Dealing with toddlers and early pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2012
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I have a 2 year old, he's pretty full on. He's in nursery all week whilst I'm in work, and the evenings are ok because dad is usually around. However, my husband works a lot of weekends so it's just me and the toddler tornado.

Coping methods? I was exhausted today. Nodded off for 2 minutes and he found a hammer (luckily no damage, he woke me up hitting the wooden floor with it!) then we had a MASSIVE fight because he wouldn't nap, which led to us both feeling angry and sad. How should I have handled this better???
I have a 2 year old, he's pretty full on. He's in nursery all week whilst I'm in work, and the evenings are ok because dad is usually around. However, my husband works a lot of weekends so it's just me and the toddler tornado.

Coping methods? I was exhausted today. Nodded off for 2 minutes and he found a hammer (luckily no damage, he woke me up hitting the wooden floor with it!) then we had a MASSIVE fight because he wouldn't nap, which led to us both feeling angry and sad. How should I have handled this better???

It's hard tigger! My lo is 2y2m and I'm just coming up 12weeks. I've been very fortunate and had minimal sickness but the tiredness has been hard!! My oh is a farmer so works all hours in summer so I have mainly been doing this trimester as a single mum!

Only advice I have is leave house jobs that CAN be left - nap when they nap - and don't feel bad for sticking TV on so you can get an hours chill time!

Also I literally go to bed as soon as lo is down which is helping! Mind you it's not very sociable!! Xx
I had the very same i was an still am very nervous around elise thiugh shes not bad she knows about baby in mummys tummy but ive had arguments with her ending in us both getting upset which i then get more upset about an feel guilty an think im harming baby xx
Thanks Holi - sometimes you just need someone to point out the obvious to you, don't you? Luckily peppa pig is a hero in this house.

He napped whilst with my parents this morning whilst I got my hair done so I missed that opportunity today!!! My house also looks like a bomb has exploded. It's awful.

My perfect husband bought me a massive bar of galaxy and a box of maltesers home though so my mood has improved!!!!
What a good egg!! He's a keeper!!

Another tip is to do easy teas!! Like one pot wonders! Bung it all in casserole dish and forget about it! It helps not having to stand in kitchen for 30/60mins using loads of pots and pans that all need washing!! X
Hi Tigger,

I feel for you sweet, I had zero sickness with Olly so when I found out I was pregnant and Olly was only 23 months I didn't feel too worried, but my god iv never been so sick in my entire life. It passed around 13 weeks but jeez I was a walking zombie. We had a lot of tv days, I took him to soft plays to wear him out when I felt OK then we would nap together for like 3 hours in my bed (bad I know but I did anything to rest). He then had an allergic reaction to antibiotics when I was 10 weeks pregnant, my mam and dad (my only childcare) were on holiday and my husband was working on a deadline. We spent most of that week backwards and forward to hospital, poor might was so poorly and dehydrated. I spent a lot if the time puking in the toilet in the children's ward lol !!

So really my only advice is to try and rest when you can and if you are struggling go out for a walk and get some fresh air, will wear lo out and it will make you feel a tad better, it will get better Hun.

I'm starting to get tired now running around after lo and iv got another bloody 15 weeks left - don't know how I'm going to cope !! We are woman, of course we can do it

Feeling the same! My LO was quite well behaved today but I still struggled with feeling so sick and still having to do my normal duties. Then by the time the afternoon comes I am ready for bed!
Like others have said don't feel guilty leaving house work or putting TV on just do what you can to get through because you need to look after yourself as much as you can right now xx
God tri 1 is sooooo hard with a toddler lol!!
I literally slept for 12weeks when I was pregnant with Noah.

Im hanging!!!!!! Lol
I was never this tired with Jake. The sickness hasn't hit, so I'm hoping it stays away. It all feels totally different this time? I'm gonna get the house tidied tomorrow. Then I might take him somewhere he can run, probably with the dog, because he's getting next to no attention either! Then hopefully we can both snooze the afternoon away. And if I've done what I need to, we can go down my mum and dads and they can watch him whilst I nap in their spare bed!!! Good plan, right? Nothing will go wrong??
I have a 3 & 2 year old and I'm about 8 weeks pregnant and I have them full time as I'm a sahm, I also have morning sickness and tiredness so I sympathize with you completely. I find routine works best, after breakfast stick the telly on (gives you a good hours peace) and sit down. I tend to shut my eyes but not to sleep just to rest. After lunch I get them both down for a nap which is brilliant because it gives me a full two hours sleep which really helps. I then get them to play together and I don't care too much for the mess until they go to bed. I have moments where we raise voices so don't feel bad, you are stressed and dealing with pregnancy and a toddler. Try and take it easy. Ps I have resorted to giving out mini marshmallows for the kid who lets mummy have five minutes peace haha xx
I'm glad this has been brought up as I'm struggling to cope at the moment. Oliver is 2 next weeks and the tantrums have hit hard this week. He gets so bored stuck in the house but I'm struggling with tiredness and crampy legs so I can't even take him out
Right. My living room is tidy and swept out, no more guilt if I nap later! I've kept him going with malt loaf (he's eaten an entire loaf this morning already!) and peppa pig. He never sleeps through, but he did last night. Amazing, but I was having some very vivid dreams and doing a lot of sleep talking last night apparently so not a quality sleep.

My sense of smell is affecting me. He did the stinkiest poo ever this morning... Then stuck his hand down his nappy and dropped some on me - it took all I have not to throw up on him! We've both showered but now all I can smell is that hint of poo!!!!!
I'm finding this hard too, I have a 3 year old, she is very good but I have zero energy. She is at pre-school in the mornings but I'm at college. By the time I get home and feed her, I'm cream crackered and I feel so guilty as I have no energy to play with her. I hope this lack of energy passes soon.
I was pregnant all of a few weeks with a toddler unaware and even I couldnt hack it. I was napping after work and in bed early. I dunno how Ill manage when I fall pregnant again.

Hi I've had my baby boy who is now 9 weeks and I have a 21 month old so I feel your pain. My lo was 19 months when I fell pregnant and the only advice i can give you is RELAX!! I know easier said then down but if you try to be superwoman and do it all your be exhausted by the time baby if here. Try to have fun with your lo whilst just the two of you, don't stress about the housework and find time for yourself when you can!! It does get easier in the second trimester but be prepared for more tiredness in the last trimester!
Pregnancy with toddlers is tough, I struggled with the sickness last time with a 2yr old to occupy, this time I have a 3yr old and a 1yr old and worry about how tough it's going to get. Luckily I can keep them happy with snacks and TV, plus my 3yr old loves the ipad. Not great but if it gets me through the early weeks I'm happy to do it and they are happy too xx
Jackson is the same for the ipad he sits on youtube watching shape songs he would sit for hours if I let him.

I can only give him it when the battery is low because if I take it he just has a melt down for ages and makes me feel guilty asking for it so nicely.. So i let it die and he knows times up and is usually fine.

He can have as much ipad time as he likes if im ill during pregnancy :lol:
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Yeah Harry is obsessed with YouTube, he still cries if the batteries die but understands it better that he can't play on it than me taking it. He hasn't had it for a while as I am saving it for the really ill days lol xx
When I was pregnant with my 2 yr old I used to take my son on long walks, he then slept at home because he was so tired and I put my feet up for a bit :) it will be harder this time tho as I'll be pregnant during winter so will have to think of more indoor activities to keep her occupied :)

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