december due mamas

Hi Clara sorry you don't feel more supported my grandad as an aloholic unfortunately a disease that can make you quite selfish is but your partner sounds very supportive, enjoy your pregnancy hopefully ur mum will come round
Thankyou lovelies !! She's had lot of mental health problems and she has changed a lot ! I cared for her throughout her alcholic life at home and it was hard but I stuck by her , she's worrying too much about things that can be sorted and I can always go back into work ! I no she's trying to help but it's more stressing me out ! Things all work out in the end and all I want is for my baby to have the best life I can give it and my partner , my partners side of family is extremely happy and my sister and dad xxxx yes alcholism is a horrible disease ! Seeing my mum how she was growing up has made me more determined to be a great mum ! .... This is my first child so I just hope she does come round it !! Xxxxx
Tonks It really is my dream, it's weird how life can change over night. Just last year i was a single mummy wondering where my future lay! :)
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Ladies has anyone else's nipples changed a lot. Mine are constantly erect and longer than normal, if that actually makes any sense. I can't even bear to touch the very end of them they hurt and are really hard.

The only thing I can compare it too is when you breast feed and the baby unlatches. When the nipple is released from its mouth it's really long where they have been sucking on it. There like that and really shiny!!

Sickly feeling all evening, is it too early to go to bed?? Lol


Mine are more erect but when im super hot they are just massive and wide. Very sore still. I was really happy to buy bigger bras the other day./ Im normally only a 34 B, now im almost bursting out of my 34 c.. yay lol.
Hi ladies hope you all been ok today ! I've had a stressful few days ! Basically I'm still living at home until we rent etc , I fell pregnant and my mum has been putting me down ever since this ! Saying about my debt all the time and how I have a good job etc.... My mum currently is in rehab as a recovering alcoholic ! And I did everything for her and the attention was all on her ! But now I'm starting my own family it's like she has to judge me for everything I do.I am 24 years old and my partner is 28 ! We love each other so much and I don't no what I would do without his reassurance , I also suffer from anxiety so this doesn't help ! My mum surely should be supporting me and at least saying congratulations ...I angers me so much to be judged

Hi Clare, congrats on the pregnancy. Im sorry to hear you're feeling low. Its not nice to be living in a tense atmosphere is it, is there any way of distancing yourself from this negativity? Its not forever just try and get by for now and avoid any form of convo with her as much as possible. It sounds like shes not in the happiest place herself and I think its hard when people are in that state they find it hard to be positive for others, shes probably finding it hard to be even positive for herself, maybe a little jealous too? Keep your chin up maybe she will see things more positively when she gets better herself. x
Hi girls. I'm due december 16th. I got my BFP 9dpo and have popped into this thread a few times but after our loss a few months back I guess I wasnt sure about joining the tri 1 thread. I've decided to take the plunge though.

I just noticed my nipples were like that today lol.

Hi Bunny, congrats! My due date is mixed between 16th on some due date calendars and 14th on others. 16th being a 28 day cycle, but i'm pretty sure this one was short and 26 days, which i get a couple of times a year.
Thankyou !! I hope she does ! Im just going to try and not speak to her as much until she wants to etc , I no if her head was in the right place she would be over the moon ! But I think where she's had this problem it has caused her to think differently and overly anxious .... I'm just going to stay positive ! My partner is amazing and we talk about it all so as long as we both stick together we be fine xxxx
I'm feeling so rough his nausea is really getting to me I know it was bad the first time but having it and having a toddler to look after too is not easy at all, poor wee man is rubbing my back saying ya ok mummy bless him
I'm feeling so rough his nausea is really getting to me I know it was bad the first time but having it and having a toddler to look after too is not easy at all, poor wee man is rubbing my back saying ya ok mummy bless him

Do you take B vitamins? I heard they are pretty good for morning sickness. I've got high dose ones 100mg B complex. Which is safe in pregnancy. Oh and also ginger and lemon tea in the morning. I use my cafetiere, grate some some ginger and squeeze half a lemon n add hot water, you could add pure honey too if you like it sweet :) x
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Sorry to hear about your situation Clara. Hopefully you can resolve it.

