***December 2016 mums***

I live in Portugal so summers are really hot. Its killing me. Will be so glad when it cools down! We have a friend aho is overdue now. Really glad I'm not her!
I have finally seen baby move!! I have been feeling it for a couple of weeks now really low down, but yesterday I was sitting and felt a pushing sensation, like baby turning it adjusting. It must have put it's feet up high because next thing my tummy just above my belly button was dancing!!
When I said 'hello baby' it kicked again harder, and again and again! It was great fun and really special. Gives me hope that daddy will be able to feel the kicks soon :)

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I love feeling baby move geco, its a great feeling!

How are all you other ladies doing? Its a bit quiet in this thread some days :).

I just realised it was my V day on Friday! I had been counting down to it for ages but somehow it slipped past me. Our two LOs have had a fluey cold this week then I caught it and now OH has it. Nothing serious just a bit of a fever and snotty nose but enough to feel too rotten for thinking about much else I guess.
Oh god I don't know how you cope Bunny in Portugal, in the heat!
It would be fine I guess if I didn't have all the chores etc to do!

It's so amazing seeing the baby dancing Gravid!

I'm being super paranoid about movements I just can't bloody relax this pregnancy it's annoying! The last couple of days I think they have slowed down. About a week ago I do think he might have turned a bit with legs facing outwards as I was getting such strong kicks outside and if I poked I could feel him I thought.
Now I am feeling some movement but again I've had some strong groin kicks (just a bit less than before) so makes me think his feet are down again! Also if I push I can't feel him anymore anywhere I feel like he's moved to the back or disappeared! I just feel bloody paranoid all the time!

I had my first bit of bad groin ache as well this weekend. Think it was down to much walking in IKEA. I felt like I could barely walk by the end of the day!!


I still can't really feel my baby moving. Sometimes I get a funny feeling, but I couldn't be sure that's what it is. I'll be 23 weeks on Wednesday, and I have an anterior placenta, so I know I shouldn't worry, but it doesn't stop me having pangs of doubt.

I wish baby would hurry up and get a wiggle on - literally! Xxx
Oh god it's a worry isn't it! You'll get stronger movements don't worry.

He's literally gone bonkers the last 5 minutes. I think sometimes at work I notice it more as I'm just sitting at my desk bored to shit. Whereas I'm non stop at home.


Hey ladies, baby frog my placenta is anterior but feeling loads of movements now from baby bless him, I'm 24 weeks tomorrow. He tends to move around same time each day, about 7 in morning around between 10 and 11 at night eeeek. Hope you feel a bit mor3 moments xx
I'm 26 weeks today! Can't believe it only a week left in Tri 2!! Hope you are all doing well girls!
When did you start to feel movements you were certain was baby Ikklemoi?

Hope all you ladies are well, it's another warm one today - I hope it cools down before bed time! Xxx
It's about 21 degrees in Northern Ireland not too hot just nice love being able to walk in the village with my son and enjoy the sunshine!
Its 27 degrees here which is a fairly cool day. Normally the heat doesnt bother me too much until it gets over about 36 but I am really feeling it this summer. Lookijg forward to September :).

Normally I feel loads of movements but I had a quiet day last week. I think baby had just turned around feet in maybe?

Anyone else get loads of BH contractions? Evening before last I was getting them non stop. I had so many that I would have been worried but they would go away every time I sat down or lay down. I think I had just overdone it so trying to make sure I take rests in the day time. Bending over sets them off but they always go away when I rest. They say to get checked if you get more than so many in an hr but I'd be at the hospital every night if I did that so I think as theyy go away when I lie down it isnt anything to worry about.
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Hey BunnyN,

I could not cope with over 36 degrees pregnant or not ha ha.

What do BH feel like? This pregnancy malarkey is way more complicated than I thought ha ha Xxx
Bloody hell. I'm struggling with the heat in my classroom at the moment and that's with just 21 degrees outside!

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Bunny I'm getting the breathlessness that I got with BH but not the tightenings. I get them constantly even when lying in bed. With my BH Babyfrog I used to get so breathless and bump would go rock hard. It's the same as a contraction but without the pressure and pain.

Complicated of course and there is so much you never get told you have to put up with when you are pregnant, like constant period type cramps. There the worst bit about my periods but I might as well just bloody have them continue for 9months! And the constant bloating! Lol!

After I was worried about movement he's been busy again today and even busier this evening. I deffo think he'd moved feet down.
I've got go and pic up my prescription for indigestion tomorrow, I'm dreading going to sleep tonight but I'm so tired!


Baby frog the past week Iv noticed them deffo baby as my other half can feel him too ����. So loved, he's in a pattern of when he seems more active bless him. I keep getting BH there uncomfortable but no there on BH compared to pain of contractions. What id do to have a proper labour tho keep thinking about it a lot and scared of another section and feel like I've failed not giving birth naturally to my baby :( xx
Sounds like BH are another joy to look forward too then... ��

I wasn't expecting the cramps either. I don't really get period cramps but I had a few months of them at the beginning! Thankfully that's stopped now and I just keep getting the odd twinge which I presume is the muscles stretching!
Ikklemoi as long as your baby is healthy and happy it doesn't matter how they got here... Being a mother is a hard enough job without adding guilt to your pile of responsibilities! Xxx

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