december due mamas

Madsticks- that does sound like it could be a little bit o bleeding. Blood isnt normal but it is faoirly common and often not anything serious. Can you self refer to your EPU? If you went in and said you have spotting on and off they would probably give you a scan.
I think from now it has to be the midwife who refers me to the EPU. Though because of my PCO and previous MCs AND an abnormal smear before BFP I'm under two consultants at the hospital too.

I had more last week than I've had today and the midwife wasn't concerned , I guess if it keeps happening more this week I'll call her and see. At least I know whatever it is didn't affect the pregnancy last week as the scan was all good. Just seems odd. Normally you hear of pink or red or brown, but orange?
Madsticks with my first I had bleeding when a wiped etc, got checked and they wasn't concerned or anything. He's nearly 8 now :)maybe sometimes it's body still adjusting not sure. Glad your scan was ok tho. I had a call from midwife yesterday saying I needed to see her urgently so there on Tuesday I think it's because I need bloods and stuff done for the risk of downsynsrome test and still not a appointment come through for my 12week scan. It's scary as I had high risk of downs with my first pregnancie not that it would of changed my mind still would of had him but don't they measure thickness of neck or something now? Xx
Mad sticks I agree with every one else. Get seen. I've had bleeding/spotting throughout this pregnancy and it's to do with the babies placenta and where it's lying. There are a ton of reasons as to why people bleed and normally nothing to worry about. Good luck Hun x

Sib do they kno where placenta is laying at 12week scan? Xx
Yes but they don't care about it until 20+ weeks. They diagnosed me with complete placenta Previa at 8 weeks. I'm not sure why (maybe because placenta is low) but it's very obvious on my scan photo. If you look you can see that baby is lying on top of the placenta. From all the 8 week scans I've seen I haven't been able to tell where placenta is or it's out of the way. Xx
Ahhhh yeah a can see Hun, baby looks chilled out on scan pic bless him/her. I thought it was 20weeks I can't wait for that scan to give an answer to where the placenta lies, consultant just panicked me by saying am at more of a risk with the placenta in this pregnancy. Xx
Hey ladies,
Sickness seems to have eased off a bit now, thankfully!!!
I'm still amazed at how violently I discover the certain foods that are no longer my friend!!

How's everyone's bump!? I'm just over 9 weeks but my stomach has definitely grown and is quite solid. Ive explained to my fiancé that I shouldn't be showing this early and now he's convinced it's twins. Ha ha, that'll have him worrying for a few days ��
Awwww bless him is this first pregnancy? I'm showing sooner with this baby at 10weeks and there's only one here, maybe carrying water or just the way body is adjusting to pregnancy. I want to tell people after my 20week scan which is gonna be at least another 10weeks doubt it'll go unnoticed until then people will notice way before, yet my pregnancy before this didn't show until 26week. How are you feeling? Xx
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Yes first baby. So excited.

Now the nausea is passing a bit I feel much better...weeks 7-9 were not pleasant!! I guess it's all part of the fun and somewhat reassuring that things are progressing how they should.

I couldn't wait 20 weeks, already dying to tell people but want the scan first and to know everything's going ok.
Awww bless you congratulations :-) I was same with the nausea seems to be ok today and last night ThNks goodness stuff I liked before a can't even look at now. I'm waiting 20weeks as a kno other halfs family will have something to say about it all. Plus my anxiety of wanting to make sure baby and placenta is ok. A few close ppl no like my mum dad grandma and partner obviously. When are you due boom boom?
Due 28th December, first scan 14th June.

I've seen so many conversations about the placenta but it had honestly not crossed my mind until I was actually pregnant!

Have only told mum and a couple of close friends.

Will be good to get the secret out and also be able to talk to other friends and family about their experiences. Particularly the birthing bit! Eeeek
Omg ladies 1st day I've truly felt better. Me and hubby went for dinner alone without our son, he's at the inlaws. Couldn't eat that much but thought fuck me I don't feel sick and now we are having a drink child free and normally I feel so tired by now and feel wonderful - it's such a relief. I even contemplated an alcoholic cocktail I so fancy a Pina colada!!

Even the bloating has subsided.

The whole of marmaris knows about my bloody pregnancy so u really hope everything is ok!!


I just cant eat food full stop, lol. Been given new meds today so lets see how that goes.

I think they dont worry too much about a low laying placenta early on because it is likely to move up. When its complete PP it doesnt always though and can cause issues with spotting so they might pay more attention. They should be able to see if it is at the front or the back though. They will likely tell you if you ask.
Just wondering for any of you who have had scans so far have they let you hear the heartbeat, it's my favourite part, both scans I went to one private one nhs they show you the heart beating but don't let you hear it just wondered why this was
Ikklemoi try not to worry about the placenta. Like bunny said it's likely to move anyway. I'm not really bothered, I've already had a section so I can manage another one if I have to.

Tonks I've been feeling okay for a while now. It does catch me by surprise every now and then though lol but yeah I've thought about having a beer/glass of wine and then had to remind myself im pregnant haha

Mummywanabe.. I remember they did with my first but I haven't heard babies heart beat this time. Hmm! I defo heard it at 16 week gender scan so I will see at 12/16 weeks of they let me hear it xx

Hello lovely ladies. How is everyone. Sorry I've not been on here for ages. I'm still in the evil grips of hyperemesis gravidarum. The most I've managed out of hospital is two days in a row the last two weeks. I've been getting IV steroids and am on constant ondansetron. I wouldn't wish this hell on anybody xxx
Yeah am trying not to worry, either way it's definatly a c section for me with having 3 previous ones before hand. Worth it all to have a beautiful baby at end of it all :) on the scan saw heartbeat didn't hear it tho. Xx
Hello lovely ladies. How is everyone. Sorry I've not been on here for ages. I'm still in the evil grips of hyperemesis gravidarum. The most I've managed out of hospital is two days in a row the last two weeks. I've been getting IV steroids and am on constant ondansetron. I wouldn't wish this hell on anybody xxx

Sorry you are having such a rough time. HG is evil! Us December mummies seem to have had a bad time with sickness and you seem to have had it worse than any of us.

I'm on different meds and havent been sick yet today, yeh! I still hardly eat though which the doctors are concerned about. I've lost over 2 stone and ketones are between 8 and 16 which isnt good. I have managed to stay out of hospital by getting IV every few days at home. I started improving at 13 weeks with DDs pregnancy so I'm praying I do the same this time. I hope its not too long before you see some relief too.
You ladies really need a break! I feel so sorry on you all!
Hopefully it will pass soon! I keep saying it I know lol
I've never suffered with HG but I can only imagine what you're going through. I was moaning at being sick 6 times or so up to now and mild nausea! But I'm lucky because as long as I eat it passes.

My fingers are crossed for you all xx


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