december due mamas

Mine are out for delivery today!! I'm so excited. Didn't realise they would come so quick!


The sickness bands helped me. Only problem was I couldnt use them for more than a couple hrs at a time because they made my hands swell.
Great news SLB! I'd be enjoying things if it wasn't for the morning sickness I generally feel nauseated 24/7 and will be sick from about 8am until about 2-4 anything I eat doesn't stay down apart from my evening meal.
I had really bad morning sickness with my son up until about 16 weeks I think it was.
I literally don't think could do this another 9 weeks, it was hard enough the first time round but now with a 3 year old it's so much harder

It sounds like you are borderline for having HG. There are some good support groups and threads on HG, you might find helpful.

I'm finally starting to feel the queaziness but its still mild. I was sick on the day I missed my period with DS.
So the sickness bands came and after 3hours of wearing them I've just puked for the first time in the loo! I actually feel better now, but I've got to laugh.

I'm just worried now things will be awful compared with my son as I was never actually sick with him and I'm 6 weeks and already puking with this one! Argggghhhhh!


Maybe you didn't have them on long enough? I'm not exactly sure how they work.

Hopefully you will be okay. I'm 5+5 and I've already been sick. Plus I'm getting to that dizzy/sick stage :( I was bad with my daughter, sick at least 4-5 times a day. I'm hoping I will be lucky this time. But I doubt it!

If it gets too bad you could always speak to your GP. Good luck Hun.

Anyone else craving anything really early??

In the last week I've drank 3 full cartons of pure orange juice! I just can't get enough. Usually I have one or two a year! Lol

I am still really thirsty though so it could be that. I always craved orange juice after a heavy night at uni lol so maybe it's my body's way of getting more liquid in me.

It's a good job my digestive system has slowed down a bit or I would be in trouble drinking that much fresh orange juice haha xx

Great news SLB! I'd be enjoying things if it wasn't for the morning sickness I generally feel nauseated 24/7 and will be sick from about 8am until about 2-4 anything I eat doesn't stay down apart from my evening meal.
I had really bad morning sickness with my son up until about 16 weeks I think it was.
I literally don't think could do this another 9 weeks, it was hard enough the first time round but now with a 3 year old it's so much harder

It sounds like you are borderline for having HG. There are some good support groups and threads on HG, you might find helpful.

I'm finally starting to feel the queaziness but its still mild. I was sick on the day I missed my period with DS.

I was signed off for hyperemesis with my son the first time round and it definitely feels the same luckily it seemed to stop before they were going to admit me for if fluids. I feel terrible but again thankful that I'm sick at the same time because I know the hormones are working away, but it's getting me so down now, still I'm through another week and hopefully closer to the sickness ending
Hi ladies! Congrats to you all.

I'm only just PG but trying to think positive and join the gang already.

Due date 31st December I think. I'm about 3 weeks plus 4, and a first time mammy!

Feeling very nervous as I was actually about CD67 when I conceived so I'm worried about old lining and an old egg...

Only started ttc in January, had one 'normal' cycle and then nothing until my positive. I'm sure the midwife is going to look at me like I have two heads when she asks the date of my last period... Early Feb!

Fingers crossed for a healthy nine months for you all :)
Hi babyfrog! Welcome. I was having long cycles when I got pregnant with our boy, but not that long. I think it was about CD25 I conceived. It drove me nuts because no one would listen to me about having a long cycle and still used my due date based on LMP. I guess at least yours is long enough they wont have much choice but to believe you!

Tonks. I started throwing up earlier with my second but it didnt end up getting as bad and went away earlier. I think part of that is because with my 1st I could lie down as soon as I felt rough. The second time I was busy looking after a toddler so I ended up throwing up more often even though I wasnt as bad, if that makes sense.

Mummywanabe- i guess you know all about it already then :/. I feel for you. It is one of the most horrid things ever. It was the only thing that almost stopped us TTC again. Thankfully I wasnt quite as ill the second time and it went away at about 10 weeks instead of 17. I'm sure I'll get my share of sickness yet this pregnancy but I'm hoping for a slighy milder version.
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Thanks Bunny, I hope you're doing well.

Really excited to hear how all you ladies are getting on, and as you're a couple of weeks ahead of me hopefully I'll have some prior warning of what is on its way ha ha. I feel like no matter how much I read I'm still not totally sure what to expect and when!
Hi Baby frog congrats and good luck!! And no matter how many you've had I don't think anything prepares you for this lol
Yeah feelin a bit sorry for myself at the mo but also trying to remind myself how lucky I am to even have got this far right now, until I see that scan or hear a heartbeat I don't actually believe we're having a baby in December. So I actually think I'll get the big BFP Shock sometime at the end of May lol
Congrats baby frog!

Mummywanabe .. Are you not eligible for an early scan?

