Damn! Infected tooth

Aww man, it's crap you feel worse rather than better. Hopefully they'll get in your system soon and you'll start to pick up. In the meantime though... all the effective stuff (painkillers n whiskey) are no good for pregnancy, and assume you've tried co-codamol.

When you get the work done you might be able to convince them to knock you out and wake up with it all done and dusted - you def don't want all falsies, it's not a sexy long term look :smile:

Hope you manage to get some kip!
Thanks princess!

Cantstop, your so funny, if I could afford veeners I'd love them! I'm convinced my teeth look like junkie teeth :lol:
I will be drumming oral hygiene into my child, wish I'd looked after mine!
Haven't got any co codamol. Pharmacists are very reluctant to let you buy them. I was going to ask when I picked up the antibiotics but I was too worried they'd just say no.......wish I'd let him take it out and asked him to prescribe me co co codamoo now.

I just looked at my last post.........I really can't spell anymore!!!!

Hope you managed to get some sleep pinky and that the pain isn't as bad today.
Thanks PP and Rose,

I finally got to sleep, woke at 4am and had another 2 paracetamol, was up for about an hour and then slept till 8.30. Still painful today but not as bad as last night.

x x x x
Hehe, I think they should change the name officially to co-codamoo :)

How's it feeling now, have the antibiotics kicked in and giving you a bit relief?
Haha yep cocodamoooooooo ;)

Still a bit sore but have just had more paracetamol so that's dulling the pain. How's you?

I'm fine today - been a busy bee myself and also kind of whipped hubby into decorating action, bless him, he hasn't stopped. But no pain in gnashers so good good good! Oooooh and have also bought a new cooker - is it really tragic I'm so excited?! It's gorgeous!! The one we have now is really old, and it's a khaki beige colour pmsl, and we've just bought a black and silver sexy one, can't wait to get it delivered!!

Glad to hear your mouth is getting a bit better at least :D
Awww no its not tragic :lol:

I'm off to bed, feel crap damn mouth and headache :(

I've been distracted and I'm now eating chocolate!!!!

Mmmmmm I miss chocolate. I bit OH's head off cos the cheeky get, after being nee support at all with the whole diabetes thing, not reducing his choco intake at all (nee the wonder he's got a man bump - he took 4 Cadbury's Caramels and 2 packets of cookies with him to work the other night!) and having nothing to do with my awesome management of it, voiced up as I was eating a frickin tiny Weight Watchers mini muffin with a teeny amount of sugar in "do you think you should be eating that?", grr!
Awww sorry hun, seemed like I was rubbing it in your face their, totally forgot you can't have chocolate :( I've been told diabetic chocolate isnt very nice, is that true?

Haha, let you off, it's a right during pregnancy to eat as much chocolate as you can, don't feel bad! Diabetic chocolate tastes crap - I've actually got a diabetic chocolate bar somewhere upstairs and the fact I haven't already scoffed it is proof enough of how shit it is, it tastes a bit like candle wax, is dead expensive, and just fails to hit the spot. Oh and it gives you the trots if you eat too much :rofl:
:rofl: At least you don't have too long now! Are you planning on having a chocolate feast after the birth?

How's your tooth feeling today Pinkymum? You're right about clove oil during pregnancy - should be avoided as it's not safe. Co-codamoooooo is something else that should be avoided in Tri 3 as it can cause your baby to be born addicted to codeine & have to be weaned off it's dependency which isn't good either. Stick to your Paracetamol & think that you'll have your gorgeous baby girl soon & can also get your teeth overhauled. After having your little girl, the dental work will be a breeze! I hate the dentists & get the sweaty palms, squits, upset stomach etc. before I go. But once you've had the work done, your teeth will feel & look so much better & it'll cost nothing. Hope you feel much better soon hun.

Sunnyb xxx
Thanks SunnyB :)

Its feeling alot better today, was sore when I woke up but I took 2 paracetamol and I can hardly noticed it now. Swelling is still there, hopefully it will be down tomorrow. I was actually on regular codiene tablets and weaned off them with my doc by 12 weeks, she said if I stayed on them baby would end up having withdrawls and be like an addicts baby :( So I would be wary with cocodamoo :lol: Although I think a few during pregnancy wouldn't harm baby, I know some people who are prescribed them. They're highly addictive - I know this from personal experience!

I'm doing very little today, hope you're all having a good easter Sunday!

Oh stupid me never even thought about maybe not being able to use it when pregnant...maybe ask your midwife, keep swilling it with salt water though! xxx
:rofl: At least you don't have too long now! Are you planning on having a chocolate feast after the birth?


I'm planning on buying a couple of nice Easter eggs to 'treat' myself, but am hoping to keep off it in the spirit of losing baby (and other extra) weight, don't want to slide back into being quite the chocolate fiend I was :lol:

Glad your mouth's feeling a bit better today x

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