december due mamas

Hi Tonks :) I feel the same, i'm not looking forward to SPD again either or the birth lol, i was rather disturbed last time but its all totally worth it, id go through much worse. Least im prepared this time. :) I've wanted this baby which completes my family for a long time (even before my partner came along, as i was a single mum majority of my daughters life, i've had partners but not a proper family). My partner has 2 children, a girl 9 & a boy that's 5, my daughters 10 and our 2 girls are BFF's hehe. It's really lovely that a little human will bind us together as a proper family. It's my dream <3! x
Tonks was a character in Harry Potter lol that's why it was in my mind
Hi ladies can I join you?
Found out last week that we are expecting our 4th baby due 3rd december i think. I have a 12, 7 and 2 yr old was a bit of a shock to us but we are coming round to the idea now. Bit nervous in the 1st tri as had a mc before my 2yr old. Fingers crossed for happy and healthy 9 months for everyone x
Hi cam!!! CongratulationS!!!!! Exciting times for everyone here xxxxx
Hi Cam!

Congrats! :) It was a shock for me too and my partner too, but took only a few hours for it to become so exciting x
Really didn't expect this little one , I probably could of got a bfp at easter but just thought I was having a long cycle! My other children have November,December and Jan birthdays so going to be an extra busy few months now! :) x
Hi Tonks :) I feel the same, i'm not looking forward to SPD again either or the birth lol, i was rather disturbed last time but its all totally worth it, id go through much worse. Least im prepared this time. :) I've wanted this baby which completes my family for a long time (even before my partner came along, as i was a single mum majority of my daughters life, i've had partners but not a proper family). My partner has 2 children, a girl 9 & a boy that's 5, my daughters 10 and our 2 girls are BFF's hehe. It's really lovely that a little human will bind us together as a proper family. It's my dream <3! x

That's so lovely your partner has children as well and that they all get on is very special. When baby comes you'll have a pretty big family, sounds like my dream.

Haven't even got as far as to think about birth just trying to get to 1st scan in just under 2 weeks time, eeeekkk!
:) :) :) :)

Welcome Cam and massive congrats.

Another nervous lady here too!


Tonks was a character in Harry Potter lol that's why it was in my mind

Lol didn't quite finish the first book or even manage to watch the 1st film.
One job I used to work my boss started calling me Tonks and everyone else I worked with there started too as well. That's where the name came from.

Ladies has anyone else's nipples changed a lot. Mine are constantly erect and longer than normal, if that actually makes any sense. I can't even bear to touch the very end of them they hurt and are really hard.

The only thing I can compare it too is when you breast feed and the baby unlatches. When the nipple is released from its mouth it's really long where they have been sucking on it. There like that and really shiny!!

Sickly feeling all evening, is it too early to go to bed?? Lol


I thought tonks from Harry Potter when I first started talking to you lol

Yes!!! They're driving me crazy! They don't go down anymore lol and they're really painful too. It reminds me of after I breastfed too! Lol xx

Maybe it's a 2nd mummy thing? I don't remember them being this bad 1st time round xx

No neither do I either!

Lol I need to watch Harry Potter and see this character.


Hi girls. I'm due december 16th. I got my BFP 9dpo and have popped into this thread a few times but after our loss a few months back I guess I wasnt sure about joining the tri 1 thread. I've decided to take the plunge though.

I just noticed my nipples were like that today lol.
Hey bunny! Looks like we have the same due date (for now, they may change) :) congrats xx

Hi ladies hope you all been ok today ! I've had a stressful few days ! Basically I'm still living at home until we rent etc , I fell pregnant and my mum has been putting me down ever since this ! Saying about my debt all the time and how I have a good job etc.... My mum currently is in rehab as a recovering alcoholic ! And I did everything for her and the attention was all on her ! But now I'm starting my own family it's like she has to judge me for everything I do.I am 24 years old and my partner is 28 ! We love each other so much and I don't no what I would do without his reassurance , I also suffer from anxiety so this doesn't help ! My mum surely should be supporting me and at least saying congratulations ...I angers me so much to be judged
Hey Bunny congrats!
Oh my nips are the same only my 2yr old is still bf and it's really hurting like the first few weeks of bf. I wish he'd wean now but he's a real boobie monster lol
Aw Clara sorry your mum is stressing you out like that it's really not fair. Maybe she is worried about you leaving and having your own wee family. I hope she realises how it's hurting you and becomes more supportive soon. Have you told her how it's making you feel? x

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