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Feb 3, 2008
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UPDATE FOURTEEN - 6.30pm Monday 8th September 2008

Dannii has been on and left a little message at the bottom of page 25.

Thus concluding the epic Danniis Labour Thread!

Over and out! :wink:

UPDATE THIRTEEN - 8.30pm Sunday 7th September 2008

Just got a text from Dannii...she's on her way home! Yipeee!! :cheer: x

UPDATE TWELVE - 5.30pm Sunday 7th September 2008
Sorry folks been out all day :oops:

Following last nights update, further news is that they were going to try Dannii on iron tablets first before a transfusion, and there's a possibility she'll be home today which is what she want's so fingers crossed!

UPDATE ELEVEN - 8.15pm Saturday 6th September 2008
Just a little update! Dannii may be in until Monday as her iron levels seem to have dropped again and they think she is anemic and may do a blood transfusion but it's uncertain as yet.

Get that steak and broccolli in you Dannii girl!! xx
Thanks to Charlotteheys85 for helping get this pic on here...here she is! Beauty!!


UPDATE TEN - 8.30am Saturday 6th September 2008

Sorry for the delay folks, had trouble with the max user error :evil:

Here are the texts I received through the night;

1.18am"Been pushing since 12.40am"
2.47am"They are looking to assist with ventouse in about an hour. Evie opened bowels much earlier so peadeatritian and resuscitator will also be at birth. Dan has very painful nerve feelings in left leg which has baffled midwife. Apart from this Dan is doing remarkable."
6.25am "Evie Grace Preistman was born at 3.53am weighing 6ld 13oz. Evie doing well. Dannii tore and cut for forceps delivery. And tore internally, has just returned from an hour in surgery to repair everything. Im sure Dan will tell you more. Her bravery has been astounding. Im so very proud of her. I've left the 2 alone for a while for some much wanted bonding. x"
7.48am "She will be home some time tomorrow. 3rd degree tear. x"

So there you have it....she is here at last!! I have a pic and she is GORGEOUS! I just need to figure out how to upload it to PC. Seems like it became a bit scary at one point but Im so happy that they seem to be doing well and they have allowed her til tomorrow in hospital to recover.

Well done Dannii you done absolutley amazingly, so proud of you. Hope you all get some well deserved rest today. :hug: :hug: :hug:

UPDATE NINE - 10.40pm Friday 5th September 2008

Latest news...........

She's 9CM!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Com on Dannii, just one little cm to go!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

UPDATE EIGHT - 9.40pm Friday 5th September 2008

Only a small update Im afraid, but latest from Danniis Mum is that Dannii is on the delivery ward on all fours trying to get Evie to turn! I was hoping Evie would have done the turn by now. I replied asking if she had dilated any further and this was the reply I got;

"Almost no break in contractions as Dannii has been put on Epidural. She still has small feeling and is now 6-7cm dilated! Sometimes has the urge to push but membranes are now bulging! x"

She has done amazing to get to 6-7cm already :cheer: And really hope the epi takes full effect, waters burst and Evie follows quickly after!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

UPDATE SEVEN - 7.40pm Friday 5th September 2008

Latest text;

"At hospital. Evie is back to back again. Contractions one minute on one minute off again. They said this may be a long labour. And it's back labour."

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TURN LITTLE EVIE :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: PLEEEEEEASE!!!!

UPDATE SIX - 5.10pm Friday 5th September 2008

Another text from Dannii's Mum;

"They have let us come home for a while. Dan had a choice of going home or delivery. Contractions every 2-3 mins very painful now. Midwife said we might only be home for an hour before we may need to go back. Or they may slow down a bit. No one can tell."

She also sent another after saying she wished Dannii had stayed in hospital as they're on their way back and contractions seem to be minute on, minute off! Her Mums afraid she may need to push soon! But says Dannii is doing brilliantly...as we all expected she would!!

