Death Penalty?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Gary Newloves wife has said she wants the death penalty bringing back..

do you think they should?


My views on this are:

Althought I agree with it to a certain extent I don't want it bringing back for one simple thing.. mistakes. There is always gonna be cases of people being wrongly convicted and because of that I couldn't bare that type of mistake being made :(
this should be an interesting debate!
I'm off out today so will read when I get back.
Not sure, will have to give it more thought, but Derek Bentley springs to mind :think:
I think you should add an undecided option to the vote because I'm not 100% either way :think:
I voted yes, but really depends on the circumstances of the crime
lou said:
I think you should add an undecided option to the vote because I'm not 100% either way :think:

oops sorry.. can't add one now either.. just tried.


Sarah.. what circumstances do you think its acceptable in?
If anyone hurt my family I'd want them dead but if Isaac did something terrible as a teenager or adult and was sentanced to the death penalty how would I feel then? :think:

Thats why I'm undecided :?
I voted yes but Im in 2 minds.... I fail to see a deterent these days for people committing serious crime. If you kill someone you can go to prison and be free within 2 years, maybe even less. This country is so out of hand its unreal.

I also think Jeez what would happen in the case of someone being wrongly convicted :think: but there has to be substantial evidence for the death penalty.

If someone killed a member of my family or my friend I couldnt bear to think of the killer going to prison and having a pukka life, playing on their playstation 3's, and generally having an easy life. I'd want them to suffer. Id rather them suffer than die to be honest and for that the prisons need to get tougher. At some its like Haven.
I think yes, depending on the crime and if there is 100% linkable evidence.
I say no because like others have said there will always be mistakes. Im with Lou, what if one of my loved ones ever commited a crime punishable by death? :think: I do think the government needs to stop babysitting criminals, they should make prison sentences tougher and a proper punishment, something that somebody who commits a crime really regrets for a long time, no tvs, no radios, no day trips or holidays, nothing but the very basic human needs
If we did kill people for commiting crimes don't you find that really scary? That the government can actually kill people!? I don't think it would stop evil people being evil and I don't think it would stop violent people being violent. I think that life in prison should mean life in prison and that prison should be tough and involve hard labour and punishment.
I agree the current punishments in place should be a lot more severe. In my eyes prison should be a cell, basic rations of food. Outside for 1 hour per day for air. Other times you stay in your cell.. UNLESS... you choose to take some sort of education. I think they should offer GCSE's, Degree's etc etc in prison (not sure if they already do)

I do think the less serious crimes, the people who commit these can be offered a better chance of doing something with their lives once outside. I think I read somewhere that the rate for people coming out of prison and recommitting a crime within 3 months is really really high, we need to address that.

But I suppose with the death penalty were talking about more serious crimes. With peados they should be on their own, for life. and i mean till they die. Murders.. it's hard isn't it. Cos a woman who kills her husband because she's had years of abuse is considered that as well as that bloke who killed all those prostitutes a couple of years ago.. but they don't need the same punishment do they? :think:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
I agree the current punishments in place should be a lot more severe. In my eyes prison should be a cell, basic rations of food. Outside for 1 hour per day for air. Other times you stay in your cell.. UNLESS... you choose to take some sort of education. I think they should offer GCSE's, Degree's etc etc in prison (not sure if they already do)

I do think the less serious crimes, the people who commit these can be offered a better chance of doing something with their lives once outside. I think I read somewhere that the rate for people coming out of prison and recommitting a crime within 3 months is really really high, we need to address that.

But I suppose with the death penalty were talking about more serious crimes. With peados they should be on their own, for life. and i mean till they die. Murders.. it's hard isn't it. Cos a woman who kills her husband because she's had years of abuse is considered that as well as that bloke who killed all those prostitutes a couple of years ago.. but they don't need the same punishment do they? :think:

I don't know I suppose it would depend on alot of diferent factors...mental health, nature of the crime, ie pre-meditated, spur of the moment, involving a high degree of violence, maybe torture...theres alot of things that could sway the case of a woman killing her husband after suffering domestic abuse, but a man killing prostitutes, It doesn't take a genius to work out that he's a sexual deviant with evil and violent tendancies. The punishment should fit the crime, no doubt, but where do you draw the line? You can't kill someone a little bit. Its death penalty or not :|
I voted no.

