How is your partner dealing with you being pregnant?

My oh is helping to keep on top of the house and make tea etc, love him dearly but his idea of clean is not mine! Thankfully my mum came round and did a bit of spring cleaning so I'm hoping to be keeping on top of it! Just moved into new house so got tonnes to do! He is however encouraging to go to bed early and enjoying his time on call of duty game very much! But he us also acting strange in the bedroom department and is refusing to do anything at all as ur a high risk pregnancy don't want to take any chances! Anyone else got this problem. X
Mine's been really sweet about the lack of energy, he cooks, does the washing up, and assures me he will be hoovering the whole house this afternoon LOL. The only thing he's finding hard is my mood swings, I've got really bad PMS type moods at times and it makes me really nasty about people who piss me off LOL. It's exactly like when I was on depo.. He hates when I'm nasty about people and gets all upset with me, but that's it haha xx
Its still early days, but mines been amazing! Im feeling completely exhausted, and he is insisting on doing everything, and that I should just sleep. he's been doing lots of reading of baby books and things too. I'm very lucky. He may start to get sick of it soon though! :D I think it helps that he's gone through both of his sisters being pregnant, and was still living with them while they were pregnant. neither of them had OH's, so he sort of stepped in a lot.

I'm sorry yours isn't being so understanding :( maybe you need a female relative of his, his mum or something, to give him a kick up the backside!! Hope he starts helping more soon!

I think my DH must have been having a sneek look at my posts because all this week he has come home on his lunch break and tidied the house and put out washing and everything belss him

He has been crazy for a baby since we met so is dead excited but no cravings from him yet lol well other than a bit of nookie that im not able for hehehe

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