december due mamas

I have not been on here for a few days!
Congratulations to all new december mummies!!!!
It's so exciting xxxxxxx
Congratulations butterfly! Lots of mums to be in here now! Fingers crossed for everyone
Thank you. It was quite a shock but the more it sinks in the more excited I get xxxx
This is my 5th baby. I thought I'd stopped at an even four lol xxx
Ooh butterfly congrats could be a Xmas baby! x
Congrats Hun!

Okay anyone else in the same situation? I have just completely panicked! Lol

I will be due Around the 16th December. This may change at my scans. But it can only go later as This is the earliest.

I had a section first time round. I was hoping to try for a vbac.

I've just realised that if I go over I could end up in hospital on Xmas day?!? There is no way on this earth I could leave my daughter on Xmas day. I would be heartbroken.

I'm tempted to just ask for another section just so I can be home with her.

What does everyone else think? Anyone else panicking about leaving the kiddies?

I love the idea of an Xmas baby but not now I have a daughter xx

I'm early Dec so even if I go over I should still be home all being well
My daughter (13) was the only one that arrived around her due date! My 3 boys (6,5,3) were all 4 weeks early so I have no experience in going over unfortunately. I hope your baby makes the grand arrival and your home before Xmas hun,
Although saying that I was in hospital for 2 days before birth and 8 days after delivery as Josh had and infection and needed IV anti bs and the development jaundice so that added extra to our stay. Lol xxx
I never even thought about the whole Christmas timing. We would just have another day set up for my son if we missed it. Doesn't really bother me.

I've already thought about having an elective c section already though. I felt I actually recovered quicker from my c section better than some friends who had natural and lots of stitches! My labour was ok but I had 3 days of strong contractions and not really dilating that does put me off a bit. When preggers with my son I was doing hypnobirthing and wanted a water birth. I feel choosing a c section will stop me from feeling let down as I didn't get the labour I really wanted. However if I opt for vbac I might feel so happy I actually did it. Can't believe I'm thinking about birth this morning I was panicking my tits weren't as painful as yesterday!

I was 9 days over with my son in the end my mum was late with all her 4 kids even twins so I knew I would be.

Omg just worked out 2 weeks over for me would be Christmas Day, lol!!


I wanted a water birth first time. I wasn't allowed though as I was induced at 37 weeks. I was in hospital 4 days having contractions but still only got to 1-2 after two pessaries and the drip. That's why I had a section. I asked to go home the following day.

They don't let you go over more than a week if you've had a previous section and they won't induce you. So the only option then is another section. But a week over for me would be the earliest the 23rd. So I would probably still be in hospital. Or end up having him/her on Xmas day lol

My daughter is 2 in July and my niece is 3. They're very close. They open their presents together and we all spend the day together. I wouldn't want to miss it :(

I think I will wait until my dating scan and then panic about it lol xx
I recovered really well from my section. I was up walking around within a few hours. I kept getting shouted at lol I just couldn't sit in bed any longer plus I was dying for a shower lol the nurses were shocked at how well I did. Xx

Yeah my friend was told that too after having c section she wanted v bac so when she hadn't gone into labour naturally she was told to come and get induced at 41 weeks. She went and it was too busy at the hospital and was told to comeback another week later!! This was literally just a couple of weeks ago!

I have a niece and nephew both really close to my sons age too. My nephew 6 months older and niece 6 months younger. So yeah we normally spend the whole Christmas together with the kids too. I never had Christmas growing up so that's why it's not a bother to me really. Neither did my hubby as he's Turkish.


Really? That's bad. I bet she was gutted. Were they going to induce her then? The hospital near me won't do it. My friend is pregnant and she's just seen her consultant who said that.

Wow.. I bet that's nice having them all together :) I love seeing my daughter and niece together :) xx

No she was happy in end she wanted a natural delivery and didn't want to be induced in the first place.
Yeah they were going to induce her at 41 weeks then because they were busy they said if she still hadn't gone into labour she would have to be induced at 42 weeks. She went into labour on her own though.
She said all the way through her pregnancy they were adamant she couldn't go past 41 weeks but they went back on that after all that. She was surprised about it to say the least but got the birth she wanted so was happy.


That's great news for her :) I will have to wait until a later date and talk to the midwife/consultant about it.

I may be worrying for nothing. I could end up being a November/early December mummy if this baby is small too. I only got to 37 weeks last time. Only time will tell xx

Are you always consultant led if you had a previous c section?

I can't even envisage getting to later stages right now. I wouldn't mind being early i'm already ready to leave work lol!


I think so. Because they have to check your scar and decide how you can give birth etc.

Haha.. Leave as early as you scan and get plenty of rest jn cx

Hey guys this is my first time being pregnant and being on one of these forums. I'm around 6/7 weeks pregnant and with it being my first I think I'm slightly over worried ha. I'm 20 years old and my due date is roughly 1st December 😁😁 so hello! X

Welcome and how exciting!

It's weird because I had absolutely no worries when I was pregnant the first time with my son.
After several losses and trying for our 2nd since Oct 14 I'm a nervous wreck this time.

How are you feeling? It's such an exciting time for us all especially the first timers. I loved being pregnant even through the sickness. And I loved labour even though that ended with an emergency c section everyone thought I was mad!


I'm so nervous yet so excited!! I'm scared I'll let them down but I know if both my boyfriend and I try our best we will be just fine. My mums a big worrier so unfortunately I am too. Just want everything to go well. There's a lot of excited family though on both sides. Can't wait for the sickness to pass so we can all gush over the new addition. Doctors on the 19ththough ☺️
New mama I don think there such a think as a perfect parent or a perfect child, you learn as you go, you teach your child but they teach you too, you will be fine do not worry, I'd never even held a baby before my son and worried I would know what to do, you just get the hang of it, congratulations on your good news
Mummywanabe is right there is no such thing as a perfect parent Hun. What others perceive as good parenting some will think is bad anyway.
I love/loved my parents but my ambition is to be different to them.

I've really started feeling sick this afternoon. It's my sons birthday this Sunday so this evening I need to bake his cake and tomorrow make the lasagne ready for Sunday as having the family over. The thought of peeling myself off the sofa to complete any task turns my stomach. I know this is all worth it and is giving me a little relief that things are going in the right direction.



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