How is everyone this morning?

I've woke up with a really sore back and a really sore left boob (at the side). I must have slept on that side all night and it's killing lol.

Mummywanabe.. Make sure you eat loads. It was the only thing that helped me. I'm dreading when the sickness kicks in properly. It was hard enough first time. I don't know what I would do this time. I would have to take my daughter to the bathroom with me lol

I hope everyone's okay xx

Hi girls. I'm due december 16th. I got my BFP 9dpo and have popped into this thread a few times but after our loss a few months back I guess I wasnt sure about joining the tri 1 thread. I've decided to take the plunge though.

I just noticed my nipples were like that today lol.

Hi Bunny, congrats! My due date is mixed between 16th on some due date calendars and 14th on others. 16th being a 28 day cycle, but i'm pretty sure this one was short and 26 days, which i get a couple of times a year.
Mine was a 26 day cycle this time too :). I was pretty sure it was and then i got my bfp 9dpo. Based on a 26 day cycle . If it had been a 28 day cycle that would make my bfp 7dpo which is pretty much impossible, unless its twins,lol.
Hey Bunny congrats!
Oh my nips are the same only my 2yr old is still bf and it's really hurting like the first few weeks of bf. I wish he'd wean now but he's a real boobie monster lol

I bf through my sons pregnancy. I was determined to make it work but it was really hard. Then ds fed through my last pregnancy that sadly ended in mc at 10 weeks. This time I'm relieved that ds has decided to give up on bfing recently. His last feed I was pregnant already but didnt know it yet. He kind of pulled a face and spit my nipple out. I wonder if the milk tasted funny already?
Hi girls. I'm due december 16th. I got my BFP 9dpo and have popped into this thread a few times but after our loss a few months back I guess I wasnt sure about joining the tri 1 thread. I've decided to take the plunge though.

I just noticed my nipples were like that today lol.

Hi Bunny, congrats! My due date is mixed between 16th on some due date calendars and 14th on others. 16th being a 28 day cycle, but i'm pretty sure this one was short and 26 days, which i get a couple of times a year.
Mine was a 26 day cycle this time too :). I was pretty sure it was and then i got my bfp 9dpo. Based on a 26 day cycle . If it had been a 28 day cycle that would make my bfp 7dpo which is pretty much impossible, unless its twins,lol.

I'm assuming mine is a 26 days cycle as i track my period and the day of ovulation was friday and the last time we had unprotected sex was Tuesday. So i'm assuming i ovulated Wednesday. I know they say sperm can live up to 3 days but that's only in very perfect environments etc. And i think they have to use extremes to be on the safe side.
Most due dates go by standard 28 day cycle. So is your due date done by a 26day cycle?

Its so confusing, i'm assuming having a shorter cycle would mean i would ovulate 2 days earlier, but when i put my luteal cycle in at 12 days on a 26 day cycle (last day of period 11th March) it comes back as 16th still.. the same as a 28day cycle with luteal cycle 14days.. coffufled! lol
Hey Bunny congrats!
Oh my nips are the same only my 2yr old is still bf and it's really hurting like the first few weeks of bf. I wish he'd wean now but he's a real boobie monster lol

I bf through my sons pregnancy. I was determined to make it work but it was really hard. Then ds fed through my last pregnancy that sadly ended in mc at 10 weeks. This time I'm relieved that ds has decided to give up on bfing recently. His last feed I was pregnant already but didnt know it yet. He kind of pulled a face and spit my nipple out. I wonder if the milk tasted funny already?
I was wondering if he'd go off the milk as some people say it changes but doesn't seem to bother him just yet. Sorry for your loss hun lots of luck to you with this little bean xx
Hi Ladies,
Got my BFP on Sunday and am due I think on Dec 17th.

Hope you are all well and congratulations.
Congrats lucky :) there's quite a few of us due around the same time :) xx


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