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Dairy Free Weaning help needed


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Hi girls!

At LOng last my little diva has decided to eat. She's 7 months exactly and only this week has opened her mouth on the odd occasion for food. I won't bore you again with the milk saga, but for now she's doing fine - taking 3x 8oz feeds per day. She's CMPA and on nutramigen 2. It stinks but she doesn't seem to mind it. Well she doesn't mind a bottle but add it to food and she refuses.
This last few mornings I've given her less than a quarter of weetabix made with water. She seems to like it....however, I've since learned that its the same going in as it is coming out....and resembles wall paper paste. She had to be hosed down in the bath twice before 11am this morning and her vests and clothes have been soaking in a bucket of napisan all day. Yuck.
I'm currently packing and moving house and working in the new one so for now, well the next month anyway I am happy to use pouches, Ella's or plum, until we are in the new house.

This is what I offer Daisy Grace in a day and it seems ok but wondered if you ladies could either confirm that or tell me off lol.

Wakens at 7.30-8.30am after 11 +hours sleep. She gets omeprazole and domperidone and plays for 20mins.
Say 9am ish or earlier if she has been up earlier I offer the weetabix and about 20 mins later she asks for her milk and takes all 8oz.
1.30pm today was some Ella's pears. Seemed to go down well, then 8oz of milk.
5.30pm 1/2 small Ella's pouch of mango. She cannot get enough of it. Seems to love mango...her bibs do not!
7.30pm 8oz and bed for 8.30pm.

At each milk time she has 4mls of domperidone and just her 5mg of omeprazole in the morning. I also offer water and juice throughout the day but she won't have it at all. Not in a doidy, sippy or bottle. I give her fresh veg to handle and eat but she won't and I've tried organix crisps and rice cakes. Zero interest there.

So I guess I'm wondering what else to try, as in what tasty things can I make or buy which are dairy free? She seems to like things which are not bland. So which fruits are good? She's not fussed for my carrots and sweet potato either. Does it sound like I'm offering enough? We are so behind on weaning due to the CMPA and severe reflux but I'm letting her take it at her pace. She sleeps all night and has 3 20 mins naps in the day. That bits the killer! Lol.
Any advice or recipes welcomed. Thanks lovelies. Xxxxxxx
Oh and sorry for it being a long one xxxxxx
If she like mango, try cow and gate mango, pear and banana with baby rice. K loves that. Not sure if its dairy free though? Xx

If she like mango, try cow and gate mango, pear and banana with baby rice. K loves that. Not sure if its dairy free though? Xx

I got some of the little fruit pots but she wasnt overly keen. Peach banana and strawberry. Just been to tesco and got plum pouches and the strawberry one by ella. See what they are like.

Can babies eat things like kiwi fruit? I have one in the fruit bowl?!!!! Xxxx

Yen thy can eat kiwi but sown fruits can make the reflux worst so I would stick for now to non acidic fruits until her weaning progresses a little more?
Also you don't want to know how the kiwi diaper looks like ha ha
Stick to non acidic fruit for now, i.used plum porridge with my son(always read the label though).
Things like crumpets are good and dairy free. Toast with sunflower spread on it. (we did finger foods straight away). You have to offer foods at least 15 times, it can take a long time for.them to get used to tastes. I used to bake an apple with a bit of cinnamon, my son likes his food spicy too. I didnt steam veg, i roasted with sone oil as it gives more flavour. Steamed veg are quite dull.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Thanks girls. Shes had pear today again but shes not keen on it. I love the smell of pear but it tastes bland so maybe thats why. Will leave off kiwi. Shes not ready for finher foods yet. I do keep teying but she has no interest. Shes happy to be fed and if I give her the spoon she throws it away. Do I recal someone saying bananas aren't great for babies to digest?

She is on nutramigen2 and the dietician gave me a cook book. I tried their take on yoghurt....yuck. it is foul. As is the dairy free cheese sauce. The cheese is like plastic and nutramigen makes everything taste awful. I guess her calcium will be enough from her 3x8oz bottles tho? Xx

S loves the cow and gate fruit pots.

My grandson has CMPA and can have quite most of them, you have to check the ones with rice though. Also finger foods, I'm sure he's been having some of the organix snacks.

As for how much she is having, sounds ok to me. Daisy Grace is just starting out, follow her lead. S has been weaning for ages now and will have about half a Ella's pouch worth of food at each meal. xx
have you tried ripe avocado? Freya LOVES it. Has to be very ripe, and I just chop it into chunks and pop it into a bowl for her. She crams it in her mouth and chews away.

its very slippy and a lot comes out and she does need a change of clothes after..........

we use the C&G fruit pots too, but 1 pot does us 2 days. They are quite big and she will only take a quarter at a time. I have to decant it into her little weaning pots for the fridge.

she had soup today for the first time, red pepper and butternut squash. But its not very good for getting them to chew, BUT is good for upping their water intake.
Its just water with a baby veggie stock cube, roasted red peppers (with the skins peeled off first) and chunks of squash. Once its all boiled up, blitz.

i had a bowl myself but added salt and pepper and a little bit cream in my bowl. Lovely.

next week we are trying salmon, tomato and carrot all mashed together. I want to get her onto lumpier food instead of puree, as we are so far behind with this weaning lark too.

I give her Ellas puffits in a bowl along with chunks of apple to encourage her hand to mouth skills and chewing. Most of it goes on the floor but she loves having a good old go.

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