoying every day. As soon as I got my BFP I started doing some manic cooking for the freezer so that if my MS does get bad at least no one will starve!

Telling or not can be a hard choice. Honestly I was glad everyone knew last time because the support really helped. From that point of veiw I'd tell everyone right from the start. It is really only because I'm enjoying my happy bubble so much at the moment I dont really want other people worring :).

By the way I actually loved labour. It was painful but I was surprised how I found the whole thing an amazing experience. And I was in labour for 38hrs :). Pregnancy wasnt exactly perfect for me but other than the awful morning sickness it was a pretty amazing experience too.
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You've got the perfect attitude by the sounds of it, just enjoying every day!

I am usually very laid back so I'm hoping I don't become a stress head. I haven't been too bad apart from googling every twinge or slight symptom, but I reckon that's probably quite normal behaviour for a first baby?!

My friend has two boys and she said something very similar about labour actually. She came out of it feeling like if she could do that there wasn't much she couldn't do! Xxx
I really didn't find labour that bad I remember as I was just about to have him I said really is that it lol so I don't have any real fear about that I definitely find the early stages of pregnancy worse than the end and labour so looking forward to this nausea and sickness ending
I am praying for a 'is that it?' labour now ha ha.

Time is going soooo slow. It's only been 4 days since I found out and it feels like 4 weeks!
I'm sure it's not the same for everyone and dunno if I'll be so lucky 2nd time around but you see people screaming their heads off on one born every minute and think oh crikey what have I done lol but couldn't believe it wasn't too bad and I had a 3rd degree tear maybe I was just dazed with the whole thing lol
My second labour was more intense than my first but he was 11lbs, lol. There are so many hormones and adrenaline rushing around that it isnt the same as normal pain. I say the same about labour not being as bad as morning sickness mummywanabe. I even said "well its better than morning sickness " to the MW when was in active labour so I know it's not just because I am looking back with rose tinted glasses, lol.
11lbs BunnyN WOW!!!!

I loved the birth too even though I wussed out got myself admitted at 1cm dilated and went on the pethadine (which I loved too!). I then refused to leave the hospital as I am complete weirdo and liked being there! It went on for 3days in the end and ended in an emergency c section but I honestly liked it. Like you said Bunny MS was a million times worse and my MS wasn't really that bad in comparison to others i guess.

How is everyone feeling??

I'm trying to do things round the house but having to stop to sip my lemon water and now eating a bag of hula hoops.

You girls need to keep shush or people with think it's easy rather than appreciate that you are totally kick ass!

Is pethadine the one which makes you feel a bit trippy?

I'm feeling really tired today, but I'm not sure if it's just in my head because I'm only 4 weeks tomorrow!
Its not that I'd call labour easy. It was jolly hard work. But it was a kind of exciting and satisfying feeling too. I imagine is what an athlete feels like when they run a marathon :). I was fortunate to find an amazing home birth MW who did a great job so that helped it to be a good experience. Morning sickness with my 1st was just weeks of shear misery.

Tonks- yeh 11lbs was a bit of a shock, lol. We knew the baby was big but I wasnt waiting for him to be that big! I'm glad we didnt know before or it would have had us all in a panic about the birh.
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Babyfrog - yes pethadine made me feel like I was floating on a cloud. I didn't really get rid of the pain but I felt good. I liked the gas and air too. I'm def not someone that should take hard core drugs I would be in serious trouble lol!!

I don't think it's in your head your tiredness should start to ramp up now. Bed is my favourite place right now.

Bunny - I would shit of myself if I'd known I was having a baby that big. Was there a reason why your baby was that size? I think my brother was nearly 10Ibs and I thought that was an achievement for my mum! Lol


They were not really sure of the reason. Big babies do run in the family. I was 9.5lbs and my brother was 10lbs. My SIL had an almost 11lb baby too. She had GD but he was always big growing up and is a super tall teenager now. There are a lot of really tall people in my family and I am not exactly small myself. I wasnt diagnosed with GD but I had questionable fasting bloods sugar results twards the end of pregnancy. So maybe boarderline GD combined with genetics and being on the taller and larger side myself?

Amazingly the birth went fairly smoothly and I didnt even tear.
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Larger babies are meant to give you an easier labour. It's strange but it's because gravity will help them out more. My daughter was 4lbs 9 at 37 weeks. They induced me, gave me two pessaries which didn't work. Then took me to delivery and tried to break my waters. But my daughter wasn't ready and was high up. So one midwife used her full force to press on my stomach and push my daughter down. Whilst the other midwife tried to break my waters. I had to have an epidural just for that! lol it was extremely painful.. Not that the epidural worked!
Then they gave me the drip to induce contractions. It brought my contractions on full and very very painful but my cervix still wasn't opening. After 4 days we gave up trying. My daughter was born at 37+4 by c section weighing 4lbs 9.

I did not enjoy labour at all! They made it such a bad experience for me. I wouldn't recommend getting induced early to anyone! If the baby isn't ready they're not going to come easy.

I want a natural labour this time. Where the baby comes when he/she is ready!

I loved gas and air too tonks! Though I was talking completely crap lol

Also diamorphine. It made me very sleepy and after 3 days of no sleep I loved it lol

They were the only things that worked. The epidural was crap! Xx

Awww I've loved reading your stories ladies, even if some of them do terrify me! I can't wait until we've told people and I can chat to my friends with kids about their pregnancies and births without it seeming totally suspicious!
Hi girls, I just wanted to wish you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy. I lost the baby and an truly heartbroken however I believe everything happens for a reason.
I will be popping in every so often to see how you are all getting on. I won't be TTC for a while, I know that.
Lots of love x x
I saw it on your other thread Jaco. I'm so sorry. The worst thing about the tri 1 thread is loosing ladies we were just getting to know. There is nothing I can say to take away your pain but my best advice would be not to be afraid to grieve. And try and find someone to talk to. I don't know if you have visited the loss forum yet but I found the girls on there a great support as they really get what you are going through. Talk to your OH too. Men dont go through it in the same way we do but try not and be open about how you are feeling or it will build up even more. As far as TTC goes dont decide anything while its all so raw. Take care of yourself. Hugs
I just found out I am pregnant this morning with my first baby, I'm due on Christmas Eve! Where can I get one of those cute pregnancy banners? x
Congratulations missjuliet! To get a pregnancy ticker click on someone else's that you like. It will take you to the website where they got it. Follow the steps and at the end it will give you a code. There is a choice of codes. I think the one this forum uses is BB code. Copy the code and open user CP, edit signature on here and paste in the code.
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I'm new to this site and due 28th December.....currently flitting between being excited and terrified!!

Hoping to speak to lots more mummies throughout my pregnancy!

Congrats to everyone else expecting this year too :)

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