It's a tough one, and I'm sure that if a member of my family was the victim of a violent crime I'd be angry as hell, and if it were my child I'd be wanting to kill with my bare hands. But I just can't agree that ANYBODY has the right to take another life, me included. It's just wrong as far as I'm concerned.

and two wrongs don't make a right.
natalie&jake said:
I say no because like others have said there will always be mistakes. Im with Lou, what if one of my loved ones ever commited a crime punishable by death? :think: I do think the government needs to stop babysitting criminals, they should make prison sentences tougher and a proper punishment, something that somebody who commits a crime really regrets for a long time, no tvs, no radios, no day trips or holidays, nothing but the very basic human needs

I do think it should be brought back in certain circumstances such as irreputable cases like Ian Huntley & Peter Succliffe. For young lads like the ones who killed Garry Newlove then no, not at that age. Think about how much you've changed since you were that age which is why I say that.

I do however agree with what Natalie's saying in that its time to stop mollycoddling criminals and give them proper punishment. There was a programme on tv last night and they were breaking up rocks with explosives. The commentator said years ago this work would have been done by prisoners on a chain gang but they're too busy watching daytime tv and playing ping pong to do it now. Kinda says it all.
Whilst I feel from the age of 18 your soley responsible for your actions and agree we all change as we get older, how many of us would have actually killed someone at 15 years old? If you have enough hatered in to set out to kill someone or hurt someone at 15,16,17 then it will still be there at 20,30 and 40. I wouldn't have beaten up a complete stranger or a good friend then and i wouldn't now.

The death penalty should be brought back where it is absolutely certain. The only thing that worries me is that if they can lock someone up for years, then surely they should have enough evidence against the person that they can be sentenced to death for a murder? Ask most people who have been locked up for years on end for a crime they didn't commit and they probley would of prefered the death penalty as their lives have all ready been taken away from them with what they have had to suffer with trying to prove their innocents.

There is no punishment for crime anymore. What an asbo? a warning? What good does that do? These people dont give a crap! They killed him because he was protecting what was his - what kind of world are we living in? :x Theres always a chance that an innocent person is put to death but that guy was innocent and he was killed. And these 3 idiots will have a life to live when they get out. Even if it is in 20 years oh i do feel sorry for them :x :x :x
I voted no as there's too much risk of mistakes and how can you be 100% sure that the evidance is right. Even people getting convicted and placed in prison are still wrongly centenced.

However i do think that the punishment show reflect the crime. If a life is taken by intentional murder then i think they're freedom should be taken from them. Life in prison..but prison to be what it should be, no plasma tv's or playstations and the like. Maybe those campaigning for human rights say it's cruel, but what about the human right of the person killed?

I dont' think people who drink and drive and kill someone should be given a year because they didn't mean it. They drank, they drove, they killed, they should pay the price.

Oh and build more prisons to hold criminals so there's no excuse that there's no room!
Personally I think that anyone who says a paedophile, whos murdered and raped children, should not be wiped from the face of this good earth is lying. Murder is a difficult concept... and can be influenced by many mitigating circumstances.... but some crimes are so heinous, the perpetrators lack any sense of remorse and continue to repeat the crimes, that locking them up serves no purpose other than waste tax payers money.

I think anyone who touches little kids sexually should be put to death...they are sick in the head and all the rehabilitation in the world won't make them better and to allow them back into the streets only serves to put more kids at risk... but thats just cos I feel so strongly about these things... not saying its right :wink:
I agree. But again there are many people that have been acused of abusing kids in any form and it turns out not to be true.

Saying that if you know that someone has abused kids, evidance or no you dont' think too clearly...but that's the worrying thing.
i voted yes, there are just certain people that shouldnt be allowed to breath the same air as law abiding people, just a few that spring to mind, the yobs that have just killed that man in the street, holly and jessicas killer, james bulger killers, beverly allot :twisted:

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