***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

I'm stuck at work for another week (well part time so only next mon, tues and weds). Don't think there's a Facebook group, although maybe a there was a joint one with Jan... x
I still have another 2 weeks left but signed off this week and got to see my doc today. They might sign me off for the rest of the time. Xx
So very jealous of those who have finished/about to finish ... I have 5 weeks to go. Seeming like a very long time right now. I Am officially knackard.

I wasn't to finish for another 4 weeks but I spoke with my boss and asked if I could finish early and he agreed. My line manager had been making my life hell so I needed to do something to get out of there xx
That's the doctor signed me off until maternity leave kicks in. I feel quite guilty but me and baby have to come first xx
That's the doctor signed me off until maternity leave kicks in. I feel quite guilty but me and baby have to come first xx

Nothing at all to feel guilty for Jill. I had to take four weeks sick earlier in pregnancy which was totally and utterly managements doing. You got to do what you got to do to keep you right. Hope your feeling like a weights been lifted and can enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy .

X x
It's funny how I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Got to pop in on Tuesday ( my suggestion) so I can speak to my boss about it all. He has been off for 2 weeks so need to fill him in. I feel like I have a couple of weeks to get myself sorted and focused. Xx
Don't feel guilty, you have got to do what's best for you & your little one. I only wish I had taken the opportunity to be signed off a couple of weeks ago. I'm so tired but my work just don't get it..which is ironic as I work in a caring profession! Going to see how blood tests go next week & if my iron is still as low as it has been I won't be so reluctant to accept what the doctor says
Don't feel guilty, you have got to do what's best for you & your little one. I only wish I had taken the opportunity to be signed off a couple of weeks ago. I'm so tired but my work just don't get it..which is ironic as I work in a caring profession! Going to see how blood tests go next week & if my iron is still as low as it has been I won't be so reluctant to accept what the doctor says

Yeah you are right. You do forget sometimes that you can't just keep going when you feel rubbish. Baby needs us to do the best for them. I feel amazing for being off. My sleep is totally broken but at least I can sleep when I'm tired rather than having to suffer through a full work day. If you can you should take the time off. I was physically and mentally exhausted for too long. Xx
I wish finishing work would end my exhaustion, toddler getting up at 5.30am isn't what I needed today! x
I wish finishing work would end my exhaustion, toddler getting up at 5.30am isn't what I needed today! x

awww poor you

im struggling to get into comfy positions at night
if i lie on my side i feel as if there is strain on the bump even if i prop myself on a pillow
anyone else struggling? any tips
Hope you got a chill out Saturday Becky and some rest. I feel your pain I have a four year old who's get up time is 6:30. Tried to keep her up tonight to attempt to benefit from the extra hr in bed tonight and she asks to go to bed. 10 mins after her usual bed time! My being a stickler for routine comes back to bite me on yes bum!!!

Excitednewbie sleeping is. Awful some nights isn't it. Precision pillow placement is the only way I can get comfy. Hope you start to find a comfy spot soon.

Don't know about anyone else but I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant. I want these next 8 weeks to fly. I was washing clothes, bedding, pram covers etc Today nice to have baby things around the house again. But I wish I was closer to due date x x x
Hi everyone, hope you are all well.

Last two weeks have been tough after my father in law passed away :(

Has everyone packed their hospital bags yet? I literally have no idea what I have to pack!?

Had a 4D scan yesterday, was so adorable, even had a smile off baby, may have been wind though lol!

4 weeks until I leave work, can't wait! Feeling so stressed so really looking forward to just being able to relax and get everything sorted.

So sorry you hav had a hard time. Hopefully you and the family will be ok.

Hospital bag wise I asked a few friends for advice and looked at some lists and on here. The things I packed based on suggestion were waterwipes, lanoish nipple cream, breast pads, pj's for me socks, granny pants in a few sizes, leggings, strap tops, cardys, babygrows in newborn x4, new size (from Asda) x3, 0-3 X 4, some vests, hats mittens, toiletries. I am going to go through it all again next week to check again. I need to get bras which I will be doing Soon and DH will need some bits and bobs but I thought a spare tshirt and jumper etc.

I have just put it all in my wee travel suitcase and it fits perfectly. I didn't want to take 12 bags as we don't drive and can't leave things in a car.

Thanks Jill :)

Also just in case any probs with breast feeding, is any one taking a pack of the sterile ready made feeds? x
Hope you got a chill out Saturday Becky and some rest. I feel your pain I have a four year old who's get up time is 6:30. Tried to keep her up tonight to attempt to benefit from the extra hr in bed tonight and she asks to go to bed. 10 mins after her usual bed time! My being a stickler for routine comes back to bite me on yes bum!!!

Excitednewbie sleeping is. Awful some nights isn't it. Precision pillow placement is the only way I can get comfy. Hope you start to find a comfy spot soon.

Don't know about anyone else but I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant. I want these next 8 weeks to fly. I was washing clothes, bedding, pram covers etc Today nice to have baby things around the house again. But I wish I was closer to due date x x x

lol i feel as if the pregnancyhas flown by!! im totally unprepared
Thanks Jill :)

Also just in case any probs with breast feeding, is any one taking a pack of the sterile ready made feeds? x

i think if you did have problems theyd have milk at the hospital for the baby and then probably would advise on what to give etc
Hi everyone, hope you are all well.

Last two weeks have been tough after my father in law passed away :(

Has everyone packed their hospital bags yet? I literally have no idea what I have to pack!?

Had a 4D scan yesterday, was so adorable, even had a smile off baby, may have been wind though lol!

4 weeks until I leave work, can't wait! Feeling so stressed so really looking forward to just being able to relax and get everything sorted.


thats lovely:) haven't packed anything either but haven't even bought the stuff to pack! need to start doing some serious shopping soon. keep thinking ive got 2 months but as my friend pointed out to me yesterday what if baby decided to come early?! ill be totally caught out
I haven't packed a bottle. I'm just hoping I can feed but think they will help if not. X
I've started packing, so far I have:
2 x vests in up to 7.5lb
2 x vests in up to 10 lb
3 x baby grows in up to 7.5lb
3 x baby grows in up to 10 lb
1 x going home outfit - baby grow, hat, mittens in up to 7.5lb
1 x going home outfit - baby grow, hat, mittens in up to 10lb
1 x towel for baby
1 x blanket for baby
Cotton wool
Travel changing mat
Milk starter kit in case boobies don't kick in!

For me I have
3 x nighties
Dressing gown
3 x socks
5 x pairs BIG knickers
Going home outfit - leggings, vest, Cardi
Nursing bras
Bikini - hoping to have a water birth
Maternity towels
Breast pads
Disposable pants
Water spray

There's prob more that I haven't mentioned haha x

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