Damn! Infected tooth


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Just woke up and my mouth is a bit swollen :( I have HORRIBLE teeth but I've been waiting till after the birth and my plan was to get a dentist and get them all sorted. Anyway think I have an infection so I called NHS 24 and waiting for a dental nurse to call me back. Have to say i'm terrified of the dentist and if I wasn't pregnant I'd wait until i was in agony t go and get seen.

I'm hoping they'll just give me antibiotics because I don't think there is much they can do while I'm pregnant. Anyone else had dental work done in late pregnancy? I'm a bit scared, :shock:
Aww Hun hope you get it sorted xx
I'm the complete opposite Pinky! I love the dentist and am afraid of the doctor/hospital lol. They won't do anything that will cause you anxiety. x
Thanks Jodie!

Ok Little Rose - you are MAD :lol: then again you've never been in hospital so you're bound to be scared of the unknown. I'd much rather be in hospital than at the dentist

So the nurse just called back and I'm waiting for someone to call me back with an emergency dental appointment. Thankfully I'm hardly in any pain!

x x x x
Buy some really strong mouthwash and gargle (if you can without bking lol) as much as you can - this will help kill the infection a bit. Or use luke warm water and salt - it might even be better. I sound like my granny lol.

Yes - afraid of the hospital and have to go in the morning to get BP checked. Am afraid they will keep me and start me. So I have 2 things to be afraid of now. Not my day lol.
:hugs: I promise if you can handle the dentist, you'll be fine in hospital hun. Yep the dental nurse said to wash out with salt water syo I'll do that after breakfast. Good luck today hun.
I had a wisdom tooth infection last month. The dentist prescribed me some corsodyl it's really good. If you can get some of that it will feel better within a day or so.
I had a trapped nerve in early pregnancy and it was absolute agony! The dentist wanted to remove the tooth but i wouldnt let them lol! Now the tooth is dead and cracked and i have to have a root canal filling but they wont do it until after the birth because they need to x ray to be able to fill it properly.

I think most of the time during pregnancy they just tell you to take painkillers like cocodamol and paracetamol x
Sorry got nothing to say on the dentist front but I hope you are OK xx
Well I was supposed to get a call back between 8am and 9am. Didn't hear anything so I called them back at 10am, the lady on the phone couldn't get through to the place that deals with emergency appointments, but she said she was getting a dental nurse to make enquiries and call me back, that was just after 10am. Still no call back. Thankfully my face isn't massive and I'm not in agony. I'll give them till 1pm and I'll call back.
I was in agony when i had an abcess, i have never felt pain like it, its so awful! I feel for you as i have had alot of toothache its a horrible pain, like earache too! Hope it gets better for you soon xxx
Hi girls, finally home from the dentist! He offered to take the tooth out but I said no because I've had an infection after an extraction before and I was in agony for 3 days, and we can't really take anything strong to kill pain just now. So he gave me antibiotics, he was lovely though. Its actually quite sore now so I'm glad I went when I did.

Have you tried Clove oil?

I remember when i got my tooth out i was in agony for days afterwards as the dentist was really rough i thought he was gonna snap my jaw! He is well known for it though so i shouldn't of went lol! xxx
Glad you got sorted hun! Hope the antibiotics sort it out. I got a temporary filling today but as soon as this baby's out I'm getting my poor crumbling teeth fixed up too, bring on the free dentistry!
Glad you got sorted hun! Hope the antibiotics sort it out. I got a temporary filling today but as soon as this baby's out I'm getting my poor crumbling teeth fixed up too, bring on the free dentistry!

Shauna I don't think you're allowed clove oil in pregnancy but I could be wrong

Cantstop are you sore? I'm going to get all my teeth sorted a couple of months after the birth, I'm scared but I can't wait!
I'm not sore from what he's done today as he just clagged some putty stuff in the hole where my filling came out (it's my fault it came out lol, I was chewing a diabetic chocolate eclair) but my other tooth is sore still, the one I was getting toothache in before the filling saga.

To give the dentist credit, he was well up for getting stuck into the problem tooth but it's been an ongoing issue since before I was pregnant and I just didn't fancy someone I've never met before digging around in it so I'm just going to battle on with it - I've lasted this far through, another couple of weeks can't hurt much more in the scheme of things. I want my dentist to sort out that tooth and this temporary filled tooth with nice white fillings, not the silver grey ones I've got at the minute. Will be getting anything I can done while it's free! What are you planning on getting done when the time comes?
Well I'm in more pain now than I was before, just tried to sleep and its not happening! :(

I need alot of work done, I was bulimic when I was younger so the acid has messed up my teeth! I probably need about 7/8 feelings and at least 1 extraction :/ OUCH! Should just get them all out and get falsers :lol:
Aaaw pinky :hug: how crap for u. Not the sort of thing u need with only 3 weeks to go! No fair :-( xxxx

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