I worked out my due date using day of conception rather than LMP. I was using OPKs which puts my date of ovulation two days earlier which is backed up by getting a BFP 9dpo. Its also possible to have a short luteal phase though. In that case you ovulate at the same time as you would with a 28 day cycle. Its just the second part of the cycle that is shorter.Mine was a 26 day cycle this time too . I was pretty sure it was and then i got my bfp 9dpo. Based on a 26 day cycle . If it had been a 28 day cycle that would make my bfp 7dpo which is pretty much impossible, unless its twins,lol.Hi girls. I'm due december 16th. I got my BFP 9dpo and have popped into this thread a few times but after our loss a few months back I guess I wasnt sure about joining the tri 1 thread. I've decided to take the plunge though.
I just noticed my nipples were like that today lol.
Hi Bunny, congrats! My due date is mixed between 16th on some due date calendars and 14th on others. 16th being a 28 day cycle, but i'm pretty sure this one was short and 26 days, which i get a couple of times a year.
I'm assuming mine is a 26 days cycle as i track my period and the day of ovulation was friday and the last time we had unprotected sex was Tuesday. So i'm assuming i ovulated Wednesday. I know they say sperm can live up to 3 days but that's only in very perfect environments etc. And i think they have to use extremes to be on the safe side.
Most due dates go by standard 28 day cycle. So is your due date done by a 26day cycle?
Its so confusing, i'm assuming having a shorter cycle would mean i would ovulate 2 days earlier, but when i put my luteal cycle in at 12 days on a 26 day cycle (last day of period 11th March) it comes back as 16th still.. the same as a 28day cycle with luteal cycle 14days.. coffufled! lol
Most doctors and MWs will just look at you a bit odd if you try and say anything about OPKs or your cycles being different though and just write down your date based on your LMP and a 28 day cycle. Later on they go more by the dates from your dating scan. I'm a bit obsessed with working out my own dates though because I know for sure my scan was 5 days out with DS. Which is kind of a lot, especially when they are pushing early induction on you.