december due mamas

Congratulations boomboomb and missjuliet exciting times x
How is everyone today?
I've been very tired today as we had a late night at our friends. It was hard work keeping my eyes open after 9pm without them being suspicious, lucky I have the breastfeeding excuse to not drink haha
Hi Cam,
Next Friday will be our first night out with friends since we found out...should be interesting.

Looking forward to not having a hangover though ;-)
Congrats miss Juliet and Boomboomb.

I'm still feeling sick as a dog. The house is suffering feels dirty where I can't do the usual stuff. I had a five guys though today that was lush. Think the milkshake made me feel a bit better.


Hi girls welcome to Tri 1 :-)
this nausea is killing me with my son I didn't really have the nausea I just threw up all the time but I could eat whatever I wanted but I can barely stomach anything, it's killing me lol
My little boy came over earlier and rubbed my tummy and the hugged it and said I love you baby I thought 'I'm going to cry how sweet' the sweetness didn't last long two mins later he arrived back with his Bob the builder hat on and a toy drill and tried to drill my tummy I asked him what he was doing and he said 'I'm going to squish the baby' I part laughed part felt a little worried haha
Welcome ladies and congrats!

I feel totally okay today. Although I appreciate it I don't like it at the same time, I'd rather have some symptoms! Xxx
Only 4 today, so I'm not too worried, it's just the last couple of days I've been really tired but today nothing! Xxx
I haven't had any sickness yet, just one majorly sore and heavy boob (ha) but then i'm only 4 +4.
When did everyone start noticing the nausea??

This is my first and I'm driving myself crazy with worry, hopefully soon I will relax and start to enjoy!
Around 5 weeks this time about 7 with my son SO ready for this phase to end
I started feeling slightly sick with my son at about 5 weeks then it got bad at about 7 weeks.

This time there is no gradual build up it started around 5 weeks.

I'm so ready for it to end soon. I feel really sorry for my son I just don't want to move off the sofa! I'm just constantly feeling nauseous. I'm hungry but have no appetite and I can't face most foods.

We just have to ride it out but God knows what I'll do if I feel worse than this when I go on holiday in 3 weeks!


I've been lucky with my first 2 pregnancies I wasn't sick at all and with my 3rd I was sick only a handful of times. Always have nausea and constantly hungry. I really feel for those of you who are sick all the time don't think I could cope with that x
Oh my gosh my right nipple feels like someone is stabbing it with a skewer. Has anyone else experienced this? Thank you for the congrats ☺☺☺☺
Miss Juliet I had stabbing pains in my left one all day yesterday. It's really similar to when your breast feeding and you're boobs start getting full again and you need to feed with them again!


Hi ladies,

Hope you're all well! Congrats to the new mummies-to-be! My morning sickness has kicked in but its fine as soon as i eat, i've never been so hungry! I have real hearty breakfast now but generally struggle to eat them.. i used to never really have breaky, more of a 10 cups of tea person :lol: Had a yummy sausage sarnie now off to a steam train railway centre :dance: hope you all have a wonderful Sunday x x
Oh Mskittycat I wish mine felt better after eating!

Have a nice day Hun xx

I'm struggling now too. I feel sick when I eat but even worse if I dont. Small amounts of food often seem to be he best approach for me. I still haven't actually been sick yet but feel severely queasy all day and have been doing a fair amount of heaving and wretching. I would be sick but manage to avoid it by spending most of the day lying down. Thankfully I start feeling better at about 7:30pm so can dash about for a couple of hrs doing some cooking and cleaning ready for the next day.
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Guys help my sickness is relentless. I'm throwing up every 10/15 mins no matter what and I feel so drained. :(
Feelin your pain new mama I've barely been able to get out of bed today, nothing I eat is staying down! The only thing I can say is it doesn't last forever and I think this is the worst part
Oh no, that sounds awful! I hope you're all feeling better soon. Xxx

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