Sound like things are now moving a lot faster. Hope it continues that way and she's not waiting too much longer, and also she gets some rest and comfort while at home :pray: :hug:

UPDATE FIVE - 4pm Friday 5th September 2008

Just had a text from Danniis Mum

"Dan has had 2nd pessary inserted. 4cm Dilated. Contracting still. Midwife thinks she'll be in delivery this evening. x"

:dance: 4cm down, 6 to go!! Let's hope MW is right and Evie is here tonight!! :)

UPDATE FOUR - 2.30pm Friday 5th September 2008

Got a text from Dannii at 1.40pm saying (RE Contractions)

"Breathing through them. Had a bath, now they're coming every 7 mins. Managable though, at the moment! Not going to be too complacent! Hope they let me home after 2nd Pessary!x"

And just got a text now, 2.30pm saying;

"Didn't get any sleep! :( I'm nackered! On our way to hos now. Will update asap. x"

Hope she manages some rest and things really kick off with the 2nd pessary! :pray:

UPDATE THREE - Friday 5th September 2008

Dannii is at home and has added her own update on page 4. I have copied it below;

"I'm home for a while!! Thanks ladies.

I enjoyed my meal! lol

I'm still getting contractions (they're a bit irregular) my Bishops Score is 9 (out of 13) &, lost all my plug!

I've just had a HUGE clear out too (oh no, hope I kept some of that Little Chef meal to keep me going )

Anyway, got to go back for 3pm so I'm going to try and have a little sleep.

Oh and by the way, literally straight after the pessary was administered, I got a horrible stabbing pain up "there" which felt like a knife going up me That kinda hurt, but seems to have worn off now.

Anyway, if they let me home again after this next dose, I'll pop back on later!!

I was so scared earlier I cried loads this morning about today. I just kept thinking "I know I won't be able to do this" and setting myself up for a horrible day. I feel much better now. I'm still dreading later, and when labour starts properly. I won't deny that I'm petrified! Funny how you know for 9 months that this day will come, but when it finally arrives, I don't feel prepared?! Hmmm!!


Hope she's in a nice deep slumber with contractions working away quietly while she rests :shhh:

UPDATE TWO - 11am Friday 5th September 2008

Just got another text from Dannii - Her contractions have started!! :cheer: She's making her Mum take her to Little Chef, so I assume she's not in too much pain just yet!

UPDATE ONE – 9.50am Friday 5th September 2008

Dannii has just text me;

“Hey text buddy! I’m 3cm dialated, wahey! Just had pessary put in. Evie’s being monitored then I’m allowed to come home to wait for it to work. If it doesn’t, I’m back in 6hrs for a 2nd pessary x”

Let’s hope she doesn’t have to wait that long and things start moving soon. :dance: She’s waited long enough!! :shakehead: So damn pleased she reached 3cm already, and she sounds in good spirits :D

Go Dannii!! Go Evie!! :cheer: :dance:
Yeah, it won't be long now till she has ikkle Evie in her arms.
Thats great that she's allowed to come home, so much more comfier for them both.

Good Luck Danni xxxx
YAY :cheer: hopefully wont be long until dannii is holding baby Evie!! :cheer:
Ooo, I have been waiting for this!!! Been forcing myself to go and have shower but every time it's been "Nope, I'll just check one more time" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sending her all the love :hug:

And going to have a shower now as well :roll:

Go Dannii, I know what I'll be doing all day today!
Good luck Dannii!!! What a wait you've had but I'm sure it will all be worth it when you finally meet little Evie! :cheer:

S x
Aw it's so exciting!! I love these labour threads!!!

Can't wait for mine! ;)
:dance: :dance: :dance: go Dannii - hope it all happens nice and quickly for you.

Jane x x
aw good luck Dannii! Im sooo excited for you!!

Come on baby girl!!! Dont keep mummy waiting too much longer!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Good luck Dannii, will be thinking of you and Evie throughout the day!!
Wishing you lots of luck Dannii, it wont be long now before you are holding Evie.. yay!!!!! :dance:
Finally, the long awaited thread is here!!!

Good Luck Dannii, hope Evie's here soon!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay!!!!!! Go Dannii and come on Evie!!!!

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