My scan is tomorrow.. Eek! I'm pretty sure everything will be fine. My morning sickness really kicked in this morning :( I had a few sips of my brew and then had to run upstairs to vomit. Eurgh.. I feel so bad today. Plus I've got a cold so that doesn't help. Xx

Phoned midwife yesterday everything was lost and my referral never made it to the hospital. I see my new GP on Tuesday to do it all again. Here the midwife has to refer you for it so until I see one I've no hope thought about paying for a private one but a bit skint at the mo so don't have £100 to spare so I'll hold out and see what happens!
Thanks girls :)

I know what you mean mummywanabe, I don't really believe it either. It's like everything in my life has changed since the positive, but nothing is different! Well apart from my nipples being a bit weird last night tmi ha ha.

I'm definitely not looking forward to the MS. I feel so sorry for myself when I'm poorly.... I'll just have to get on with it I suppose! I have cold at the moment, and even just having a sniffly nose is driving me mad...

Good luck at your scan Sib24, how exciting :)

I went to the docs surgery yesterday to give a water sample, but they said it'll be over a week before the midwife gets in touch. That seems crazy to me. But I suppose this is the biggest thing that's ever happened to me, and just completely routine to them!

Patience isn't my strong point ha ha xxx
Hi babyfrog congrats on your bfp.
The first tri is always an impatient one for me just want to be 12 weeks already so I can see everything's ok. I've still not seen midwife and I'm 8 weeks on Saturday. Have a docs appointment next week for midwife referral just seems to be taking forever lol x
Congrats to you too Cam. I'm taking reassurance from you, if you're up to number 4 it can't be too horrific! Ha ha.

I actually go on holiday when I'm 12+1, do you think they'll do my scan before then so I can relax on hols?! Xxx
Hiya ladies! How are you all doing?

I see lots of you have morning sickness :-(

So far other than occasional itchy nipples and feeling a bit yuk when I'm hungry I have NOTHING. No symptoms at all. Actually fairly worried about it, as I had really obvious and very early symptoms with my other pregnancies. Trying to stay positive and think that as none of them made it, perhaps this one is different for a good reason.
Going to see my GP next week as long as things stay as they are and get my early scan booked in.

Hope you're all well and the little embryos are settling in nicely :-)
Congrats to you too Cam. I'm taking reassurance from you, if you're up to number 4 it can't be too horrific! Ha ha.

I actually go on holiday when I'm 12+1, do you think they'll do my scan before then so I can relax on hols?! Xxx

Haha I'm not going to say it's all fun and a beautiful experience but it's not put me off and my first was quite stressful what you get at the end is the best ever.
Not sure about the scan usually just get a letter from the hospital to say when to come in for your scan. Mention your going away when you book in with midwife. They like to do it at 12-13 weeks as all baby's are the same size at that point so they can confirm dates and also do the downs checks, hopefully you will get it just before you go and you can enjoy your hols. You going anywhere nice? xx
We're going to Tenerife for a week. I've just changed our seats on the plane so I'm on the aisle. I need loads of wees anyway so I'll be hopeless once all the hormones properly kick in! :)

If it's going to be after I think I might be tempted to pay for a private scan, I'll see how stressed I am feeling! Xxx
Oh I really hope so bunny. I would be ecstatic if I had no sickness for my hols in 3 weeks!!

Not sure if it was the sickness bands but I felt much better today still sicky but I can deal with a bit. I also sliced up a lemon and took that to work. Had it in my cold water and fruit teas all day and it was really refreshing. I'm also finding chewing gum helps too! Maybe that's why I felt better?!?!

The nausea feels so much worse in the evening but that's nothing new as had that with my son.

Slb best of luck for tomorrow, what time is your appointment??

Just think ladies we will be in tri 2 before we know it. I can't wait to start enjoying pregnancy like I did last time.


Morning sickness seems to have set in for me today. Well I wasnt actually sick just felt rough all day. Praying it wont get too bad because we have a 15 month old and almost 3 year old and OH is on crutches with a bad leg so cant do much and needs looking after himself. We have family that are supportive but we were hoping to hold off telling them just yet.

When is everyone telling family? Part of me would love to tell right away, we did with our 1st but things went badly last time. We lost the baby and I almost died. That plus OH having a bad leg and already having two toddlers. I think they are all going to freak out a bit. If I could make it to 12 weeks it will alteady be past the worst of the worry and OH should be better by then. If something goes wrong I'd rather everyone knew but I dont want to stress everyone out and from a selfish point of veiw, at the moment we are really happy and excited and I dont want the "OMG how are you going to cope" and "what if the same happens again" comments spoiling our special time. So lets see if I can make it to 12 weeks to tell. It mostly depends how sick I get. I might have no choice but to tell earlier when it comtes to it.
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