december due mamas

I literally feel like such a loser today I've cried twice because I feel so rubbish, I feel like I've no right to cry I've lost 5 babies I know how it feels to be really low I should be feeling so happy that I'm even getting these symptoms but it's just taken it out of me today
Congrats to the new mummies to be.

Sorry jacko, I wish you the best of luck for the future.

Well ladies I think everyone is feeling sickly! I'm struggling! I forget to eat 3 meals a day and it's killing me of at the minute! I forgot lunch and went out shopping. Omg.. I thought I was going to vomit in Dunelm mill. I need to remember to eat!

Sorry you are feeling low mummywanabe. When I'm feeling like that I get junk food, wine usually but maybe a non alcoholic version? Put a really soppy film on and have a Good cry. I usually feel better after that.

Anyone else getting a bit of a bump/bloat? I know it's probably wind lol but it's crazy! It's probably just my mummy tummy from my daughter filling out haha xx

Ill be 5 weeks on tuesday and my tummy is SO bloated!! My boyfriend even said...oh look you're showing already. just bloat Im afraid.

Again, I cant complain as the sickness monster hasn't hit me yet...

Love reading all the comments on here, both supportive and reassuring that i'm not going crazy!!
Is yours worse at night? I still have a bit of a 'bump' in the morning but it's a lot worse at night! Lol my jeans are uncomfy already and I know it's just bloat lol this was this morning. My stomach is usually flat-ish?!? Lol



This is tonight! It's getting me down! Lol I'm self conscious going out now as I just look tubby haha

Anyway to ease the bloat? X

Hello ladies

Just wanted to join in the group as our baby is due in December! It's saying around the 16th. We have our first doctors appointment on Tuesday. 6 weeks 2 days!! Super excited. Look forward to hearing from all the other December mummies to be. Xxx
Hello Mexico and congratulations! I am due the 16th too :).
Me too! The 16th is quite popular! Lol congrats! Xx
Thank you! It's out first, so no idea how I am suppose to feel but have been sick-feeling nauseous since 4 1/2 weeks. How is everyone else feeling? It's just constantly feeling sick that I find hard. I am going to the doctors on Tuesday just on count down to get the first scan booked. Do you have to wait until 12 weeks or can it be earlier?
Same here. The sickness is awful isn't it.

You can pay for a reassurance scan privately from 7-8 weeks. If you've had losses the nhs will scan you earlier. If not you have to wait until 12 weeks, unless you have any problems xx

Great thanks Slb. Yeah it gets you down as you just feel horrendous all the time.

I think we will just wait but it's such a long time. The waiting is the worst. It is tempting to get a private scan but they are so expensive. Do you have any other symptoms mine is mainly sickness/ nausea!!

We have decided we are not going to find out what we are having we want it to be a surprise. Will you find out? We have been trying since July last year! It's so weird I thought I would be pregnant straight away and it has taken all this time! When did you find out? We found out on the 11 April after I was sick the night before. Xx
They're about £40 where I live. But I know the prices differ loads.

My boobs are so sore! Lol I'm achey and tired too! I'm napping most days lol

Yes I will book a private scan at 16 weeks! I'm too impatient. Plus I prefer to colour match the babies stuff lol my daughter was very very pink! Everything had to be lol I will be the same this time. Well either pink or blue lol

I found out on the 5th April. A very early/faint BFP! I couldn't wait lol I was sick around 4 1/2 weeks and I'm sick every few days now. I've figured out that the pregnancy vitamins make me worse. If I take them on an empty stomach I am sick within 10 minutes.

I was having a bit of a better day but I think I over did it. I feel awful just now. OH is looking after the kids so I can have a lie down. Hopefully that will help. Morning sickness is one of my least favourite things in tbe world.
What vitamins are you taking, at the moment I am only taking folic acid. I was going to ask the doctor about this on Tuesday. I love how everyone is so different. I look forward to hearing what you will be having in a few months. I had a nap today felt so tired. I am worried my boobs aren't sore. They are a little tender but nothing really.

That scan price is really reasonable. I've done a little research on them and they seem to be £100-£150 which is very expensive. I think I will be ok once I have the first scan, I'm just so impatient!!! It's so nice to talk to other mummies to be who are feeling the same.
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day! I can imagine when you are already a mummy and pregnant it must be even harder because you still have to soldier on and be a mum! Well I hope you feel better! Glad the other half is helping! I napped this afternoon on the sofa just felt exhausted! I walked the dog and it felt like I had bricks in my wellies! I think working full time is going to take its toll!
I'm just taking pregnancy vitamins from tesco. Folic acid and vitamin D are your two main ones. But the pregnancy ones have a bit of everything in so they're better.

Where do you live? That is expensive! Xx

Every person and every pregnancy is completely different. It's crazy isn't it xx

Somerset, unless I am looking at the wrong thing. Yeah it is mad. I am really happy as I am 31 married beautiful home just need babies to make our life complete.

Ok will have a look at the vitamins- thank you. It's really helpful speaking to people who are mummies already.

That's what you would need. £85 is still pricey compared to here but I am northern.

It's I'm not sure where you are exactly and how far you are willing to travel. But have a look around. You may find cheaper. Good luck Hun x


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